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Google Nexus 5 by LG Users Thread!


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Certainly, but I don't know that to be the case based solely on what I have seen.Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

My G2 has had the same behavior, too. It will randomly not connect to any data network despite knowing that it is available. Airplane mode doesn't always fix it and I have to restart the phone. I think it is some sort of oddity with the CSFB either with the phone or the network that hasn't gotten all the way sorted out.

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I saw the behavior nice while traveling. Nothing would make it find a signal other than a reset. I sort of chalked it up to having tri-band enabled, but maybe not.

I have not rooted my phone or played with LTE settings and this happened several times on my way home from work today. I was hoping it was tower work...

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My G2 has had the same behavior, too. It will randomly not connect to any data network despite knowing that it is available. Airplane mode doesn't always fix it and I have to restart the phone. I think it is some sort of oddity with the CSFB either with the phone or the network that hasn't gotten all the way sorted out.

My Nexus 5 is exhibiting the same behavior. Hopefully they get this sorted out soon.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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My Nexus 5 is exhibiting the same behavior. Hopefully they get this sorted out soon.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I have not rooted my phone or played with LTE settings and this happened several times on my way home from work today. I was hoping it was tower work...

I have not seen this at all during my trip from southern Missouri to Lincoln NE. I was not driving so I was watching my phone pretty much the whole way.


Also, have yet to run the update to the new radio yet. Probably won't.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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I have not seen this at all during my trip from southern Missouri to Lincoln NE. I was not driving so I was watching my phone pretty much the whole way.


Also, have yet to run the update to the new radio yet. Probably won't.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Were you able to connect to b41 at all? For some reason I can't at all so I just keep b41 and 26 disabled.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Were you able to connect to b41 at all? For some reason I can't at all so I just keep b41 and 26 disabled.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

No Band 41 so far. I have both Band 41 and Band 26 enabled, but have not had a hit yet in Kansas City.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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So, are ehrpd handoffs working just as well on these new triband phones as they were with SVLTE phones? I just wondered this as my phone went from LTE->ehrpd->LTE while streaming music, and I didn't have to suffer any buffering.

There are times when it will seamlessly transition from LTE to eHRPD to LTE while streaming Spotify without a hiccup. There are other times where data will drop like a rock and only an airplane toggle will bring it back. It may be a tower thing or it may be a cell fart, not sure.

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So, are ehrpd handoffs working just as well on these new triband phones as they were with SVLTE phones? I just wondered this as my phone went from LTE->ehrpd->LTE while streaming music, and I didn't have to suffer any buffering.

There are times when it will seamlessly transition from LTE to eHRPD to LTE while streaming Spotify without a hiccup. There are other times where data will drop like a rock and only an airplane toggle will bring it back. It may be a tower thing or it may be a cell fart, not sure.

I generally do not see smooth hand offs from LTE to EVDO. Almost always of experience a data lull of at least several seconds, enough to interrupt any streaming service. However EVDO back to LTE is almost always seamless.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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So, are ehrpd handoffs working just as well on these new triband phones as they were with SVLTE phones? I just wondered this as my phone went from LTE->ehrpd->LTE while streaming music, and I didn't have to suffer any buffering.


There are times when it will seamlessly transition from LTE to eHRPD to LTE while streaming Spotify without a hiccup. There are other times where data will drop like a rock and only an airplane toggle will bring it back. It may be a tower thing or it may be a cell fart, not sure.


I generally do not see smooth hand offs from LTE to EVDO. Almost always of experience a data lull of at least several seconds, enough to interrupt any streaming service. However EVDO back to LTE is almost always seamless. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I usually have a smooth handoff from LTE to eHRDP and vice-versus. Occasionally data will just drop out and require an airplane mode toggle. Also sometimes I will be in an LTE area and the phone will be stuck on eHRDP and only toggling airplane mode will get it on LTE.Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Agreed. Is there any way to decrease the LTE scan time on the N5?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Try ##data# and then go to LTE record then LTE scan frequency? I think that was posted earlier in this thread.

/edit Never mind.. Just went and got my nexus 5 and that option isn't there

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Occasionally I end up in the stuck without data state with 4.4.2. Switching the mobile network mode (LTE/3G/1X/Global) always seems to fix it without any reboot needed.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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So I've been screwing around with my Nexus 5 for the past hour in my basement where signal is pretty horrible. I was able to catch band 41 for a few seconds while on LTE only mode, but no luck thereafter. Another interesting thing I've noticed is that signal check will show no connection yet my signal bar will still show an empty LTE triangle, giving the notification of very low signal strength. I confirmed this on the debug screen as having a -120 dBm ish connection on band 25.. Ran a speed test for the hell of it and I actually was pulling very decent speeds for such a weak signal! 4 down and 2 up. Very impressive considering my Galaxy S3 data would become useless around -113 dBm.

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So I've been screwing around with my Nexus 5 for the past hour in my basement where signal is pretty horrible. I was able to catch band 41 for a few seconds while on LTE only mode, but no luck thereafter. Another interesting thing I've noticed is that signal check will show no connection yet my signal bar will still show an empty LTE triangle, giving the notification of very low signal strength. I confirmed this on the debug screen as having a -120 dBm ish connection on band 25.. Ran a speed test for the hell of it and I actually was pulling very decent speeds for such a weak signal! 4 down and 2 up. Very impressive considering my Galaxy S3 data would become useless around -113 dBm.

While in LTE only mode, I've found that Signal Check does not work for some reason.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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While in LTE only mode, I've found that Signal Check does not work for some reason.


Oh, it still functions in LTE only mode.  Here is what it reports:







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While in LTE only mode, I've found that Signal Check does not work for some reason.

I just tried it myself.. weird! I've seen reports of this but didn't have it tied to LTE-only mode. If you look in your notification pulldown, the phone says "Searching for service" as well. The signal strength is being reported to Android (in SignalCheck, go to Preferences > General Settings > Show Hidden Data to see it), but the connection type is not. That's why the pulldown says searching and SignalCheck says "Connecting..".



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I just tried it myself.. weird! I've seen reports of this but didn't have it tied to LTE-only mode. If you look in your notification pulldown, the phone says "Searching for service" as well. The signal strength is being reported to Android (in SignalCheck, go to Preferences > General Settings > Show Hidden Data to see it), but the connection type is not. That's why the pulldown says searching and SignalCheck says "Connecting..".



I hadn't tried showing hidden data. I just assumed that something about LTE only mode broke whatever reported the signal to Signal Check.


Actually I just tried LTE only just now, and Signal Check is working. Did you make some changes?

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I hadn't tried showing hidden data. I just assumed that something about LTE only mode broke whatever reported the signal to Signal Check.


Actually I just tried LTE only just now, and Signal Check is working. Did you make some changes?

Nope, no updates on my end.. I have been using LTE-only mode since I posted earlier and even after resetting the connection numerous times, it still fails to report the network type on mine. Are you sure you're in LTE-only mode on the Radio Info screen?



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Nope, no updates on my end.. I have been using LTE-only mode since I posted earlier and even after resetting the connection numerous times, it still fails to report the network type on mine. Are you sure you're in LTE-only mode on the Radio Info screen?



I don't know what's different... But I'm for sure on LTE only, and it's still working.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk




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I just tried it myself.. weird! I've seen reports of this but didn't have it tied to LTE-only mode. If you look in your notification pulldown, the phone says "Searching for service" as well.


Agreed, I definitely noticed that, too.  I would assume that this is an e/CSFB issue, since LTE only mode does not allow a CDMA1X carrier for fallback.



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My phone has done that twice, but I haven't been in "LTE only" mode. It has happened in the same area, so I think it has something to do with the tower itself. I get the "--" in the notification screen and Signal Check says it isn't connected to any cellular network. I cannot make or receive calls and it holds onto LTE with an almost unearthly death grip. Once I leave the area, everything is normal again.

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