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bigmachine last won the day on March 11 2018

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    iPhone 8 Plus,iPhone 6s, HTC One (M8), HTC One (M7)
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  1. That looks like a Commscope FlexWave Prism remote unit. Both Sprint and Verizon use those in the Los Angeles market. Verizon typically has the model that is taller and supports more modules. It’s hard to tell from that picture which exact model it is.
  2. I had given up on checking for B26, but I knew something was up when I was able to have several really long conversations while driving using VoLTE and the calls didn't drop. Now it seems like my phone is parked on B26 -- which probably isn't a great thing since it hasn't been optimized yet.
  3. Was in London two weeks ago and roamed mostly on Vodafone with my iPhone 8s. The free roaming is fine if you’re very patient, but at $5/day the high-speed option was very worthwhile for me.
  4. It's not an official map, but Premiere Sponsors and above can check out the map I've made based on personal observations. The map has oDAS sites (like the ones on Mulholland Drive) and Mobilitie small cell sites as well: http://s4gru.com/forums/topic/7794-la-metro-small-cells-odas-map/
  5. Great writeup! Here's what I believe is a 2.5/800 setup in Los Angeles. Until recently this site had no B41 antenna. Apologies for the poor picture. https://imgur.com/SSYejnu
  6. I noticed this while driving, so I don't have a picture, but it looks like Sprint is also using a different antenna in LA Metro. It wasn't the KMW antenna pictured here, but it had more beveled front edges and was mounted next to an existing NV 800/1900 panel. Is there a scenario where a 12 port antenna + the existing NV antenna would be used instead of a single hexadecaport antenna? (It had more ports than an 8T8R antenna, but it didn't look quite look like 16.)
  7. Anyone sign up for the Sensorly beta? https://medium.com/sensorly/announcing-the-sensorly-beta-1534639d3e9c It looks like they’ve added the ability to review trip mapping with signal strength depicted.
  8. Yes, most Clear sites have the Nokia MM gear, but so do a lot of the Mobilitie sites. Since I don’t have SCP it’s hard to say what it’s picking up on. I believe B25 is A block and G block in LA. Points to the south may be different. And I have yet to see any B26. I seriously doubt it’s on air for the general public.
  9. This is old news, but I didn't see it posted. Back in December the City of Huntington Beach reached an agreement with Mobilitie for small cell deployments on the city's light poles: From the City Council minutes 12/18/17: Approved and authorized execution of a Small Cell License Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Mobilitie LLC for installation of small cell attachments on City- owned streetlights. Continued from November 20, 2017 meeting A motion was made by Delgleize, second Brenden to approve the Small Cell License Agreement between the City of Huntington Beach and Mobilitie, LLC; and, authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Small Cell License Agreement.
  10. If you happen to notice any small cells while you're in town please let us know. I have about 40 on the LA Metro map, but it would be nice to add more. I just need a location, image and engineering screen to add a site to the map. Thanks!
  11. I don’t know about TMO, but I have seen AT&T equipment in the center of the airport as well. Ill pay more attention the next time I’m there.
  12. Verizon has multiple antenna arrays in the center of the airport covering just about every terminal. Sprint has the airport covered from the outside of the airport property. So the difference in coverage is not surprising. One can hope that Sprint will improve at the world’s busiest O&D airport.
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