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Google Nexus 5 by LG Users Thread!


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How is the new radio on the N5 4.4.3 spark update?  Is it improved over the 4.4.2 update?

Lets just say it has roughly the same performance as the .23 baseband, but has smoother transition between bands. Not necessarily better with getting signal in areas others struggle. The .15/.17 basebands are the best for signal. But some may not notice a difference between stock 4.2.2.(23) and 4.3.3(.13)

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Lets just say it has roughly the same performance as the .23 baseband, but has smoother transition between bands. Not necessarily better with getting signal in areas others struggle. The .15/.17 basebands are the best for signal. But some may not notice a difference between stock 4.2.2.(23) and 4.3.3(.13)


The difference between.23 and 2.13 is that .23 decreases the N5 to about G2 levels and .13 makes it inferior to the G2 which is the triband with the poorest radio reception out of the available spark devices. 


So it's about a 15-20 dBm loss going from .15/.17 to 2.13 in my experience. 

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I worry about getting the Nexus 5. I use to have it before but switched it. Now seeing that the radio may have got worse since the android upgrade I may not want to switch. I use to get only 1 bar at home when it was on android 4.4.2



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So i got my phone recognized when i plug it in google adp device pops up.  Then i do command prompt to confirm and say not internal command.   Im gonna have to wait for the ota this is making me want to throw this phone against the wall lol

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So i got my phone recognized when i plug it in google adp device pops up. Then i do command prompt to confirm and say not internal command. Im gonna have to wait for the ota this is making me want to throw this phone against the wall lol

Yeah I was up all night too, finally got it knocked out.

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I come with more comparisons since I activated my old G2 for a day or two.  This time the Nexus 5 (on the new .13 radio) vs the LG G2 with KitKat update.  Also, just so it is all in one place, I included the prior .15 radio measurements in parenthesis:


Spot #1

N5 B25: -111-113  --- (-108-109 on .15 radio)

N5 B26: -105-107 --- (-101-103 on .15 radio)

G2 B25: -113-115

G2 B26: -106-108


Spot #2

N5 B25: -112-113 --- (-107-108 on .15 radio)

N5 B26: -105-106 --- (-100-103 on .15 radio)

G2 B25: -111-113

G2 B26: -106-107


Spot #3

N5 B25: -110-112 --- (-103-104 on .15 radio)

N5 B26: -104-105 --- (-99-100 on .15 radio)

G2 B25: -113-114

G2 B26: -105-106


It appears that the N5 is still about equal to, or maybe a hair better than the G2.  Although anything could come into play and a couple dBms are certainly within the margin of error on a simple test like this.  Again, tests are done in my office which is facing towards a courtyard in the opposite direction of the site.  Also, I am probably a mile and a half to two miles away in a brick building.  All measurements are from the same site and the same sectors.

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You mean like this?




Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


Whatttt. I didn't know there was a notification. How do I fix that >.>


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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I want to say LG engineers code the baseband with some help from Qualcomm. And honestly since the nexus out performed the G2 on RF performance, it could have been a move on LG's part to lower RF performance, in order to make the G2, or G3 look more appealing. Think if you live in a fringe area and after an update you lose some bars. You think well maybe I will just get a new phone, cause most likely it'll be out of warranty by the time they realize it, so they will go buy a new phone, and with easy pay that'll happen yearly now. It is in no way good business sense to build a product that is the best and will last forever, because you won't get that person to buy again, because the first never wore. So through subtle updates manufacturer's can slowly degrade performance enough to make it look great but make it where the newer model looks appealing. In a sense it could be what is happening here.

I would really hope that it was not intentional to degrade rf performance.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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I would really hope that it was not intentional to degrade rf performance.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

The part of the list of changes Sprint posted back when they though it would launch a while back was FCC compliance. That may be the part that hits the radio performance.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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HOW!!!!!!!! lol i cant get it on command prompt

Just use the factory image method(if you're unlocked). Backup with titanium and flash the full image it's so much easier. Took me under 15 minutes including backing up and restoring.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Well, after 2 days of not being able to get LTE at work, using the .13 modem, today I get bands 25 and 26 without being forced to 3G. Apparently sprint fixed something last night. I am in Louisiana.

I'll flash .13 and see how it goes today.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Well, after 2 days of not being able to get LTE at work, using the .13 modem, today I get bands 25 and 26 without being forced to 3G. Apparently sprint fixed something last night. I am in Louisiana.

I have sort of seen the same thing.  An area I was at a couple days ago with the .13 radio would drop me down to 3G and keep me there.  I noticed last night I was in the same area, dropped to 3G and then later noticed it connected me back to LTE.  I also wonder if Sprint is doing some tweaking?  

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Hey my -110dbm to -125dbm signals are still pulling me at least a few mb's down so I'm happy with them until b26 shows up more in my area(or I move to an area that has it). I flash back and forth depending on if I'm at home or going out and about lol.

Same here.. on .15 and .17, I would occasionally see B25 as weak as -126 dB but still pull faster downloads than the best 3G connection. However, I have had intermittent issues with calls not coming through, so I wonder if that might be part of the issue. I always thought I had solid signal where it was happening, but who knows. It has only been a couple of days, but I haven't missed a call since flashing .13. Will stay with it for now to see if I can prove that.



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Can you imagine the call volume Sprint must have received after people stopped getting the "ELL-TEE-EEES"? They probably know full 'ware there is a problem now and doing anything and everything they can to fix it. If it's being fixed all of a sudden without another update, makes you think it's a network issue. Maybe CSFB wasn't being able to stay connected to your device and Sprint needed to modify something on it's end to make it work properly.


So it's possible the LTE connectivity issue is being fixed by Sprint now. Keep us posted on how .13 is working in your neck of the woods. However, even if this does fix the problem, the weaker radio performance on .13 will not likely go away.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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It is entirely possible that there was a setting/switch/etc. that Sprint needed to flip when 4.4.3 rolled out, and bleed-edge adopters simply beat them to the punch.  I flashed 4.4.3 within an hour of Google posting it.  It's my understanding that it's just starting to roll-out OTA.

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It is entirely possible that there was a setting/switch/etc. that Sprint needed to flip when 4.4.3 rolled out, and bleed-edge adopters simply beat them to the punch. I flashed 4.4.3 within an hour of Google posting it. It's my understanding that it's just starting to roll-out OTA.

I waited for the natural OTA to hit. It came to my device yesterday on its own at 3:30PM Mountain time.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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My experience on .13 has not changed. I am sitting in my office, camped on 3G, whereas on .23 I have a -90 Band 25 LTE connection.


I'm displaying my ignorance, but does the PRL have anything to do with it?

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Whatttt. I didn't know there was a notification. How do I fix that >.>


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Download Google voice and set it up to use for voicemail (you don't need a gv #). Then there a check box within gv that says "view and display voice mails from the phone call log". Now you can get VM notifications and listen to your VM without ever opening up gv.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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