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LG G2 Users Thread!


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You would think that they would be adding wifi calling considering im sure the phone can support it. Has anyone had any b26 connections on their lg g2? Does the prl have anything to do with not being able to pick up a perticular band as say b25 b26 b41? I just wonder why there has been nobody getting to use b26 so far and why they have had so many problems with the deployment of the 800mhz on lte and cdma?


For the bajillionth time, the PRL has NOTHING to do with LTE.  PRL is only used for CDMA.  There are still very little amount of sites that have B26 LTE.  It could be that Sprint is not allowing access to B26 until they feel is ready.  B26 LTE will come when its ready.

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For the bajillionth time, the PRL has NOTHING to do with LTE.  PRL is only used for CDMA.  There are still very little amount of sites that have B26 LTE.  It could be that Sprint is not allowing access to B26 until they feel is ready.  B26 LTE will come when its ready.


You would think that they would be adding wifi calling considering im sure the phone can support it.


Has anyone had any b26 connections on their lg g2? Does the prl have anything to do with not being able to pick up a perticular band as say b25 b26 b41? I just wonder why there has been nobody getting to use b26 so far and why they have had so many problems with the deployment of the 800mhz on lte and cdma?


I know that it wont be theoreticaly the speed of 41 but its extra capacity and is needed. Even where i live just the one 5mhz lte carrier of 1900 is overburdened. Its does good if theres not alot of people on it but just the one band is not sufficient enough.


They need atleast a minium of atleast a 10×10 or 2 5×5 carriers of lte to keep speeds decent seems like to me and is just my opinion. I know its been said that they will have so many pops covered by b26 this year but i would think we would see people getting to
use it by now.


Does the triband spark phones have anything to do with this
cause seems as if they have had problems with are phones either software or hardware trying update/changing stuff on it.


I guess maybe they are just trying to make sure things work correctly but seems as if theyve not had the same problems with samsung phones. Idk thay much about it but seems as though my phone had a little better rf capabilities before spark update.


Nonetheless i havent used hd voice or 800 cdma either and its probably because they have it off im guessing cause ive been around three sites that are accepted but must be off at the moment.


Another question is that in the hidden menu under evdo you can set voice codecs but ive tried changing but didnt do any good for me. If anyone has any info on this stuff please feel free to comment. But i will be waiting for b26 hopefully will come sometime this year. I know it would be a big help.

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Has anyone had any b26 connections on their lg g2?


I know that it wont be theoreticaly the speed of 41 but its extra capacity and is needed.

I get plenty of b26 on my G2 BUT key to that is we are having b26 deployed/testing here AND I had to change the priorities on my phone. Also, realize that 800 will top out the same speed as b25, b41 is TDD-LTE and is *roughly double b25/26. It's not theoretical at all. ;)


Posted Image


B25 is also to be used just like 800 voice so if no available b25 is there and b26 is there, it'll kick over. *Right now (in my market), what we are seeing is that AS SOON AS usable b25 is available it'll kick back down. That could change as they might just be tuning right now but not sure.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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I get plenty of b26 on my G2 BUT key to that is we are having b26 deployed/testing here AND I had to change the priorities on my phone. Also, realize that 800 will top out the same speed as b25, b41 is TDD-LTE and is *roughly double b25/26. It's not theoretical at all. ;)


Posted Image


B25 is also to be used just like 800 voice so if no available b25 is there and b26 is there, it'll kick over. *Right now (in my market), what we are seeing is that AS SOON AS usable b25 is available it'll kick back down. That could change as they might just be tuning right now but not sure.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

If you change your priorities to B41-1, B26-1 & B25-0 would it still choose B25 over B26.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



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If you change your priorities to B41-1, B26-1 & B25-0 would it still choose B25 over B26.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Yup, the network chooses which band to shunt you to. You'll sit on b25 instead of 26, unless you can't get b25 signal or the b25 you're getting is too overburdened/unusable. Then the network will plop you on b26.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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I know b41 has alot more speed thats not what i was saying, i was saying that for my area we prolly wont get b41 till who knows when if ever until they start doing regular nv sites which will be awhile after the big cities get it. I was saying that the b26 would help here quicker for extra capacity and take some load off b25.


Sorry about choice of words in thinking that there wasnt much difference in speed between them. And i didnt mean that the prl i meant profile predictive text must of inserted since its in dic. Like a profile update if dprint could keep a perticular area from scanning for that band or anything cause obviously you are not going to be able to just park on 800lte or cdma unless you do need it. Ive drove away from sites so that i didnt have a signal but i either roamed or no signnal at all.


So im not just sitting next to the tower thinking im gonna pick it up with that good of a signal.

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I know b41 has alot more speed thats not what i was saying, i was saying that for my area we prolly wont get b41 till who knows when if ever until they start doing regular nv sites which will be awhile after the big cities get it. I was saying that the b26 would help here quicker for extra capacity and take some load off b25.


Sorry about choice of words in thinking that there wasnt much difference in speed between them. And i didnt mean that the prl i meant profile predictive text must of inserted since its in dic. Like a profile update if dprint could keep a perticular area from scanning for that band or anything cause obviously you are not going to be able to just park on 800lte or cdma unless you do need it. Ive drove away from sites so that i didnt have a signal but i either roamed or no signnal at all.


So im not just sitting next to the tower thinking im gonna pick it up with that good of a signal.


The fact is that B26 LTE is in active deployment and those that live in a market where B26 LTE is deployed so far have been able to pick it up.  Since you are NOT a Premier Sponsor you have no idea which markets have some B26 LTE so you are assuming that you need some sort of PRL or profile update in order to use it which is not true.  I can see which markets have B26 LTE so it totally makes sense why some folks were able to post screenshots proving it to be true.  I suggest that if you are curious about which markets have B26 LTE that you donate to become a Premier Sponsor.  Otherwise you are just spinning wheels and assuming things are wrong with your triband phone when in reality there is nothing wrong with it.

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No i wasnt assuming b26 is live here i know there has been 1x800 acceptances and that is what i was saying about not being able to connect.And also thinking that i need to be a premier sponsor to know if b26 has been deployed or usable is not the case I can read between the lines and have seen screenshots of b26 in markets. I was just asking if profile updates had anything to do with the phone scanning different bands is all. And yes I think I do know if my phone is picking up better rf or not since spark update or not there is nothing wrong with the phone and is not what i was implicating. I was just wondering if sprint was on schedule with deployment of b26 I dont live in a huge city so dont really see the need for b41 schedule and yea b26 would be nice but with sprint saying they would cover 150 mil pops by end of 2014 pretty much is everywhere besides ibez.

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So I am looking to buy an LG g2 on Friday for $200 from someone,supposedly 3 months old and barely used. I am excited if this plays out as I have a nexus 5 and would like a second device to try. Any suggestions on Roms?

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So I am looking to buy an LG g2 on Friday for $200 from someone,supposedly 3 months old and barely used. I am excited if this plays out as I have a nexus 5 and would like a second device to try. Any suggestions on Roms?


There aren't any really good ROMs available yet, hopefully with KK someone will optimize one.

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So I am looking to buy an LG g2 on Friday for $200 from someone,supposedly 3 months old and barely used. I am excited if this plays out as I have a nexus 5 and would like a second device to try. Any suggestions on Roms?



There aren't any really good ROMs available yet, hopefully with KK someone will optimize one.


Well... I'd have to say we have 300 or so users that would strongly contend that d3rpG2 Rom is really good (very stable) and heftily supported. Yes, I'm biased but it really is, awfully good.  ;)


We're prepping to drop our Milestone One (2 releases on the last rom base and 1 on the new ZVA base) and then will surely get the KK rom base (youdug who is also Team d3rp has done the ODEX and DEODEX bases for the Sprint G2 community) and start porting mods and making it all pretty again cause that's what we do.  :D

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Well... I'd have to say we have 300 or so users that would strongly contend that d3rpG2 Rom is really good (very stable) and heftily supported. Yes, I'm biased but it really is, awfully good. ;)


We're prepping to drop our Milestone One (2 releases on the last rom base and 1 on the new ZVA base) and then will surely get the KK rom base (youdug who is also Team d3rp has done the ODEX and DEODEX bases for the Sprint G2 community) and start porting mods and making it all pretty again cause that's what we do. :D

Does it support miracast, slimport, the ir blaster?

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Does it support miracast, slimport, the ir blaster?


While I don't have/use Miracast or a Slimport, I do believe it does and see no reason why it wouldn't.  IR Blaster/Remote is 100% functional just like the phone shipped with. If you use those things, flash rom and you tell us.


So as far as I know, yes, yes, and of course.  :tu:

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No i wasnt assuming b26 is live here i know there has been 1x800 acceptances and that is what i was saying about not being able to connect.And also thinking that i need to be a premier sponsor to know if b26 has been deployed or usable is not the case I can read between the lines and have seen screenshots of b26 in markets. I was just asking if profile updates had anything to do with the phone scanning different bands is all. And yes I think I do know if my phone is picking up better rf or not since spark update or not there is nothing wrong with the phone and is not what i was implicating. I was just wondering if sprint was on schedule with deployment of b26 I dont live in a huge city so dont really see the need for b41 schedule and yea b26 would be nice but with sprint saying they would cover 150 mil pops by end of 2014 pretty much is everywhere besides ibez.


1x800 acceptances are not the same as B26 LTE acceptances  There is not a correlation that 1x800 and B26 LTE have to be accepted at the same time.  Its evident even with regular NV where you have 3G only accepted but not LTE.  Just because 1x800 acceptances may be in your area doesn't mean B26 LTE is live.  There is plenty of 1x800 CDMA sites accepted in Los Angeles but I have yet to see any B26 LTE.

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I know that i think i just didnt explain myself right, thats my fault. I was just thinking if we had 1x800 acceptances what would be the reason why its not useable and or i never seen them testing it or anything but could be that at the time of testing i didnt have a bad enough signal to get it. Plus most people have a sponsors prl that prioritizes 800 over 1900 cdma. Would you think that in places inside of ibez that has 1x800 acceptances that the rebanding is complete and b26 lte is deployable at that time?

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Does anyone know why the tac # would change in a market?

Sites are grouped geographically with about 50 sites in each TAC, so even a small city covered by, say, 200 sites would have multiple TACs. Bigger markets like NY or Chicago would have dozens of TACs.

Every time a phone crosses into another TA, it re-registers with the network. This way, the network always knows at least your approximate location, which helps reduce the signaling load in other areas. For example, if you are in downtown Manhattan, the network shouldn't bother paging for you in Bronx.

Edited by CaptainSlow
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I know that i think i just didnt explain myself right, thats my fault. I was just thinking if we had 1x800 acceptances what would be the reason why its not useable and or i never seen them testing it or anything but could be that at the time of testing i didnt have a bad enough signal to get it. Plus most people have a sponsors prl that prioritizes 800 over 1900 cdma. Would you think that in places inside of ibez that has 1x800 acceptances that the rebanding is complete and b26 lte is deployable at that time?


Those markets in the IBEZ aren't going to be getting 1x800 or LTE 800 for another 2 years minimum.  I am sure internally Sprint must be behind in LTE 800 deployment since we haven't seen much progress on that front.  Like anything I am sure part of the reason is supply issues for carrier cards/manpower.  Like most things I am sure there is some internal issues that prevents a mass launch of LTE 800 thus far.  Hopefully by end of Q2 that Sprint should really start ramping up LTE 800.  The longer Sprint procrastinates in deploying its LTE 800 network, the worse off it will be when Tmobile finally gets approved of the 700 MHz deal and can start to deploy its LTE 700 network in the major markets.  Hopefully with the firings of Elfman and Azzi that Saw and the other senior technical management can bring this ship back on course and help speed up the progress.  

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Well I hope that you are right. I thought i read a post on here saying that they wasnt having those kind of problems anymore now like equipment/cards etc anymore. I really dont see why son thinks that he has to buy t mobile to get subscribers if they spent 45 billion on towers and equipment to actually get close to where at&t and verizon coverage wise and get some spectrum maybe from the 600mhz auction and deploy what they already have i think the subscribers would come if they did what son really said like speeds of 200mbps and massive price war they would have close to the best network. Seems also at the rate we are going but hopefully not the big two are gonna be hitting close to those speeds by then anyways around like 2016. What you think?????

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I wish I could randomly acquire a g2 so I could try out b41 in orlando and see how it works. One day.

I might be acquiring a g2 for less than $200 on craigslist, and will try it out. If after a few months I might be looking to sell, with some proceeds going as a donation for this site.

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Well I hope that you are right. I thought i read a post on here saying that they wasnt having those kind of problems anymore now like equipment/cards etc anymore. I really dont see why son thinks that he has to buy t mobile to get subscribers if they spent 45 billion on towers and equipment to actually get close to where at&t and verizon coverage wise and get some spectrum maybe from the 600mhz auction and deploy what they already have i think the subscribers would come if they did what son really said like speeds of 200mbps and massive price war they would have close to the best network. Seems also at the rate we are going but hopefully not the big two are gonna be hitting close to those speeds by then anyways around like 2016. What you think?????





“We need a certain scale, but once we have enough scale to have a level fight, OK,” Son said during the interview with Rose, airing nationally in the U.S. “It’s a three-heavyweight fight. If I can have a real fight, I go in more massive price war, a technology war.”

  Masayohsi Son

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Well... I'd have to say we have 300 or so users that would strongly contend that d3rpG2 Rom is really good (very stable) and heftily supported. Yes, I'm biased but it really is, awfully good.  ;)


We're prepping to drop our Milestone One (2 releases on the last rom base and 1 on the new ZVA base) and then will surely get the KK rom base (youdug who is also Team d3rp has done the ODEX and DEODEX bases for the Sprint G2 community) and start porting mods and making it all pretty again cause that's what we do.  :D


I'm one of those 300 or so users :)

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Maybe one of you G2 fanatics can help me sort out my girlfiends PRL issue. For some reason even after installing Sponsor PRL with 800SMR as higher priority it refuses to connect to any 1x800. Whereas my N5 has no issues. 


thanks guys

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