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Google Nexus 5 by LG Users Thread!


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Thanks for all the great info.

This is what I learned.

Get the 32gb N5 from Google.

Reset the boot loader. (I assume googling will produce proper technique)

Acquire a SIM card from Sprint by calling customer service while activating and request one for no charge.

Rock and Roll!

Thanks again!

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By this point in time, you should be able to walk into any sprint store with a nexus 5 (other than from tmo) and tell them you need a sim card and want to activate the device on your account.

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So, why exactly is the N5 still blocked from Bands 26/41 on Sprint? What would be the reasons to wait on the software update?

We have to wait for Google to do the update because Google has control over updates.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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So, why exactly is the N5 still blocked from Bands 26/41 on Sprint? What would be the reasons to wait on the software update? 


It's not ready?


I do not think the wait is on purpose, in that they want to make people wait. They just want the update to work well.

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So, why exactly is the N5 still blocked from Bands 26/41 on Sprint? What would be the reasons to wait on the software update? 


It's not really "blocked", the radio software just isn't properly configured to connect to it yet. The LG G2 just got its necessary update on Monday, so perhaps LG is getting closer to the finished product. The G2 and N5 are not identical, so they can't just push out the same radio update.


I don't mind the delay; I'd rather Sprint/LG/Google take their time and get it right, instead of releasing a buggy radio update. The hardware is capable, and Sprint is marketing it as a Spark device, so the update will come eventually. I look forward to it, but reliable 5mb connections are more important to me than any 40mb ones.



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Get the 32gb N5 from Google.

Reset the boot loader. (I assume googling will produce proper technique)

Acquire a SIM card from Sprint by calling customer service while activating and request one for no charge.


Yep. FYI, if you're purchasing directly from Sprint, they will include the SIM with the phone. If you're having it shipped from Google, you should be able to ask Sprint for the SIM in advance. Some people have had trouble finding them in local corporate stores or getting them shipped quickly. Haven't heard any of those issues recently, but it can't hurt to have it early. Nothing worse than finally getting your hands on a new toy and not being able to play with it!



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Yep. FYI, if you're purchasing directly from Sprint, they will include the SIM with the phone. If you're having it shipped from Google, you should be able to ask Sprint for the SIM in advance. Some people have had trouble finding them in local stores or getting them shipped quickly. Haven't heard any of those issues recently, but it can't hurt to have it early. Nothing worse than finally getting your hands on a new toy and not being able to play with it!




Just to emphasize go to a Sprint Corporate store... 

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Very good point.. post edited. If you walk into Willie's Wild World of Wireless authorized Sprint retailer, you won't get a SIM by itself.




Not necessarily.  I got mine from a Sprint authorized seller after the corporate store lied through their teeth to me.  The seller is quite large here in New England though.  iWireless i think its called and I have seen their sprint stores from Maine down to Rhode Island so maybe they are a bit different?

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So, why exactly is the N5 still blocked from Bands 26/41 on Sprint? What would be the reasons to wait on the software update? 


I guess one guy on XDA did some research on this topic and he found that at least for the LG G2, the Spark update provided new APNs, new radio and an updated APK that allows the phone to use multiple bands for datas. 


Here is the link on XDA.  Could be a good explanation.


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I guess one guy on XDA did some research on this topic and he found that at least for the LG G2, the Spark update provided new APNs, new radio and an updated APK that allows the phone to use multiple bands for datas. 


Here is the link on XDA.  Could be a good explanation.



Crap.  Then that means we will probably have to lose the wonderful 1st version of the radio that shipped with the N5 that holds on to LTE so well.

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Crap.  Then that means we will probably have to lose the wonderful 1st version of the radio that shipped with the N5 that holds on to LTE so well.


That is not necessarily true.  The LG G2 and N5 do not use the same radios.  Any Spark improvements will be built on top of the N5 radio. We don't know if it will provide better reception but I am sure most N5 folks are happy currently with the radio so reception is not the issue.  Just throw in multiple bands and N5 users are happy.  I guess people need to stop assuming that the G2 and N5 are the same product but in a different casing and software build.  The placement of antennas and other electronic components are different between the two devices that can contribute to signal reception.


My guess is that the N5 Spark update will not make the N5 LTE reception worse and if anything it will remain the same way as it is now but just have B26 and B41 enabled.

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Crap.  Then that means we will probably have to lose the wonderful 1st version of the radio that shipped with the N5 that holds on to LTE so well.


I wouldn't fret over that. I know several here didn't install the first radio update over concerns that it wasn't as good as the original, however my personal experience hasn't shown that to be an issue. I would expect the spark update to perform similarly, just in three bands!

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but I am sure most N5 folks are happy currently with the radio so reception is not the issue.  Just throw in multiple bands and N5 users are happy.


My guess is that the N5 Spark update will not make the N5 LTE reception worse and if anything it will remain the same way as it is now but just have B26 and B41 enabled.


Many (including me) found the radio update that came out affected LTE performance quite a bit to the point where it didnt pick up LTE like it did with the radio the N5 originally shipped with..so we reverted back to the original.  I guess I am wondering if it needs a radio update or needs an update to "hook" into the radio software if it is going to be done with the assumption that the device is running the updated radio (and whatever bugs it addressed) and not the original.

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Many (including me) found the radio update that came out affected LTE performance quite a bit to the point where it didnt pick up LTE like it did with the radio the N5 originally shipped with..so we reverted back to the original.  I guess I am wondering if it needs a radio update or needs an update to "hook" into the radio software if it is going to be done with the assumption that the device is running the updated radio (and whatever bugs it addressed) and not the original.


Which radio update are you referring to?  Btw the Nexus line will not have a specific Sprint Spark update that will only go out to Sprint customers.  The Spark update will be sent to all Nexus 5 users on AT&T and Tmobile as well.  Its not going to be phrased as Spark update but rather the changelog will read something about enabling B26 and B41 or just enabling other LTE bands.  


Remember the Nexus line is used on multiple carriers so perhaps the firmware update you are referring to made a change for AT&T or Tmobile that could have inadvertently affected other LTE bands such as Sprints.  I don't know how many people reported "worse" signal levels after the update you are referring to.  In your case it might have been worse and to someone else it could have been the same for them.  Signal level quality is just hard to gauge just because there are just so many factors that can affect it.  You just have to wait and see.

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I know when I updated my phone to 4.1.1 and my radio went to .23 my radio was weaker. Went back to .17 better connectivity inside of buildings. Many people experienced this prob.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



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Which radio update are you referring to?  Btw the Nexus line will not have a specific Sprint Spark update that will only go out to Sprint customers.  The Spark update will be sent to all Nexus 5 users on AT&T and Tmobile as well.  Its not going to be phrased as Spark update but rather the changelog will read something about enabling B26 and B41 or just enabling other LTE bands. 


Sorry..i believe there is only one actual radio update.  Some noticed reception not as good for LTE once the update came out compared to what the Nexus 5 originally shipped with.  If I set the N5 in my bathroom window it will pick up LTE although weak, but it gives decent speeds and such.  if I apply the radio update from last month I can not get LTE with the phone sitting in the same place.  There was quite a few comments on the matter in this thread when the update came out.


I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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I know when I updated my phone to 4.1.1 and my radio went to .23 my radio was weaker. Went back to .17 better connectivity inside of buildings. Many people experienced this prob.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Are you talking about the Nexus 4?  The Nexus started off at Android 4.4.


Sorry..i believe there is only one actual radio update.  Some noticed reception not as good for LTE once the update came out compared to what the Nexus 5 originally shipped with.  If I set the N5 in my bathroom window it will pick up LTE although weak, but it gives decent speeds and such.  if I apply the radio update from last month I can not get LTE with the phone sitting in the same place.  There was quite a few comments on the matter in this thread when the update came out.


I guess we will just have to wait and see.


I think unfortunately that since the Nexus 5 has such a wide appeal due to the numerous amount of LTE bands it supports, tweaks needed to be made to improve a few LTE bands which appear to be weaker than the rest but at the same time inadvertently affecting other LTE bands (B25 in this case).  That could have part of the reason why the radio update had a weaker signal.  I don't necessarily think it means a downward trend but rather the perception of weaker signal levels will vary between firmware updates.  Maybe since the next Nexus 5 firmware update will be geared towards Sprint in enabling B26 and B41 that LG might try to overcompensate to ensure the RF performance is great for all 3 LTE bands.  Who knows...you just have to wait and see.

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Yes if they are not interested in the gimmicky features of the other Android phones.

Hell yeah. I just switched to T-Mobile it still follow this thread because I still like sprint and everyone here. Anyways I got my wife one, she came from a GS3 and nexus s4g. I have not had one complaint. At first she was like this phone is really plain, and now she is like this is best phone I have owned. She loves the battery weight, and says it feels simpler than the GS3. Now at her job her friends are asking about her Nexus. To add to all this we had a birthing class this weekend and 2 peps had the 5 and N7s.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



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Are you talking about the Nexus 4?  The Nexus started off at Android 4.4.

I think he meant the 4.4.1 update to the Nexus 5, that's what included the new baseband. I switched back to the old one as well, as I found my N5 showing weaker dB readings and dropping from LTE to eHRPD in many places where it had solid LTE connections before. It's been great; I really only lose LTE these days if I go into a large building. I tried the newer baseband again about 2 weeks ago, and I was back to flipping between eHRPD and LTE. Whatever it fixes, I must not need.. so the old version is best for now. When the Spark update comes, we'll see what happens.



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I guess one guy on XDA did some research on this topic and he found that at least for the LG G2, the Spark update provided new APNs, new radio and an updated APK that allows the phone to use multiple bands for datas.


Here is the link on XDA. Could be a good explanation.


Wow, this guy says that we are about a week or two away from our Spark update. I hope he is right.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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As everyone else I noticed a drop in signal strength with the latest radio, but I can see how that helped balance the load between 3G and LTE. In rural areas you can have much lower signal and still have it perform well enough. But not the same holds true in urban areas. Just to give you an example of this, visited buddy of mine in a smaller town in north jersey, picked up LTE -115dbm indoors, and was still able to average about 15mb/sec. Here in NYC anything lower than -105dBm is almost unusable. In these situations holding on to a unusable -110 doesn't make much sense. I like the balance they struck in the latest radio.

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