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Just looked over the injunction list. Basically every single Clearwire market is listed as prevented from being turned off.





Wait is WiMAX staying live in every single one of these markets? Even the ones in the second image?

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I would agree with Robert, that all non mc/mb customers service will be disabled, even if the actual towers are still working.


I can hope that they would just leave everyone that is still active, working to milk any extra revenue during the court thing, but I guess we will find out in a few hours.


Both of my clear devices will remain turned on until they shut the towers down or otherwise disable them.

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Also, note Phoenix is on the list.  Isn't that rich???  They have nothing more than a few Protection Sites and a small FIT.  What a farce!


EDIT:  And Indianapolis!  Really, those couple of WiMax Protection Sites in Indy are really serving someone?

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Not a lawyer, but this strikes me as overreach for a Massachusetts state court.  Now we have seen 6 out of the minimum of 14 pages of this document.  I would like to see the rest.

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I would think the more extreme the ruling, the greater the chance that it will be overturned. Preferably at 11:58PM

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I would think the more extreme the ruling, the greater the chance that it will be overturned.


I believe that Sprint will offer more and MB/MC will take it.  I think they will resolve this amicably before 90 days are up.  I don't think it will get to that.


Personally, I would just walk away from the spectrum.  Let the Massachusetts judge provide them a network,

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At this point, I wouldn't even mind if John Legere were to offer these organizations service so he could make himself and T-Mobile look like they are coming to the rescue of these organizations. Granted, I hate it when John Legere does these arrogant acts of false charity, but whatever it takes to get these organizations from harming Sprint's business.


John Legere could even make it to be a new Uncarrier move in rescuing businesses and organizations from their contracts with other carriers. I'd actually appreciate him doing so at this time.

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My biggest concern is any possible impact on the 3xCA FITs. I know 3xCA may not be practically necessary, but it sure would give Sprint a decent perception boost. And Sprint needs as much help as they can get in that regard. I guess they'll just do the FITs in unaffected areas? I hope(?)

This has no impact on it. There are many places Sprint can run FITs that have ample spectrum right now.

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Not a lawyer, but this strikes me as overreach for a Massachusetts state court.  Now we have seen 6 out of the minimum of 14 pages of this document.  I would like to see the rest.

You're right, it is a Massachusetts STATE court. How can it possibly have jurisdiction in any other state?

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How is Sprint planning to handle the FCC substantial service requirements with WiMAX being shut down?


Clearwire already did.  That requirement has been met.



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How is Sprint planning to handle the FCC substantial service requirements with WiMAX being shut down?

We don't know for certain (and Clear may have already done it with the initial buildout). In most populated areas Sprint has already well surpassed the requirements. My city Omaha is a perfect example. We had 3 Clear protection sites and now have probably 2/3 of our Sprint sites broadcasting 8T8R. In rural areas it is yet to be seen. It is entirely possible they continue to broadcast Wimax on the expedience sites to satisfy the requirements.

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I fail to see why everyone is so up in arms over this decision. Courts routinely issue injunctions to buy time to get affected parties to settle their differences out of court. And while this injunction decision went against Sprint, it is hardly a disaster.


The WiMAX shutdown is not going to make Sprint suddenly the best thing since sliced bread. Sprint already is doing well with existing band 41 bandwidth. A second, third, fourth, etc., band 41 carrier is just icing on the cake.


In Kansas City, Sprint has two band 41 carriers and is humming along just fine. Is it the fastest among the big four? Not sure. But who cares? It works well. However, if your wireless ego requires you to chase the fastest, then you may have to wait at least 90 days or go elsewhere to seek that elusive goal.



Because, AJ, it encourages laziness and irresponsibility. And if there are two things I personally find disdainful and socially nauseating, it's laziness and irresponsibility. These people had every opportunity, a year+ of advanced warning, yet they still want their free lunch served on a rather tarnished and aging silver plate.


Absolutely not. Goodbye to that tired sense of entitlement.


Again, I'm not pissed because it's affecting Sprint so profoundly (it may or may not be, depending on market). No, I'm pissed because I have a hard time with s#@tty, lazy people.

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Again, I'm not pissed because it's affecting Sprint so profoundly (it may or may not be, depending on market). No, I'm pissed because I have a hard time with s#@tty, lazy people.


:goodpost: Well said! And I couldn't agree more. 

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The site I'm on has 2 carriers on my sector. One's entirely in EBS and the other's half in EBS half in BRS.


I'll be watching for any changes. I'm up till midnight doing homework anyway.  <_<

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So they only had to establish substantial service ON a certain date and not afterward?


Yes.  In all my years of reading Title 47 of the CFR -- which hosts FCC regulations -- I do not recall seeing substantial service requirements in perpetuity.  The burden of proof is placed on the licensees to self file buildout notifications prior to construction requirement deadlines.  The FCC is part of the Executive Branch, it has enforcement authority, but it does not have enforcement capacity for so many licenses in so many bands across such a large country.


However, should licensees meet construction requirements, then cease services, they likely would not receive renewal at license expiration.  Whereas, normally, license renewal is a rubber stamp approval.



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So are we gathering in the lounge tonight for the potential shutdown?


We could but at this point I'm not very optimistic anything would happen network wise. Maybe they'll block out all other wimax devices other than those in the injunction but the network may stay up for a while. Devices just won't authenticate.

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