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All Sprint acquisition discussion (was "Japan's Softbank in talks for $12.8 bln Sprint stake")


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idk about sprintsoft...makes it sound like a software company....im putting my money on the name Nextel, im probably wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but I think that name has alot of positive press behind it. Then again i was a youngin when they merged so what do i know. Sprint becoming the new Nextel...for some reason it just sounds like a stronger company :)


<YAY!!!! i have three dots now


I absolutely think it will be a horrible idea to rename Sprint back to Nextel. When people think of Nextel they think PTT as well as how badly it failed as a company. I think keeping the Sprint brand name is what they should do given that Network Vision is associated with Sprint and not Nextel. No need to make unnecessary changes when the focus should be on how to catch up to Verizon and AT&T and how to infuse cash into speeding up Network Vision as well as Clearwire so that they can build out their TD-LTE network much faster.

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Think this will mostly be a good thing for Sprint. They know Sprint will have a great network when NV is done and they will capitalize on it.


Hopefully they won't be scared to spend a little a money to make more. A team needs to be put together and look at the markets why they have a poor share in. Address the issues found in that market and do some focus advertisements with possibly longer test drives to lure folks in.

Some people may think, no we don't want more customers to share your bandwidth. But it's really a win win as more customer equals more money into the market.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge



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I absolutely think it will be a horrible idea to rename Sprint back to Nextel. When people think of Nextel they think PTT as well as how badly it failed as a company.


Yeah I'd tend to agree. People can place the blame wherever they see fit, but whatever brand equity the name "Nextel" had has long since faded into oblivion.

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With exception to building a bigger and better network faster, I'm wondering what other kind of "nukes" ( a Hesse concept), if any, Son envisions? I really don't want Sprint to engage in pricing wars with the other carriers.


I've long scratched my head over Sprint completely canning the Premier Program. Yes, I understood why yearly upgrades weren't feasible, but customer relations wise, any small amount of funds they could use to again do small things to recognize loyalty could help sustain customers. A couple coupons for an accessory discount, a $25 "loyalty renewal" credit (still cheaper than crediting the upgrade fee) .... Relatively inexpensive things like this will hopefully become easier for Sprint once the cash situation is eased.


What else? I'd love to see them go ahead and take Direct Connect to every single Sprint phone as a "free incentive" of being a Sprint customer. Promote it and get people using it again.



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I also don't think Sprint will end up renaming the company or the brand for that matter. I just think if they do, they should use Nextel....of course i know it will never happen in a GAZILLION years....i also thought it would be interesting to see what others thought of that idea :)

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I just think if they do, they should use Nextel....


Ok, but why? These days Nextel is generally considered to be a failed brand. What benefits do you envision in trying to revive the name?

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I like the idea of this merger, however, I hope that they don't try to convert Sprint's existing CDMA network over to GSM as they already use. Plus I hope they keep Network Vision the same and don't make any serious modifications to it. Ok modifications include speeding up deployment of Network Vision work, and of course, hiring the necessary people to make the work finish faster. But anything too drastic could destroy Sprint in the end, (ie. eliminating unlimited data).

If anything I think they would convert their gsm to cdma in order to realize certain economies of scale. The math is easy, sprint= 50 million customers and 40-50k towers. Soft bank is around 39 mill customers(after e-access acquisition) and I'm sure far less towers.
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Why not just name it SoftBank?


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


In this political and economic climate i don't know if any association with the word bank, whether real or imagined, is such a good idea. I know Son really likes his SoftBank brand, but i think it could wreak havoc with us easily confused Americans. I can picture it already: 'if they're not a bank, why are they calling themselves one?' 'What the hell is a "Soft" Bank anyway?'


They could shorten it to SB Wireless or SB Mobility and that probably would go over ok.

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If Japanese companies get American actors to shill for them, will Sprint now get Japanese celebrities to appear in its commercials?






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I think changing names would be dumb.


But it makes more money for sign and stationary businesses.


Hmm I should go buy some of those stocks now.

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May be possible that SoftBank will go over the rumored 75% share, maybe somewhere close to 80-85%.


I don't see much benefit in them acquiring S/N completely.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



That extra money could be used to grab a smaller competitor like USCC,Leap, or even Metro with Sprint and Clearwire.

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This is what I have been thinking about all day.....I dont want to become a number for some foreign company's bank statement....


Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1


nope, you will just be another number on the balance sheet, except it will be in japanese now

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I dont think getting rid of unlimited data would destroy sprint. Plus i think they would take the model T-mobile has used, and limit speeds rather than what Verizon and ATT do.


As it stands for most sprint-uh customers living in a pre-NV footprint, I seriously doubt they could limit speeds any further. And if they did, there would be no redeeming quality at all

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As it stands for most sprint-uh customers living in a pre-NV footprint, I seriously doubt they could limit speeds any further. And if they did, there would be no redeeming quality at all

Quite seriously in order to slow me down they'd first have to speed me up... :wacko:


Am I for or against the projected purchase? With what I know now, I'm for.

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Very odd commercials but if it works hey keep doing them. Maybe have Dan Hesse walking their mascot dog and he sees both AT&Ts Ralph de la Vega and Verizons' Lowell McAdam a few feet away and he tells the dog "Get Em" when he releases it, all while laughing.


btw, Spank sounds good.


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btw, Spank sounds good.


You like "Spank," do you?





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You like "Spank' date='" do you?




I knew I shouldn't have enlarged that photo in Forum Runner to be able to see it. I knew it was going to bad. Why did I do it? Now I need therapy. :zip:


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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...Maybe have Dan Hesse walking their mascot dog and he sees both AT&Ts Ralph de la Vega and Verizons' Lowell McAdam a few feet away and he tells the dog "Get Em" when he releases it, all while laughing....


btw, Spank sounds good.


One does not simply "Walk Otosan"...


He'll probably walk you :D

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The new name will be Splint. A new name for Americans but the same pronunciation for the Japanese.





Like "Soft-uh-Bank," Japanese phonetic pronunciation shall now apply to Sprint.


Welcome to "Sprint-uh."




I find your lack of knowledge of the Japanese language...



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