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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Well I'll give you a clue on Autopay $5 discount, it started on Sprint after the Nextel acquisition. So you can toss the who had it first out the door.


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The auto pay discount is not the problem. It's the advertised price for the plan. For instance, T-Mobile's Unlimited One Plan is advertised as being $70, Boost's Unlimited Unhook'd plan is advertised as $50. Upon further inspection T-Mobile charges you an extra $5 to make it $75 if you don't have auto pay, while Boost is still $50. Sign up for autopay then T-Mobile gives you the advertised price, while Boost gives you a discount and you're paying $45 which is below the advertised price.

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The auto pay discount is not the problem. It's the advertised price for the plan. For instance, T-Mobile's Unlimited One Plan is advertised as being $70, Boost's Unlimited Unhook'd plan is advertised as $50. Upon further inspection T-Mobile charges you an extra $5 to make it $75 if you don't have auto pay, while Boost is still $50. Sign up for autopay then T-Mobile gives you the advertised price, while Boost gives you a discount and you're paying $45 which is below the advertised price.

Unfortunately sprint is going with the tmobile strategy not the boost one which is funny since sprint owns boost.


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Did I not read somewhere that sometime soon Sprint is going to force people into a handful of plans? If so, when is that happening?


Marcelo talked about streamlining Sprint's plans at the Goldman Sachs 25th Annual Communacopia Conference on September 20, 2016.


Seeking Alpha has the transcript:



So we decided to come up with a program called Unlimited Freedom and Unlimited Freedom is an attractive rate plan that basically you're only going to get one bill and we mobile optimize your streaming. And then some customers told us that’s great but I also like -- I don’t like it to mobile optimizing. So we said great, so we're going to have unlimited premium that we don’t mobile optimize and streaming. So we are going to potentially move to only three rate plans.


We will get out of the 50% off most likely, I say most likely because we are trying new things as a fast company. So if we try new things and don’t work, but 50% is to work make no mistake we're really good at getting in and out of things, we've had a problem, but our plan of record is we want to get off of 50% up.


We want to increase a little the ARPU and the ARPU that we're bringing in new customers and we want to massively simplify our business by moving to three rate plans, an entry plan, an Unlimited Freedom and an unlimited premium.


Why can we do that? Now is where our vast spectrum holdings come into play. We have more capacity per subscriber than any other carrier in the world. So therefore now that we're indentifying our network, now we start putting our network to work and that’s been always part of the strategy.


So we believe the more amount of consumers that actually know about unlimited, we believe that we can continue to grow and the ARPU that you're loading in unlimited is significantly higher.


While at the same, the cost reductions that you have by offering a very simplified value proposition in your retail stores, on the web, on carrier, today is hard to carriage and with the amount of rate plans that we have is confusing.


So we want to move to one way in which a buyer release a phone with three simple rate plans and we’re going to get there and we're going to be very disciplined, do a lot of testing to make sure that we do it at the right time to make sure we're not leaving anybody on the table.



No official announcements on it re timing/implementation, etc. since Marcelo's remarks.

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Looks like the LG V20 is coming to sprint, pre-orders start the 21st, stores on the 28th.




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Landlines and power still remain out of service in Ormond Beach, Florida after Matthew but Sprint service held up. Getting through takes a few tries, but it does work. Kudos to Sprint.

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Landlines and power still remain out of service in Ormond Beach, Florida after Matthew but Sprint service held up. Getting through takes a few tries, but it does work. Kudos to Sprint.

Sprint held up pretty good here in North Florida also. T-Mobile had some issues before and during the storm. I didn't know if the storm affected T-Mobile service or their national outage.
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Sprint held up pretty good here in North Florida also. T-Mobile had some issues before and during the storm. I didn't know if the storm affected T-Mobile service or their national outage.

The Ocala National Forest and east Ocala got hit good but the west side of Ocala only damage I seen was a few branches, some knocked over trash can and a single lawn chair was flipped. Lots of places without power though. Sprint service and tmobile service was great the whole time.


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The Ocala National Forest and east Ocala got hit good but the west side of Ocala only damage I seen was a few branches, some knocked over trash can and a single lawn chair was flipped.


Marge's lawn chair was flipped?  Holy smokes!  Call in the National Guard.  Declare a state of emergency.



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Marge's lawn chair was flipped? Holy smokes! Call in the National Guard. Declare a state of emergency.



The media is so pissed the massively overhyped hurricane didn't rip off chunks of the East Coast and otherwise completely decimate humanity that they are literally out hunting for anything at all to justify their bizarre, inflated statements. Was their damage? Sure. But was it ever at all in danger of being "the worst storm in 100 years" (as many began oddly calling it)? Absolutely not. Life here in South Florida is essentially completely unscathed though folks to our north did experience more issues than we did.
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The media is so pissed the massively overhyped hurricane didn't rip off chunks of the East Coast and otherwise completely decimate humanity that they are literally out hunting for anything at all to justify their bizarre, inflated statements. Was their damage? Sure. But was it ever at all in danger of being "the worst storm in 100 years" (as many began oddly calling it)? Absolutely not. Life here in South Florida is essentially completely unscathed though folks to our north did experience more issues than we did.

Floridians are built for this. I stayed home and watched Luke Cage on Nexflix the whole time. Great show btw.


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Floridians are built for this. I stayed home and watched Luke Cage on Nexflix the whole time. Great show btw.


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Finished this show a few days ago. Cant wait for season 2. There better a season 2!

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The media seems to love to overhype big storms even more when one hasn't happened in awhile. Any kind of weather that hasn't happened in awhile really. Glad to hear the networks held up, even though it sounds like there's little more then power outages and no major destruction.

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In 2016, how much LTE spectrum do Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint have -- and where?


The FierceWireless comments section has been eliminated, so it is safe and clear to look at the article.  You will not vomit in your mouth.





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The FierceWireless comments section has been eliminated, so it is safe and clear to look at the article. You will not vomit in your mouth.





I found this to be inaccurate at least for Marion county Fl. It says At&t as 0 band 2 here but I know for a fact they have wide spread 15x15 FDD band 2 here also why is Sprint's markets where second carriers and 10x10 FDD band 25 not listed?


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I found this to be inaccurate at least for Marion county Fl. It says At&t as 0 band 2 here but I know for a fact they have wide spread 15x15 FDD band 2 here also why is Sprint's markets where second carriers and 10x10 FDD band 25 not listed?


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Was just about to mention this.


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I found this to be inaccurate at least for Marion county Fl. It says At&t as 0 band 2 here but I know for a fact they have wide spread 15x15 FDD band 2 here also why is Sprint's markets where second carriers and 10x10 FDD band 25 not listed?

In seattle Sprint has 10x10 PCS, ATT has 10x10 PCS and VZW has 5x5 PCS. Inaccurate.


I do not concur necessarily with Allnet's analysis.  Honestly, I find a lot of its work amateurish, no better than mapping work I did by hand over a decade ago.


Regardless, here it is -- the rationale.  Did you actually read the article or just look at the pictures?



Essentially, these maps show how much spectrum each of the nation's Tier 1 carriers currently has for LTE based on their stated LTE deployment plans. To be clear, these maps don’t show actual LTE deployments, only the spectrum that likely is used or will be used for LTE deployments. The maps also do not include spectrum bands that the carriers control but are not in use for LTE (such as the cellular bands carrying voice traffic for both AT&T and Verizon).




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I do not concur necessarily with Allnet's analysis. Honestly, I find a lot of its work amateurish, no better than mapping work I did by hand over a decade ago.


Regardless, here it is -- the rationale. Did you actually read the article or just look at the pictures?





Agreed. AT&T is rolling out 10x10 B5 here and their article doesn't mention B5 at all.

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I do not concur necessarily with Allnet's analysis. Honestly, I find a lot of its work amateurish, no better than mapping work I did by hand over a decade ago.


Regardless, here it is -- the rationale. Did you actually read the article or just look at the pictures?





I read it. My statement still stands. I said nothing about band 5.


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What does this sentence even mean? It seems like it circles back to stating the same thing that both is and isn't included in the maps.


"To be clear, these maps don’t show actual LTE deployments, only the spectrum that likely is used or will be used for LTE deployments."

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The article is pretty much completely useless for accurate information. I've looked it over several times and nothing is right, really anywhere. I could cobble together something more accurate in a few hours, and I don't consider myself an expert. (I think most educated network hobbyists could do better then this)

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Sprint held up pretty good here in North Florida also. T-Mobile had some issues before and during the storm. I didn't know if the storm affected T-Mobile service or their national outage.

Yeah, T-mobile service was out for a day or so in Melbourne, at least where I was. Signal strength of -126 to -128. Sprint service held up better.

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