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About lordsutch

  • Birthday December 14

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  • Phones/Devices
    Pixel 3 XL (Sprint); Pixel XL (Google Fi)
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  • Location
    Macon, GA
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    4G Information
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  1. FWIW I have the 516TQ (white D in a gray circle) in my Pixel 3XL and it seems to work fine. Ting still lists it as being the right SIM for the Pixel 3/3XL too, so I have no idea why they removed it from the list.
  2. Some folks on r/sprint have reported successfully getting the right SIM card at Best Buy (it is the same one used for the iPhone XS). I don't think the Boost Mobile BYOD pack has been updated yet to include the 516TQ SIM card.
  3. Yes, it works. You can choose between "Mobile preferred" (default) and "Wi-Fi preferred."
  4. Outdoors I can occasionally get Sprint 1x but the nearest 800 tower on I-16 is pretty far away; the nearer towers are a mix of GMOs and sites that never got 1900 LTE at all. I think the tower T-Mobile is on in Cochran also had Nextel coverage but Sprint didn't bother expanding its footprint there; you'd think having a college campus with 2000 students would translate into enough customers to be worth serving, but apparently not.
  5. Outdoors I can occasionally get Sprint 1x but the nearest 800 tower on I-16 is pretty far away; the nearer towers are a mix of GMOs and sites that never got 1900 LTE at all. I think the tower T-Mobile is on in Cochran also had Nextel coverage but Sprint didn't bother expanding its footprint there; you'd think having a college campus with 2000 students would translate into enough customers to be worth serving, but apparently not.
  6. Now that my Pixel 3 XL is activated on Sprint, it's roaming on T-Mobile in Cochran today. Not sure if something changed at their end or it's down to provisioning or something else being different about this phone compared to the 2 XL.
  7. Here's something weird... I'm sitting down in Cochran, Georgia this afternoon miles away from the nearest Sprint tower I know of, and while I'm waiting for the right SIM to show up in my mail for the Pixel 3 XL I stuck my UK SIM (from Three) in the phone just to keep it active and see what I could find. On the network list I'm seeing LTE network 311-490, which is a Sprint PLMN (but not listed as Sprint); it seems to be the same site as a T-Mobile site, as the signal strength bars on the "Choose network" screen are fluctuating in sync with each other. But my Pixel 2 XL (with a Sprint SIM in it) isn't connecting to that network; not sure if it's an issue of band support or just the network rejecting connections. I don't know if this is preparation for T-Mobile roaming going live, perhaps for only certain devices (i.e. VoLTE and data-only devices?), but it seems interesting.
  8. My experience is that Sprint will work fine (although, as noted, slowly without a data pass); however, you may experience decreased battery life as your phone may try to stop roaming and find Sprint's network every once in a while. If you're going to be in London in particular, a prepaid local SIM makes a great deal of sense, in part so you can benefit from the free WiFi access on the Underground which requires a UK SIM card. You can get a local SIM and several gigs prepaid along with a bucket of texts and minutes from all of the providers for £10-20 (i.e. $25 or less) depending on how much data you want. I've had good experiences with both giffgaff (prepaid on O2, will send SIMs to the U.S. for free) and Three (3).
  9. It seems like Sprint has finally decided to roll out band 41 around Macon and Warner Robins; so far there are band 41 deployments on 3 existing sites in Macon and 1 in Warner Robins beyond the replacements for the old WiMax protection sites that went live a few months ago. For some reason, Sprint has also put band 41 mini-macros on the tower right by the intersection of US 23 and SR 18 near the Plant Scherer power station east of Forsyth... basically the middle of nowhere. All I can figure is they changed the tilt of the antennas to get some more range on band 25 and figured they'd need to fill in the coverage around the tower as a result.
  10. If you're looking to try to find tower locations or correlate GCI/PCI information to towers, here's some code I've been working on that processes the data collected by my SignalDetector app, using the LTE Timing Advance information reported in recent Android versions for triangulation. It's not 100% perfect with only a few data points but it can zero in pretty decently with sufficiently-spaced data points; typically it gets within 50 meters or so of Sprint's recorded GPS coordinates of the towers. https://github.com/lordsutch/cellfinder An example of what it does is attached. Note that this is not based on anything except data collected from the phone—it's not using any sponsor data from S4GRU to estimate the tower locations, just signal data collected by me driving on I-16 and around the Savannah area in early November.
  11. Interesting design - from the marketing materials, these units are intended to be attached to overhead cable lines and include a built-in cable modem, or can function as an LTE relay where there's already LTE (presumably also band 41) for backhaul, among other interfaces: http://www.airspan.com/airstrand/.
  12. I was able to get Sprint to send the Airave 3 to my mom's house and hooked it up a week ago. Setup was pretty straightforward once I found a place out of the way where all the cords would reach and I could get a GPS lock with the included puck. (My only peeve: the power cord could stand to be a bit longer.) So far even though she has a pretty cruddy broadband connection (10/1), which I'm sure would disappoint anyone who gets close enough to her house to connect to the band 41 signal, it seems to be working fine for data, voice, and SMS indoors, even on the LAN side of the router (even though she appears to be triple NATed!).
  13. RRPP (which SouthernLINC is part of) was originally billed as allowing partners to deploy on Sprint's spectrum outside native coverage, so it's possible they'd do that. If they did that it wouldn't surprise me if they reserved a 1.4x1.4 carrier for their "bulletproof" B2B service though.
  14. I added a new feature to the app: now there's a "Share" button in the action bar to send the log files to another app like Dropbox or Google Drive (or email or whatever - anything that will accept text/csv files). Probably in the next version I'll add more fine-grained control of the logging feature (i.e. the ability to only generate some logs, as requested) and a "clear" button in preferences, so people will need to fool with external storage even less.
  15. SouthernLINC has recently posted their LTE coverage map. You'll note the "partner coverage" appears to correspond to Sprint's LTE footprint.
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