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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I like this new CEO guy. He's saying all the right things. It sounds like he understands perfectly what was wrong and what needs to be changed.


I hope action matches the talk.


Im going to tweet him next week about the international plans, which he hasnt talked about. Sprint is 5 years behind everyone else with their international rates.

I suspect that any international plan will be spearheaded by Softbank.

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Woah! That needs to be highlighted in thousand-point-font somewhere.


If that's true, then Sprint is making you to pay 2x to 3x the normal ETF cost if you bail on the iPhone for Life plan. I thought Legere was just talking crap during the Chen interview. But his comments seem extremely fair now.


Finishing the lease payments seems fair (same as everyone elses device plan). Buying the remainder of the device seems fair (similar to the ETF's of subsidised pricing).


Making people do *both* is entirely unreasonable. This Sprint plan is basically just as bad as T-Mobile's old pre-Legere Value Plans (which also had 2X ETF fees).

There has to be a downside and you found it. For all of the resale value magic that Claure brings to the table the margins on this plan are probably very low. Sprint can't afford to merely break even on a customer leaving this plan. You want no money down and a new iphone every two years then stick with this plan and you make a killing. Leave before the term is up and Sprint makes a killing. As long as everything is clear and upfront I don't have a problem with the terms.

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So, I was looking at adding a 2nd line just for the iphone4life;


@ $35/month for 128g/6+ times 24 months = $840


and not keep the phone. to save $109.


or pay the extra $109 and keep the phone, to either resell and re-coop money or keep as backup/ipod or family hand me down.


Whereas the 16g/6 @ $20 times 24 months = only $480, to save $170 vs $650 full retail.


So if you plan to lease, it might be better to go with the basic 6/16gig, vs the maxed out 6+/128gig.


or just buy the phone (via easypay, contract, or put it on credit card) and sell it later when you upgrade.


So, in other words, the 'lease' you are still paying for ~75% of the device while keeping 0%, not to mention the additional costs of insurance you really should get in case you lose or break it and have to pay full price for it (assuming they do not pro-rate the pay off).

So can't you get a new phone every year? That means over two years you will pay 480 for two phones at 650 a piece. That means you paid 480/1300=.37 of the cost of the phones.
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So can't you get a new phone every year? That means over two years you will pay 480 for two phones at 650 a piece. That means you paid 480/1300=.37 of the cost of the phones.


the lease is for 2 years, no early upgrade. all those prices were for 1 iphone, independently from my existing plan. not sure where you are getting 480 for 2 at 650 each.

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Indy is getting bombarded with them. Many stores have been hitting 300-400% of their daily activation goals because of them. It seems like every other person I help is asking questions about porting over from one of the big two.

Wow, that's a lot of activations. They must be really targeting mostly complete cities trying to gain as many people as possible.



Sent from my iPad mini using Tapatalk

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Indy is getting bombarded with them. Many stores have been hitting 300-400% of their daily activation goals because of them. It seems like every other person I help is asking questions about porting over from one of the big two.

I had an awesome experience in Indy with LTE. Once that's scaled out nation-wide, look out!

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I had an awesome experience in Indy with LTE. Once that's scaled out nation-wide, look out!

Indy is beautiful for LTE. No other place has fulfilled me connectively as there. I will do a job transfer from North Carolina to Indianapolis in 2 weeks! :)

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I had an awesome experience in Indy with LTE. Once that's scaled out nation-wide, look out!

Indy is beautiful for LTE. No other place has fulfilled me connectively as there. I will do a job transfer from North Carolina to Indianapolis in 2 weeks! :)

I am pretty happy with living in the Indy area. I can still find some less than stellar parts around town, but that is probably true everywhere.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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The commercials are way better now. Simple to the point, explaining how people save money. When Sprint did the talking hamster gag, most of the people I talked to in real life were "what the hell is that?"

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I ended up calling in and they also show 40 GBs in their system on the 20 GB for $100 plan with no extra charges pending. I guess we will have to wait and see what the actual end result is.


My guess is that the software is stupid and is duplicating the 20GB package for each line.


Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense though because my promotional data doesn't get doubled. Weird.

just got my bill, I DID NOT get charged the $100 twice,  showing $200 due for 6 lines.  Plus my account it still showing 40 gigs available lol 

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just got my bill, I DID NOT get charged the $100 twice, showing $200 due for 6 lines. Plus my account it still showing 40 gigs available lol

My bill shows a 20GB add on for one of the lines for $30. So you might want to check if that's how you show 40GB. I didn't call to complain since it's only $30.


What's odd is that with this add-on the 2GB bonus per line disappears. It shows it in the line item details, but the total listed at the top is 40, not 50 in my case.


Anybody else seeing the same on their bill?

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My bill shows a 20GB add on for one of the lines for $30. So you might want to check if that's how you show 40GB. I didn't call to complain since it's only $30.


What's odd is that with this add-on the 2GB bonus per line disappears. It shows it in the line item details, but the total listed at the top is 40, not 50 in my case.


Anybody else seeing the same on their bill?

im not seeing a "add on" for $30   ( i have 100 (20gb), then 6  $15 access charges, then  tax's  (also discount))

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Does it matter if the iPhone for life plan is a good deal for the consumer or not?


It certainly sounds like a great deal with always getting a new iPhone. There are many consumers not savvy enough to sell it on eBay after. Why do you think carriers offer comparatively poor trade in credits on old phones?


Heck, they should offer a new iPhone every year plan for an appropriate price! The most recent iPhone models are still worth quite a bit.


Also do this for the S6 when it comes out.

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