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About Wfmets45

  • Birthday 11/20/1990

Profile Information

  • Phones/Devices
    iPhone 12
  • Gender
  • Location
    Brooklyn, NY
  • Here for...
    4G Information
  • Favorite Quotation
    Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.
  • Interests
    Baseball, Football

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  1. Does anyone know how well implemented is VoNR in the 5 boroughs. Does anyone use it? I have an iPhone 15 Pro. Does anyone know if T-Mobile is still working on upgrading their network? It seems like the service has gone down. My phone struggles in parts of the Belt Pkwy, and data is slow.
  2. Yes, that is where the site used to be. All the antennas were removed. I hope they add a new site soon. Have any permits been submitted for a new site?
  3. I called T Mobile the same day I came home from work and started encountering issues. They told me one site was down for maintenance with no estimated date of completion. This was back on March 15, 2023. I contacted revik2 through Reddit and told me it was tower ID BQ04933A. Can you see if this tower was decommissioned or still operational?
  4. I live in Borough Park near 18th ave and 61st street. Anyone know if T Mobile decommissioned a tower around this area about a year ago? I went from having T Mobile Home Internet to nearly zero service. I had to return the modem and switch back to Optimum. My service is also horrible out here. Calls will drop and very slow data. At least in my apartment I use T Mobile Wifi calling and the reason I don’t leave T Mobile is because I’m grandfathered on Sprint Unlimited Plus and I love my benefits and perks, but I wish T Mobile would improve the service in my block.
  5. I have an iPhone 12 on Sprint but on TNX. I read a comment on Reddit from a person that said they did not get global roaming when traveling overseas. Anyone experience this issue here? I’m not traveling overseas anytime soon but when I do, I don’t want to encounter this issue. The person in Reddit said they had to revert back to a Sprint SIM.
  6. Thank you. The reason I ask is because I have yet to see n41 speeds and all I see is n71 for 5G and Band 2 and 66 for LTE. I have the iPhone 12 on TNX.
  7. How is T-Mobile n41 deployment coming along in Brooklyn, mainly Borough Park? is there map to keep track of their deployment?
  8. Carrier Update 41.1 just came out for my iPhone XS. Anyone knows what it could be for?
  9. Are Sprint users roaming onto T Mobile in NYC? Or what parts of the US can Sprint roam onto T Mobile? I ser Sprint’s coverage in Montana is still gray, rather than showing Extended LTE Roaming.
  10. I’ve seen improvements in the Bronx these past two weeks and in parts of Brooklyn where I had made the network report. Glad to know that Sprint really does look into these and fixes them quickly.
  11. Does Sprint really look into the network feedback comments? I’ve posted a few feedback comments through the app in regards to the network in the last week.
  12. Oh wow, you’re right. Mine now says PRL 55072. so now the PRL updates automatically, no need to do ##UPDATE#?
  13. Why are data speeds slow in the Bronx and around some parts of the FDR? I would think with some parts of NYC lit up with 5G, that Massive Mimo would helo increase speeds. Lately some areas of the FDR are getting really slow, I can’t even load Google Maps.
  14. I figured it out, I updated my software from iOS 12.4 to 13.3 and the PRL changed to 55071.
  15. My wife also has a XS that we bought through Apple but under Sprint. I would have to check her SIM card later when i get home My SIM card ends with SG10003a
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