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New Sprint Plans...Unlimited, My Way, My All-In


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This thread has gotten out of control.


Bottom line, Sprint is introducing new plans that are worse than current plans for many people but better for some.


Sprint has two problems it attempts to address with these plans, the high cost of roaming and the load caused by streaming services.


Is the addition of a throttle a collossal disappointment? To me it is but only for timing. I wish they had waited until the new network really needed it (after 2600 was given a fighting chance) but I expected this to happen at some point.


I expect these new plans to become the only available options, but why cry about it? Its not that bad. The only thing that's throttled is video streaming, which I use very little of.


Prices are higher for family plans but i'd be willing to bet they're still the best deal for smartphones.


My biggest disappointment is that Sprint isn't going to try a value plan financing approach. I've actually come to really like their new plans especially this cool new JUMP program. Their coverage and build style still irks me but I really like what they're doing with these new plans even if they're more expensive than before (see! you can raise prices and still get customers excited!)


I think the complaining has gone far enough. This thread probably isn't worth the stress of keeping it open.


Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk 2



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Sprint is launching the new plans tomorrow. Truly Truly everything plan. I only had 450 minutes before on simply everything, now unlimited. Plus they have the unlimited guarantee. Wow sprint is rocking now!

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Sprint is launching the new plans tomorrow. Truly Truly everything plan. I only had 450 minutes before on simply everything, now unlimited. Plus they have the unlimited guarantee. Wow sprint is rocking now!


450 minutes isn't a Simply Everything Plan. 450 minutes is an Everything Data plan. Simply Everything plans include(d) unlimited minutes.

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No. They reserve the right to throttle down to 1Mbps on devices if they feel they need to for network performance only for the people who choose this plan. No one is affected except for those who chose to be.


Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

So since I am on the Sero Premium 500 I should be fine?


Use VPN.

What is VPN?

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It technically is a violation of our posting guidelines to tell people to use a VPN for the purpose of trying to bypass Sprint's network management protocols. I respectfully request that members not post this point any further.





Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta





What is VPN?

 Something we won't discuss. ;)

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Correct but all providers will now be automatically upselling you to unlimited voice just to increase revenue. Most people I know would never have a use for unlimited minutes to a land line.


So why would you (or the people you know) get the unlimited plan? I still don't get why people are complaining about the pricing on a plan they aren't interested in. If for some reason sprint starts forcing these plans on people then they can start complaining.

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What do you guys think about Sprints new My Way feature. I think that its Sprint's way of saying we might get rid of Unlimited :( I hope im wrong.


Are you kidding me? The whole point of the new plans is to show that Sprint is committed to offering unlimited data.

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Anyone here going to switch over new plans?


I'd consider it if I was paying for a regular plan, for $80, I go from 500 land line minutes to now unlimited minutes.

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Just to throw this out there, it sounds like Sprint reserves the right to throttle video streaming etc. to 1 Mbps. They don't guarantee that stuff will be throttled. So maybe if you're on a BRS cell...or a less-congested PCS one...you've actually got nothing to worry about.

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Reminds me of the classic movie Tommie Boy.


Tommy: Let’s think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.


Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I’m listening.

Tommy: Here’s the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box ’cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.


Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.


Tommy: ‘Course it does. Why shouldn’t it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?

[chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]


Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What’s your point?


Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn’t a crazy glue sniffer? “Building model airplanes” says the little fairy; well, we’re not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that’s all it takes. The next thing you know, there’s money missing off the dresser, and your daughter’s knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.


Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?


Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shi*. That’s all it is, isn’t it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer’s sake, for your daughter’s sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.


Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I’ll buy from you.


Sprint is launching the new plans tomorrow. Truly Truly everything plan. I only had 450 minutes before on simply everything, now unlimited. Plus they have the unlimited guarantee. Wow sprint is rocking now!

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Anyone here going to switch over new plans?


I personally am not as it would raise my bill $10/mo with my discount on my data plan, but I know someone who is as it drops his business phone bill by $20/mo. So, yes, for some this equals good savings, but for me, I rarely reach 300 of my 450 minutes, so I'm staying on Everything Data 450 until they decide to move me over.


Speaking of which, online for new customers, they are not offering Everything Plans anymore, just the new Unlimited Plans.

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You know, when Tmo released their new "no contract" plans, many of us balked.  We did the math and said "that is more expensive, why are people praising it?".   The same thing happened in their customer forums.  Many, many legacy customer balked.  Despite this, the new plans seem to have a positive effect on their media and "word of mouth" marketing.  


Sprint's changes are no different.  I am going to go ahead and predict that we see more growth under these plans than we saw with "Everything" plans.  Call me stupid,  call sprint the devil for "reserving the right" to do whatever they want.  The T&C's have always reserved the rate for them to change offerings and disallow pricing at any point.  All that actually matters is whether or not you are "under contract".  If you are in a two year agreement and they change the price, you leave.  If you are not in a two year agreement, they are free to do WHATEVER they want.  Many verizon customers, even now, predict Verizon will eventually take away their unlimited.   


I carefully treaded over into another forum which we will not speak of... and I was a little surprised to discover that not nearly as much hell had broken loose about these plans.   


I remember when the "everything data" plans came out, they were seriously despised by just about everyone.  People screamed  "but I dont NEED data on all my lines, why do I have to pay for it!?".  And folks begged for per line data options.  Today, they get that option, nestled nicely in the current pricing environment.  


Given the re-emergence of a $30 "data option", I also wonder if its not a terrible idea to allow pre-everything customers to add data to lines at their own discretion.  While this disagrees with everything we've been through the last 5 years,  The nuts and bolts (minutes and text) price points are now very similar and would mostly be advantageous to sprint to build with, vs. the aggressively priced "unlimited" options. 

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I just hope the plans don't become my way or the high way plans or the all in or nothing plan for the old plan users.


For me it's a better deal due to being a one line user that is still thinking about coming over to the yellow side of the force. :)

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Well I did just pull the plug and switched from Everything Data to the new $80 dollar plan. It took ammo away from the people who always argue about the $10 premium data fee. You still have your usual fees and taxes, and what ever extra's you want to put on like I still have TEP for $11. Oh by the way You can choose unlimited data or you can choose 1gb of data for $10 a month if you don't use that much in the first place. The choice is yours.

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Wow... The old plans are already gone from sprint.com! I saw it above, but didn't believe it until I saw it myself. It is now $310/mo for five smartphones....

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Wow... The old plans are already gone from sprint.com! I saw it above, but didn't believe it until I saw it myself. It is now $310/mo for five smartphones....


I pay that much to AT&T for 4 smartphones, so ....

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Wow... The old plans are already gone from sprint.com! I saw it above, but didn't believe it until I saw it myself. It is now $310/mo for five smartphones....

I just checked the "Everything Plus Referral" page, and they only list these new plans, for the same price?!?! So, it sounds like Everything plus is out the window!

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I think people complaining that sprint is no longer offering true unlimited because of the fact that sprint reserves the right to throttle video streaming to 1mbps on high traffic towers and times are way off base. First plans are still available that don't have that stipulation. Second, it's more a kin to network management that limiting unlimited data. Other carriers that instituted throttling have done so after a certain amount of data has been used for a month and can therefore be seen as a constraint on the amount of high speed data used. Where as sprint is reserving the right to limit on activity at times when there network is under strain. It therefore doesn't impose a limit on the amount of high speed data which one can use. In any case if a tower is having capacity issues your speed slows down anyway (as any sprint data customer should know). So in affect you get throttled by exhausting the capacity of a given tower, sprint is just trying to control one activity in order to make sure everyone data doesn't slow down to .05 mbps like happens know. Lastly, while one mbps might not allow you to stream hd video you can still stream pretty high quality video easily, so I could careless about this provision.

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Well your point about other plans being available without the stipulation appears to be false as of today, unless the older plans are still available via in store or telesales. In which case they most likely won't get any attention and die off quickly.

I think people complaining that sprint is no longer offering true unlimited because of the fact that sprint reserves the right to throttle video streaming to 1mbps on high traffic towers and times are way off base. First plans are still available that don't have that stipulation. Second, it's more a kin to network management that limiting unlimited data. Other carriers that instituted throttling have done so after a certain amount of data has been used for a month and can therefore be seen as a constraint on the amount of high speed data used. Where as sprint is reserving the right to limit on activity at times when there network is under strain. It therefore doesn't impose a limit on the amount of high speed data which one can use. In any case if a tower is having capacity issues your speed slows down anyway (as any sprint data customer should know). So in affect you get throttled by exhausting the capacity of a given tower, sprint is just trying to control one activity in order to make sure everyone data doesn't slow down to .05 mbps like happens know. Lastly, while one mbps might not allow you to stream hd video you can still stream pretty high quality video easily, so I could careless about this provision.

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The plans are still there. I can change my plan to an everything data family plan via the website.Sent from my EVO LTE

It looks like you can change to the old plans only if you are already a customer. When shopping on the website, the old plans are not offered apparently. Maybe this is just maintenance.

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