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BenChase7 last won the day on February 19 2012

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  • Phones/Devices
    Sprint Moto X, G4, G5 Plus, Nexus 6P
  • Gender
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    Phoenix, Surprise, AZ
  • Here for...
    4G Information
  • Favorite Quotation
    "For once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
    -Leonardo da Vinci
  • Interests
    Aviation, Sprint, Mobile/Wireless Gadgets, New York Football Giants, SA Spurs Basketball, Autos, Traveling, Hiking, Cooking & Eating

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Member Level: 4G WiMax (10/12)



  1. My parents are in a similar situation; they have a vacation cabin in Ruidoso, NM. Although they do not spend as much time there as it sounds that you do, they are there for about 10 weeks per year for a week or so at at time. They have Sprint's 40gb shared plan, which includes the use of the Mobile Hotspot built into the phone. Since Mobile Hotspot is included in Sprint's shared data plans, they just use that for WiFi when visiting their cabin. They use about 3-5Gbs each visit. Also, they have a vacation beach house in Mexico, which they spend another 5 to 10 weeks a year at. They have Sprint Open World which is free and includes Talk/Text and 1GB of internal data per line per month (so, actually 2GB international data since they have 2 phones). Even in Mexico they use their laptop via their smartphones WiFi hotspot for checking email, sending me photos to make me jealous, etc. This has worked great for them for the past couple years without the need to make any hardware or additional service purchases.
  2. I've definitely been getting Sprint LTE on B26 in several West and North Valley locations. I've visited a friend who has an apartment near I-17 and L-101 on two occasions over the last few weeks. The signal was a moderate, with usable data transfer. I've also seen it pop-up here and there while I've been out-and-about in town. Back to my friends location in far North Phx: The apartment complex is (was) a dead zone for all 4 of the big networks. ATT and Verizon get some signal while outside. T-Mo gets "1 bar" of LTE on her Samsung SGS7, assuming you're lucky enough to live on the 3rd floor of the complex. Now, I'm pretty excited to report, after running a couple speed tests, that Sprint gets about 3-4 DL, and about .25 UL on LTE B26. And, the other carriers are little to no service. (Sorry, my first taste of B26 in my hometown and, I'm excited to see it!)
  3. I love this phone, I've tried several others over the last year or two, but keep coming back to my Moto X. Unfortunate there has not been a Android 7 release, true. But, it is still pretty early. I've read reports of Moto X getting the update in a couple other countries (India was one, I think. And, it may have been on QBKing77's website that I saw it). Regardless, I don't think it will be much longer till we see it. Looking forward to the 2017 Moto X! Hopefully they keep it "pure" Android, solid specs, and reasonable price. If the price goes up by much, I'll probably jump on the Pixel XL bandwagon.
  4. radem: Do you know how many Sprint lines your business has? Just curious if they're targeting larger (valuable) business, or if they might provide this for all business. Also, how is the Sprint LTE signal inside your business now? Also, thanks for the post.. interesting stuff!
  5. Thats the name of the game. Marketing at its finest. Wake up!! Open your eyes. T-Mobile and Verizon are experts at fraudulent marketing. Especially T-Mo, as of late. Here in Phx, VZW shows a blanket of solid LTE coverage, yet I know multiple people with late model VZW LTE phones that frequent unusable 3G service on a daily basis. Looks like you took the bait, hook, line, and sinker.
  6. The only thing odd I can see is on your end.. Must be that Note 5? I've never understood the speed test obsession but, I've run numerous here while visiting the Orlando market. Only one test has resulted with a ping over 60. All other tests have ranged from 38 to 58.
  7. That's a good question. I haven't owned a Samsung device since WiMax.
  8. I'm just outside of Orlando on business right now; I'm in Lake Mary, at Lake Mary Blvd and the 4. I am inside a hotel, on the lower level, with a fairly weak B41 signal (-115 - -119), and I have still been getting sub-60ms pings. The test I just ran when I saw your claim was 48ms. Must be something strange going down on your end...
  9. Sounds like Sprint is making some good and promising changes on the business end of things, too.
  10. Nothing "died." Topdownat4 is keeping us very well updated in the PHX/AZ thread found in the sponsors forums.
  11. This Open World has really become quite impressive. I never would have guessed Sprint would have such good international roaming agreements included in their standard plans. Anyways, I've had the chance to use Sprint Open World in Mexico a few times now. The first time, I activated Open World at Sprint.com before I left Phoenix, I got the Welcome to Open World text from Sprint within minutes of crossing the border, I had to reboot my phone a couple times to get data to authenticate on Movistar, and it's worked flawlessly ever since. Usually get 2-6 meg's/sec on the downlink while on Movistar. Can't beat it!
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