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belusnecropolis last won the day on May 13 2023

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  1. HTC has an absolute terrible performance record of bringing their licenses out of the garage. 700-A, CBRS, C-Band are all still not deployed in their affiliate AT&T's networks in Horry Co, it is leased off to FTC in neighboring counties and they are not offering a FWA product, using PTP/PTMP or any of the applicable uses for these leases. They know about it, believe me I email them complaining often. That channel kept many of my FWA deployments online via T-Mobile and I am unable to see it brought back up again soon with the pattern I mentioned above. Extra DD-600 will be based though.
  2. I have been drive testing a few x65 and x62 modular reference modems. I see >200Mb p/s uplink often. Are any other *fixed internet users* seeing this as well? I have recompiled their firmware to operate PC/1.5
  3. The n25 carrier is 20MHz FDD here in coastal Best Carolina, centered at 1989.85. C5+G. The rest of their ePCS holdings are non contiguous. I wonder if it will get shoved around when this Starlink agreement is activated.
  4. From page 13 • Finally, in lieu of purchasing spectrum and investing in its network, AT&T paid $49 billion to purchase DirectTV and $85 billion to purchase Time Warner, more than the sum total of all of AT&T’s spectrum purchases. lmao
  5. If you need any assistance, firmware or drivers with the radio; I am involved in Quectel's US based sales and field application engineer programs. I am working on the x62 reference RM520/N right now. They are a really fun product to work with.
  6. No worries king, I thought you were asking for clarification. n5 DSS on VZW is a mess here, L5 is great for coverage on TMUS. Using it before n71 was a thing and everyone was complaining about band 12 10MHz FDD being clogged up and we were cruising along on a 20MHz FDD channel was nice comparatively. T has no NR deployed yet, it appeared on two sites for testing briefly during the months long WCDMA turn down but that 5MHz has been turned up as LTE, even though it is adjacent to another 15MHz LTE channel in T's holdings.
  7. TMUS has CLR-A from the SUNCOM purchase deployed as 20MHz FDD LTE and EDGE in guards. VZW has the CLR-B deployed as 20MHz FDD DSS NR + LTE.
  8. I have been hunting for n25 with modular NGFF Qualcomm and Dimensity radios all week, no sign yet. G-Block is active on a few remaining co-located Sprint sites, others are completely off, physical removal began last month here.
  9. It is weak, but we still have a heart beat along coastal Best Carolina.
  10. Yeah I went hunting with the modular and had no luck. I am only seeing the icon, no NR info, just LTE in SC Pro. I went back to the where I spotted it with the handset, scored a 5G logo and sent you a couple diagnostics. I had to absolutely rekt my bootloader to get service mode to load on my crappy ATT bloatwared phone but it was not populating any NR info either. I was only able to see the logo with LTE 750/14 active. I tried 66/30 only and did not populate the logo again. It is possible just one site has some ENDC finally and that is reflecting? I will keep seeking it Thanks for any help and all that you do for us.
  11. I am using the Samsung A71-5G on ATT. I recently noticed the 5G icon appear on my phone! I am guessing it is n66 since there is no n5 license for AT&T in my market. I looked in my logs but did not see any 5G info when I exported them pertaining to 5G cells or trail data. I am also guessing it is DSS because I was locked to bands 30/66/14 for LTE and I could still see all of the usual band 66/30 carriers. Band 14 was my PCC during this event. Would it help to send you a log when I notice this occur again? Or if it is of no value let me know. I am going to go hunt the signal down with a modular radio later anyway but if this would provide value to the app I would be glad to help out however I can. I will save any info I get when I confirm with my modular radio, I just set that radio to the same IMEI as my phone for easy sim swapping and it should behave the same.
  12. Yeah it really works nicely. This covers the area across from the sports complex at the local college. Many visitors gather here to cross the highway at the crosswalk and there is student housing under the other sectors so it does a good job of adding capacity in a small sector and not making a ton of noise for the other sectors. I will say on this one I am confused by the presence of all those radios that are unutilized on the west sector but it is a neat site for sure.
  13. Have you thought about moving the SIM to a device that can? FOSS like GoldenOrb is doing great work here and Mikrotik has a few solutions working on their latest Router OS beta.
  14. We have 80MHz on air, but backhaul is still rate limited to 175Mb p/s across the market 🙃 I was able to utilize the main antenna on my modular radio by locking on to an non modernized site for LTE bands 2+2+66 as anchor. Then on MiMo ports that are tuned to n41 I steered a parabolic to a different but modernized site that has new radio on air. When life gives you backhaul lemons make EN-DC lemonade Net 225MB p/s through a giant forest with well tuned antenna. Maxxxing gain but yeah it was fun, work and even with huge channels there is a plethora of things that can keep you away from those speeds. Still faster than available CableCo, so I don't mind the pain.
  15. I drove a 5G router I built across the county last week and every site is still 200Mb p/s peak. They did bring up two band 41 carriers in LTE at 20 and 15 MHz and another 5MHz of Sprint's former PCS. There is a lot of bandwidth on air but looks like they will provision more throughput from fiber after they are finished building. Enjoy this 4k video of a 4 sector site that is currently being built on the local campus.
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