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Google Nexus 5 by LG Users Thread!


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Do you guys use Global or LTE (Recommended) or does it really matter?

The only difference is Global mode enables GSM functionality. If you're not swapping in a Tmobile or AT&T SIM, it doesn't matter which mode you use.



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So I picked up a nexus 5 today at a corporate sprint store. So far I'm really liking it. Is there anything I need to do or are the network settings automatically brought to the phone? This is the first android phone I've purchased so I'll be having to navigate through the changes from iphone to android.

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So I picked up a nexus 5 today at a corporate sprint store. So far I'm really liking it. Is there anything I need to do or are the network settings automatically brought to the phone? This is the first android phone I've purchased so I'll be having to navigate through the changes from iphone to android.

You don't need to do anything to the network settings. Just make sure to detach your phone number from iMessage so that you don't have issues with SMS.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



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The N5???

yes. I don't know if it is related to the LTE launch in my specific area as we are not fully deployed, but in gMaps and others that depend on GPS I will find it jumping all over the place in the last few weeks

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yes. I don't know if it is related to the LTE launch in my specific area as we are not fully deployed, but in gMaps and others that depend on GPS I will find it jumping all over the place in the last few weeks

Sounds like a funky device. Or maybe your GPS settings are put the Device only? I have it as battery saver and it's fairly accurate, but it has never jumped around. The only phone that ever did that to me was the EVO LTE.




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yes. I don't know if it is related to the LTE launch in my specific area as we are not fully deployed, but in gMaps and others that depend on GPS I will find it jumping all over the place in the last few weeks


I've never seen my GPS jump around at all. It locks on very quick, almost better than any device I've had previously.

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I've never seen my GPS jump around at all. It locks on very quick, almost better than any device I've had previously.


I concur.  The only geolocation issue I have had is that my compass was practically ass backward.  While driving down the road, it would show the heading pointing the opposite direction.  But calibration of the compass fixed that problem.



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I've had similar issues unless i turn on wifi while using GPS. It's odd, but i've just learned to turn on wifi if GPS acts up...




yes. I don't know if it is related to the LTE launch in my specific area as we are not fully deployed, but in gMaps and others that depend on GPS I will find it jumping all over the place in the last few weeks

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I concur.  The only geolocation issue I have had is that my compass was practically ass backward.  While driving down the road, it would show the heading pointing the opposite direction.  But calibration of the compass fixed that problem.




I think perhaps my compass needed calibration.... i just did it, and it seems to be behaving better...

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Hi, I've read back quite a few pages and have some questions that I'm sure have been answered a dozen times in the 195 pages. Would you recommend the N5? What's the real deal with the SIM card? What programing changes need be done, I've read somewhere it is best to hard reset or something initially? Thanks and any other info ya think would be helpful would also be appreciated!!

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Hi, I've read back quite a few pages and have some questions that I'm sure have been answered a dozen times in the 195 pages. Would you recommend the N5? What's the real deal with the SIM card? What programing changes need be done, I've read somewhere it is best to hard reset or something initially? Thanks and any other info ya think would be helpful would also be appreciated!!

Highly recommended. Has the best signal reception of any smartphone to date. Good build quality, great specs, great performance.


You will need a SIM from your wireless provider in order to fully activate the device. It works on all providers except for Verizon, and you can switch providers by swapping SIMs and rebooting.


Be warned that if you purchase a N5 from T-Mobile, Sprint cannot activate it at this time. I recommend buying it from Google, unless you want to use your phone upgrade.


Sprint users can technically activate the phone without a SIM, but cannot connect to LTE without it. But you can get a SIM for free by contacting Customer Care or a corporate store, so there is no reason not to get one.


No special programming is required, just need to give your IMEI and SIM serial number to your provider to activate it.


EDIT: Forgot this.. yes, unlock the bootloader when you first get it. This process resets your phone, so if you unlock it after using it for awhile, you will lose everything. There is no harm in unlocking it.



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For the users that are using dash clock and its extensions does this widget and add one cause any significant battery drain?

Dash clock doesn't really impact battery life a huge amount. I use it on my lockscreen and homescreen and it is never a top user in battery stats.


Hi, I've read back quite a few pages and have some questions that I'm sure have been answered a dozen times in the 195 pages. Would you recommend the N5? What's the real deal with the SIM card? What programing changes need be done, I've read somewhere it is best to hard reset or something initially? Thanks and any other info ya think would be helpful would also be appreciated!!

I would highly recommend the Nexus 5 for a few reasons. 1. Stock android. 2. Updates straight from Google. 3. Great all around performer 4. Simple sleek design.


The SIM card is used for LTE connectivity. LTE is considered a GSM technology, hence the need for the SIM.


I'm not sure about your last question. You can just use it straight out of the box. No need to make any changes except to customize.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk



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LTE is considered a GSM technology...


Nope. Do not repeat that.



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For the users that are using dash clock and its extensions does this widget and add one cause any significant battery drain?

I haven't noticed any, and I am using several extensions. If you are running into an issue, its likely extension-specific.



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I would like some advice and opinions from the S4GRU members.


I have 2 lines available for an upgrade and 3 more available on 03/01/2014.  With the possibility of subsidized upgrades going away most likely would you upgrade the 2 phones to Nexus 5 now through Sprint for the 16GB models or would I be better off getting the 32GB from the play store and possibly loose all upgrades when they disappear from Sprint?


Is there that big of an advantage or need for the extra 16GB to cover the extra cost of $300.00 per phone?


:thx: in advance.



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I haven't noticed any, and I am using several extensions. If you are running into an issue, its likely extension-specific.



Just wanting some feedback of users before trying it out. Seems like there's no issues so I'll give it a try.

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I would like some advice and opinions from the S4GRU members.


I have 2 lines available for an upgrade and 3 more available on 03/01/2014.  With the possibility of subsidized upgrades going away most likely would you upgrade the 2 phones to Nexus 5 now through Sprint for the 16GB models or would I be better off getting the 32GB from the play store and possibly loose all upgrades when they disappear from Sprint?


Is there that big of an advantage or need for the extra 16GB to cover the extra cost of $300.00 per phone?


If you're leaning toward the Nexus 5, I would buy the 32GB versions from Google. It can never hurt to have too much space; every device that comes out, you think "Wow, that's huge".. but within 2 years, you're often scrambling for space. Especially since SD slots are disappearing.


Save the upgrades for another model that you might happen to like later on down the road. Maybe you will be a fan of the next HTC phone, or you decide one of your lines might want a supersized device like the Note/Mega/max. You won't find a phone anywhere near the caliber of the Nexus 5 for the unsubsidized price Google has it at. If you have no plans to leave Sprint, it does no harm to keep your update in your pocket. I'm eligible to upgrade from Sprint, but I bought my N5 through Google and I'm saving the upgrade for now. If they do away with subsidized upgrades, I would be surprised if it happened without warning.


Just my two cents..



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I would like some advice and opinions from the S4GRU members.


I have 2 lines available for an upgrade and 3 more available on 03/01/2014.  With the possibility of subsidized upgrades going away most likely would you upgrade the 2 phones to Nexus 5 now through Sprint for the 16GB models or would I be better off getting the 32GB from the play store and possibly loose all upgrades when they disappear from Sprint?


Is there that big of an advantage or need for the extra 16GB to cover the extra cost of $300.00 per phone?


:thx: in advance.



considering you have only 12gb or less usable out of the box, it would make sense to go with the 32 gb if you are a moderate or higher user. once you have a few apps and start taking pictures or video, the remaining space will be used up pretty quickly between app cache, those apps and pictures or video.  considering there is no upgradable or user expandable storage i can only recommend based on my own personal experience.  i believe there is only 26028 usable gigs out of the box on the 32 gig and i only have 3gbs remaining myself, most of it is used by apps and app cache needed for things like google music or any cloud based service (since im not in a completely reliable lte area yet it is sometimes best to let the app precache)



is there a special on subsidized contract extension prices at this time (as in $100 or less?)  it is still $50 cheaper to buy the 32gb outright from google vs the 16gb outright from sprint. It is all about tradeoffs at this point in time, so it will be up to you to determine if it is best if you take the upgrade price/contract extension at this point in time.  many are under the impression that subsidies will disappear entirely in a short period of time, but i don't know your unique situation.


 I prefer the breathing room from the device with more space (it's too bad sprint didnt sell these directly) and while i do not plan to leave sprint in the remote future, it is nice that my device is mine and down the line i wanted to move it, there would be no contractual obligation remaining where i would pay a contractual etf or return my device (think tmobiles present gimmick)

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