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Sprint to join Rural Operators Roaming Hub (CCA and RRPP thread)


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The  LG G3 article is on The Wall and answers your question.




can you help an apparent idiot out then, cause i read the LG G3 article on the wall before posting, and just reread it after your post, and the only LTE bands i see listed in the article are sprint's LTE bands.

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thank you, it wasn't obvious to me that it only listing/talking about the sprint LTE bands meant that was all it supported.

When we report on devices, we make sure that we report any extra LTE bands if they are known. For most devices, it's been strictly Sprint LTE bands. We hope to start seeing device compatible with CCA/RRPP LTE someday soon.



Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

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apologies if this has been asked/answered elsewhere, i looked at the wall articles and tried searching in the relevant threads but wasn't finding my answer.


assuming either USCC becomes part of this or sprint buys them out, and USCC LTE becomes native coverage for sprint, would the LG G3 support USCC LTE band(s)?


USCC uses both B12 and B5 for their LTE network. They had to accelerate their plans last year to refarm their CLR holdings to B5 LTE in order to carry the iPhone, given Apple's continued obstinate refusal to support B12.


The G3 (and any other Sprint tri-band device) in theory should work with their B5 LTE network, as long as USCC has enabled MFBI to recognize and authenticate B26 devices, because B26 is a superset of B5. It won't work with their B12 network.

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Yeah, I notice that it also is showing some new 3G & More Roaming in Northern Idaho, Eastern Washington, Western Kansas/OK Panhandle (NextTech and United), Eastern Texas, NW Louisiana, Arkansas, NE Oklahoma/SW Missouri, Northern Wisconsin, SE Ohio, Western West Virginia, Southern Kentucky (Bluegrass), South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi (C-Spire).  And even Puerto Rico!


What's interesting is that James Valley Telephone in Aberdeen is a GSM/WCDMA provider.  So, either, they have complete a CDMA overlay for Sprint, or this coverage is only for Sprint devices that support GSM/WCDMA.


Now the big question is...does this 3G roaming count against your paltry roaming allowances?



For Western Kansas, the roaming has always included EVDO as long as I've seen, even after it was dropped as native.  I haven't been back through since the RRPP agreements, so can't comment on whether it would be indicated as native.


It use to show up as Sprint 3G on the coverage maps however.


My guess is it'll still count against roaming allowances :(

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For Western Kansas, the roaming has always included EVDO as long as I've seen, even after it was dropped as native.  I haven't been back through since the RRPP agreements, so can't comment on whether it would be indicated as native.


It use to show up as Sprint 3G on the coverage maps however.


My guess is it'll still count against roaming allowances :(


Yeah, I'm just wondering if the 3G & More allows it to be counted against your Sprint plan allowances instead of roaming allowances.

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So is the nexus 6 the first fully roaming alliance compatible phone or did I miss something earlier?

First to be released by Sprint. Originally, the Moto X 2014 was going to be, but Sprint and Moto put the plug on that project.



Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

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Yeah, I'm just wondering if the 3G & More allows it to be counted against your Sprint plan allowances instead of roaming allowances.



I'll find out in about a month when I head back out that direction.


Western Kansas is still full out roaming, though you do get to use EVDO unlike other areas where you are limited to 1x.

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A little bird told me of an even bigger announcement come mid summer that many have wanted for over a decade.




I usually don't like replying to 4 month old posts, but has anything come from this?  Delayed a bit - not happening?  Nothing that was announced in the summer really seemed all that earth shattering...  ;)

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Is that going to be Sprint CCA coverage? It seems like their network will be limited to working with T-Mobile, and AT&T when they fully embrace band 12.

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Is that going to be Sprint CCA coverage? It seems like their network will be limited to working with T-Mobile, and AT&T when they fully embrace band 12.

Yes. Sprint is adding band 12 to all new devices to support LTE roaming. US Cellular and other RRPP members will have band 12 as well.
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Yes. Sprint is adding band 12 to all new devices to support LTE roaming. US Cellular and other RRPP members will have band 12 as well.

I wonder how that will work with them having a LTE/UMTS network until Sprint has their VoLTE set up and working with roaming providers.

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Is the RRPP agreement ONLY for LTE coverage?  


The reason I ask is a specific one - 


Iphone 6.  Calls obviously go out over 1X.  There is a single Sprint true GMO tower (no 800) to cover this large area.  Are the RRPP agreements inked in a way that also includes 1x voice coverage?  Or is this just 'data only' (since it is LTE) until VoLTE is opened up in the future?  

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Is the RRPP agreement ONLY for LTE coverage?


The reason I ask is a specific one -


Iphone 6. Calls obviously go out over 1X. There is a single Sprint true GMO tower (no 800) to cover this large area. Are the RRPP agreements inked in a way that also includes 1x voice coverage? Or is this just 'data only' (since it is LTE) until VoLTE is opened up in the future?

If the carrier has a CDMA network there will be CDMA coverage from their network for Sprint users.
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U.S. Cellular (NYSE:USM) will launch an LTE roaming deal with a smaller carrier in the next few weeks and is currently negotiating an LTE roaming deal with a major carrier, according to CEO Ken Meyers.


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Any idea when we will hear more details and whether we'll be happy or not? It would be a great fit, allowing Sprint to focus on metro builds and USCC on rural. Of course t-mobile and ATT could both benefit from same.

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