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twospirits last won the day on October 18 2023

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About twospirits

  • Birthday 04/16/1963

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  • Phones/Devices
    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5
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    Queens, NY
  • Here for...
    Sprint Fan Boy (or Girl)
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  • Favorite Quotation
    The No is always there, you are just looking for the YES
  • Interests
    Travel, website moderation, eating.

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Member Level: LTE Advanced (12/12)



  1. Besides the go5g plans, aren't the existing magenta plans already 5g?
  2. In the grand scheme of things that 1% doesn’t look bad. But concidering that T-(uncarrier acting more like carrier) Mobile had 116.7 million customers, that still leaves 1,167,000 million pissed off customers.
  3. Let's be honest, we knew this would eventually happen. History repeating itself. Luckily I'm on Magenta Advantage, so these price hikes won't affect me, but (there is always a but), I wouldn't doubt they go after it and Magenta Military in the near future too.
  4. I've noticed the signal is pretty bad from Citifields in Flushing Meadows Park all the way down the van wyke corridor to JFK, including my neighborhood of S Ozone Park.
  5. While hiring that company is nice, it should have never gotten to this point in the first place. What is this, like the 3rd time T-Mobile has been hacked. There was no need to keep customer info on their servers like that. Its bad practice as per the NSA general counsel mentioned a while back. While my account wasn't affected, whos to say the next time (and there will be a next time) that it won't be. But as usual, all they get is a slap on the wrists and the customer has to deal with changing passwords, pins, locking credit cards etc.
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