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HTC M8/New Flagship


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so for resolution this should assuage some worries for people. This device is looking like a nice upgrade. I really wish for the battery to be better but... Next week let's see what spin they put on this device.
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so for resolution this should assuage some worries for people. This device is looking like a nice upgrade. I really wish for the battery to be better but... Next week let's see what spin they put on this device.

I'm not convinced yet of battery size due to the fact that the same source also said it had a 4 MP camera. It's possible that it really is 2600 but anything higher would just be icing on the cake now.


Sent from my LG-LS980



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If this is true then I really hope sprint will do something similar.



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I'm curious about this phone, if it's decent I might buy one. I like HTC, thought about buying a og One but I think for some parts it would be a down grade on what I have now so I'm waiting for the new one. Needless to say I'm ready for Tue, then ready to hear when it launches on Sprint.


Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network



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Tuesday will decide my upgrade fate.  Its going to be the M8 or S5.  I am still pretty torn, seeing some official specs will make me finally decide.  I am leaning M8.  Personally, I loved the original EVO, it was one of the best phones I ever owned.  That being said, the S3 has been too.  Anxious for Tuesday.

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I wish all phone launches were like this if true. Announce and release on same day! Good stuff

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I'm wondering if this is going to be an exclusive launch for Verizon and possibly AT&T for at least some time? Haven't seen any leaks for a Sprint model, except for the news that it passed FCC testing earlier this month.


Would love to see it be released by the end of March, since I have an upgrade offer that ends 3/31 (per a text I got from Sprint last week). I believe the offer works if I sign up for Sprint Easy Pay, according to the Sprint website when I check my upgrade status.


Got my current HTC One when it released last April, so I'm technically not due for an upgrade until 12/1/14. I want to use this upgrade offer for the M8 so I can take advantage of the tri-bands!

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I'm wondering if this is going to be an exclusive launch for Verizon and possibly AT&T for at least some time? Haven't seen any leaks for a Sprint model, except for the news that it passed FCC testing earlier this month.


Would love to see it be released by the end of March, since I have an upgrade offer that ends 3/31 (per a text I got from Sprint last week). I believe the offer works if I sign up for Sprint Easy Pay, according to the Sprint website when I check my upgrade status.


Got my current HTC One when it released last April, so I'm technically not due for an upgrade until 12/1/14. I want to use this upgrade offer for the M8 so I can take advantage of the tri-bands!

I figure they will have a 2 week headstart at the most.

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Saw that last night before bed. It look like a nice device and I like the focus feature of the camera and the 3d effect he used as a demo. Looks pretty quick as well.

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This is the best leak so far and it is even more of an upgrade form the original One than I thought. The camera is actually very impressive! You can understand just a bit of the German as most technical terms are cognates of English words and vice versa.


If you watch the video where someone had Sense 6 on the HTC One (M7) you can see that the software is upgraded a significant amount and a lot of the stuff that is one the M8 will be coming to the M7 soon enough.

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I'm wondering if this is going to be an exclusive launch for Verizon and possibly AT&T for at least some time? Haven't seen any leaks for a Sprint model, except for the news that it passed FCC testing earlier this month.


Would love to see it be released by the end of March, since I have an upgrade offer that ends 3/31 (per a text I got from Sprint last week). I believe the offer works if I sign up for Sprint Easy Pay, according to the Sprint website when I check my upgrade status.


Got my current HTC One when it released last April, so I'm technically not due for an upgrade until 12/1/14. I want to use this upgrade offer for the M8 so I can take advantage of the tri-bands!

I was also thinking that even though verizon may get the jump on everyone else, its possible sprint and others will start their pre-orders tomorrow.  I hope that will be the case.

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HTCSOURCE website is claiming that Verizon will get a 2 week exclusive launch according to story picked up by PhoneArena.  I hope this isn't true and have some doubt with AT&T giving away one for five days previous to tomorrow's announcement.


Sorry, I can not post links still.  :angry:

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Last year, did the Google Edition models get announced around same time as the main launch or a few months later?  Wondering what the chances are that GE model is sold like Nexus 5 - unlocked and available on multiple carriers.

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Last year, did the Google Edition models get announced around same time as the main launch or a few months later?  Wondering what the chances are that GE model is sold like Nexus 5 - unlocked and available on multiple carriers.

Well its been stated that there will be a gpe version that will be released alongside the other models tomorrow but we won't know for sure until tomorrow.  As for last year, the gpe was announced a few months later.

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Hopefully it'll come with B41/26 enabled out of the box!


Phone looks really good. Torn apart between the S5 and this. Have to wait until tomorrow :/

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Hopefully it'll come with B41/26 enabled out of the box!


Phone looks really good. Torn apart between the S5 and this. Have to wait until tomorrow :/

I'm hoping for b26/41 also out of the box, I'm torn between keeping my G2, trading my note 2 for a og One or sell note 2 then buy a new One.


Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network



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And we have a comparison of the m7 and m8 a day before release! All New HTC One (M8) vs HTC One (M7) - Full Compa…:


Its a lot taller than I expected it too be!

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He mentioned $299 on contract for the new M8 near the end. Hope that's not true. That's too expensive compared to the S5.


Sent from my LG-LS980


It's also supposedly on verizon, so I wouldn't put it past them.

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The video did a great job, looks like the m8 will be a great phone. Only thing I'm not going to pass judgement on just yet is the 4up camera, I'll have to see comparisons before I get one. I hope sprints will be 32gb with 128 micro sd card support. Might have to trade me g2 up for a m8. As long as the battery life is worth a day's good hard use like my g2 is. Well know later today in its announcement I guess, cya guys there.


Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network



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The video did a great job, looks like the m8 will be a great phone. Only thing I'm not going to pass judgement on just yet is the 4up camera, I'll have to see comparisons before I get one. I hope sprints will be 32gb with 128 micro sd card support. Might have to trade me g2 up for a m8. As long as the battery life is worth a day's good hard use like my g2 is. Well know later today in its announcement I guess, cya guys there.


Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network

Base storage will be 32GB.  I for one have two 32GB Sd cards so I'll be upgrading for that reason alone.  Also - my brother's phone is a cracked S3 so he'll inherit my beloved G2. :P


I'm more interested in the color available.  I kind of like the lighter silver but we'll find out tomorrow which colors are available for which carriers.  I wouldn't want a color that can be scraped off.

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