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Say hello to the Framily (inexpensive but potentially confusing new Sprint group plan pricing)


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Anybody else getting confused by their first bill on the Framily plan?  We merged 2 ED 1500 plans into one account and put them on a framily.  My first bill shows prorated framily billing for Jan 14-Feb 7, but with no discounts for having 10 lines.  There are no prorated billing amounts for the ED 1500 plans from Jan 8-13, but there are credits showing up for the ED 1500 for Jan 14-Feb 7 along with credits for the premium data charges.  This makes no sense and appears to be more than we should be paying.


it might be hard to copy/paste but here is my first bill after i switched to Framily you can compare too. didn't include my tablet or 2 (free) airaves in this.


Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 3000 Shared Anytime Minutes Included...... -$28.70
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime Minutes Included...... -$21.05
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 3000 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 3000 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 3000 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Credit: Everything Data - 3000 Shared Anytime Minutes -$4.66
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00


Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Unlimited 3G/4G Data........................................................... $4.67
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Employee Discount Sprint 18%............................................. -$0.84
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00


Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 Unlimited 3G/4G Data................................................................................... $20.00
 Employee Discount Sprint 18%...................................................................... -$3.60
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00


Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00
Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Unlimited 3G/4G Data........................................................... $4.67
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Employee Discount Sprint 18%............................................. -$0.84
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 Unlimited 3G/4G Data................................................................................... $20.00
 Employee Discount Sprint 18%...................................................................... -$3.60
Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00


Charges (New Plan)
Jan 20 -Jan 26 Prorated Charges
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text........................... $0.00 
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 Sprint Framily Plan MRC....................................................... $12.83
 Jan 20 - Jan 26 1GB 3G/4G Data................................................................... $0.00
 Jan 21 - Jan 26 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge............................. -$2.00
Charges (Next Month)
Jan 27 -Feb 26 New Single Plan
 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text................................................... $0.00 
 Sprint Framily Plan MRC................................................................................ $55.00
 Framily Discount............................................................................................ -$30.00
 1GB 3G/4G Data............................................................................................ $0.00
Sprint Surcharges.......................................................................... $35.43
Government Taxes & Fees............................................................ $20.69
Total $342.85
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Anybody else getting confused by their first bill on the Framily plan?  We merged 2 ED 1500 plans into one account and put them on a framily.  My first bill shows prorated framily billing for Jan 14-Feb 7, but with no discounts for having 10 lines.  There are no prorated billing amounts for the ED 1500 plans from Jan 8-13, but there are credits showing up for the ED 1500 for Jan 14-Feb 7 along with credits for the premium data charges.  This makes no sense and appears to be more than we should be paying.

I received my first bill and it looks correct. They only had to prorate for 3 days for my old plan. Bill had the full price then then further down it had the discount for the two lines.  I just wish I was having luck getting more people on my plan. So far no takers on a couple of the website I posted my  id on. My wifes parents are thinking about it.

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New Charges $646.10
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime Minutes Included -$66.00
Phone #1
Phone #2
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Phone #3
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Phone #4
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Phone #5
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #1
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
  Jan 15 - Feb 07 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge -$7.67
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #1
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #2
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
  Jan 15 - Feb 07 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge -$7.67
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #2
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #3
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
  Jan 15 - Feb 07 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge -$7.67
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #3
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #4
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
  Jan 15 - Feb 07 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge -$7.67
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #4
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #5
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text  $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC  $44.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data  $0.00
  Jan 15 - Feb 07 Credit: Premium Data $10 add-on charge  -$7.67
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #5
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text  $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC  $55.00
  Framily Discount  -$30.00
  Anytime Minutes - 30 Anytime Minutes  $0.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data  $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #6
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 3GB 3G/4G Data $8.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Employee Discount Sprint 25% -$2.00
  Jan 26 - Feb 07 Framily Service Charge $6.00
  Feb 07 - Feb 07 Credit: Framily Service Charge -$0.50
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #6
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  3GB 3G/4G Data $10.00
  Employee Discount Sprint 25% -$2.50
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #7
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 26 - Feb 07 Framily Service Charge $6.00
  Feb 07 - Feb 07 Credit: Framily Service Charge -$0.50
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #7
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #8
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 26 - Feb 07 Framily Service Charge $6.00
  Feb 02 - Feb 07 Credit: Framily Service Charge -$3.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 08-Feb 07-Non-Prorated Charges
Phone #8
  Sprint: Tools - Visual Voicemail to -01/26 $1.99
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #8
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #9
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 26 - Feb 07 Framily Service Charge $6.00
  Feb 07 - Feb 07 Credit: Framily Service Charge -$0.50
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #9
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
Phone #10
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Sprint Framily Plan MRC $44.00
  Jan 26 - Feb 07 Framily Service Charge $6.00
  Feb 07 - Feb 07 Credit: Framily Service Charge -$0.50
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Feb 08-Mar 07-New Single Plan
Phone #10
  Sprint Framily Plan - Unlimited Talk & Text $0.00
  Sprint Framily Plan MRC $55.00
  Framily Discount -$30.00
  1GB 3G/4G Data $0.00
Single Plan
Airave #
  AIRAVE Access Point enhanced Voice Coverage - Enhanced voice coveragewhen in range of the AIRAVE $0.00
Sprint Surcharges $41.58
Show DetailsShow Details And Explanation of Charges
Government Taxes & Fees $42.34
Show DetailsShow Details And Explanation of Charges
Total Due   $646.10



Let's say they're not offering the discount then for the first month, the billing is still really odd.  What are these Framily Service Charges of $6?  Nobody had bought a new phone after 1/10 so there weren't supposed to be any service charges.  If they are not applying the framily discount to the first month, then the overall charges seem pretty good, but the credits for the old plan don't make much sense since we weren't apparently billed for the old plan.


I should probably mention that the stated billing period was Jan 8 - Feb 7.

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New Charges $646.10
Jan 14-Feb 07-Prorated Charges
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime Minutes Included -$66.00
Phone #1
Phone #2
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Phone #3
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Phone #4
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99
Phone #5
  Jan 14 - Feb 07 Credit: Everything Data - 1500 Shared Anytime MinutesIncluded -$15.99


well yours looks similar to mine so i guess thats good. past that i'm not sure why its so much higher? you only have 1 more line than me which should make it about $30 more than mine. 


best i can come up with is you are missing the discounts for lines 6-10 from the part i quoted. but even if it was the same discounts thats only about $126 off.


i have no idea what the $6 framily charge was for as i didn't have that. but after looking at it some more it looks like you should have gotten credited a portion of your old ED plan (jan 14 -feb 7), then paid a "reduced" amount for current month services on framily for jan 14-feb 7, which didn't get the "Framily" discount, then you paid for the next month services, feb 8 - mar 7, which was correctly "Framily" discounted for having 10 lines.

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well yours looks similar to mine so i guess thats good. past that i'm not sure why its so much higher? you only have 1 more line than me which should make it about $30 more than mine. 


best i can come up with is you are missing the discounts for lines 6-10 from the part i quoted. but even if it was the same discounts thats only about $126 off.


i have no idea what the $6 framily charge was for as i didn't have that. but after looking at it some more it looks like you should have gotten credited a portion of your old ED plan (jan 14 -feb 7), then paid a "reduced" amount for current month services on framily for jan 14-feb 7, which didn't get the "Framily" discount, then you paid for the next month services, feb 8 - mar 7, which was correctly "Framily" discounted for having 10 lines.

Part of the reason it's so much higher is because my previous month billing cycle is much longer than yours.  Mine was Jan 8-Feb 7 where as yours was apparently Jan 20 - Jan 26.  Like I was saying the overall total doesn't seem too off if I was billed for my old plan for Jan 8-Feb 7 + the new month of charges, but that doesn't seem to be what they've done.  It's a weird mismash of 2 different plans + credits and an apparent lack of any billing for the period from Jan 8-Jan 13.

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I received my first bill and it looks correct. They only had to prorate for 3 days for my old plan. Bill had the full price then then further down it had the discount for the two lines. I just wish I was having luck getting more people on my plan. So far no takers on a couple of the website I posted my id on. My wifes parents are thinking about it.

The first few are the hardest. Get to 4 or 5 and its a lot easier.


Sent from my SPH-L900



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I received my first bill and it looks correct. They only had to prorate for 3 days for my old plan. Bill had the full price then then further down it had the discount for the two lines. I just wish I was having luck getting more people on my plan. So far no takers on a couple of the website I posted my id on. My wifes parents are thinking about it.

I had a hard time getting number 3 set up, and now I'm pretty sure #4 will sign up tomorrow. If you go to friends, or even your wife's friends, and explain it in detail, you won't have that hard of a time in the end convincing people to sign up. As you add them, even one by one, you'll be surprised how fast you can reach 10.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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If you go to friends, or even your wife's friends, and explain it in detail, you won't have that hard of a time in the end convincing people to sign up.


It is even easier and faster if you do it at gunpoint.



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Question: people coming to framily, and people that switch to framily, without device subsidy, are no longer under contact, right? If you join Sprint, sign up for framily, and bring a device, no contract, right? Thanks. This part of framily still confuses me.




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Question: people coming to framily, and people that switch to framily, without device subsidy, are no longer under contact, right? If you join Sprint, sign up for framily, and bring a device, no contract, right? Thanks. This part of framily still confuses me.




If you are an existing customer with a service agreement, you still have to fulfill your terms.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Question: people coming to framily, and people that switch to framily, without device subsidy, are no longer under contact, right? If you join Sprint, sign up for framily, and bring a device, no contract, right? Thanks. This part of framily still confuses me.




Right, although, it took 24-36 hours for online account management to reflect that, there is no contract.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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I'm a bit unsure if I still would have to pay an ETF if I left before October. That's when my contract was up when I called and asked about leaving to become a "new" customer so I could join an existing customer's framily but then they just went ahead and put me in that framily. I think I was already on a Framily plan flying solo when the told me that so just changing to the Framily play doesn't end your commitment you made with a subsidized phone purchased in the last 2 years. I guess I would be off the ETF hook if I bought a phone on easy pay but then would be on that hook to pay the phone off.


Sent from my SPH-L900


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My 1st Family plan bill will be $87.14.  Switched on plan change date exactly, $55+20+8 for insurance - $4.60 for employee discount + taxes and fees. Monthly payment on my phone will be $22.09

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Now that I'm on a Framily plan with unlimited calling I'm thinking about dropping our home phone.  Does anyone have experience with MagicJack service?  I will still need a line to use for work purposes but was looking into lower cost Voip.


Mostly interested to know:

Do they terminate calls that are "too long"?

Is it reliable, or were there many outages?



As for the Framily, I'm also pretty interested to know if the separate billing will work if others change their address to match the account holders, and then if it will be possible to change it back (maybe after waiting a few months first).  Seems like a decent way to get true friends and family on the same plan and for me would be preferable over joining with 8 strangers.  I know it has been mentioned here that the address can not be changed back later, but that seems like something Sprint would not be able to dictate...legally speaking.

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What if others change their address to match the account holder but have online billing instead of a regular bill sent to the house. I don't recall getting a mailed bill in years. Would the account holder get the email too, I don't think they would.



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Now that I'm on a Framily plan with unlimited calling I'm thinking about dropping our home phone.  Does anyone have experience with MagicJack service?  I will still need a line to use for work purposes but was looking into lower cost Voip.


Mostly interested to know:

Do they terminate calls that are "too long"?

Is it reliable, or were there many outages?



As for the Framily, I'm also pretty interested to know if the separate billing will work if others change their address to match the account holders, and then if it will be possible to change it back (maybe after waiting a few months first).  Seems like a decent way to get true friends and family on the same plan and for me would be preferable over joining with 8 strangers.  I know it has been mentioned here that the address can not be changed back later, but that seems like something Sprint would not be able to dictate...legally speaking.


My grandparents have MagicJack and I think the sound quality is awful when I call them - sounds like we are talking on a tin can and a string.  Their internet connection is pretty good, too, at 15 Mbps.

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Now that I'm on a Framily plan with unlimited calling I'm thinking about dropping our home phone.  Does anyone have experience with MagicJack service?  I will still need a line to use for work purposes but was looking into lower cost Voip.


Mostly interested to know:

Do they terminate calls that are "too long"?

Is it reliable, or were there many outages?



As for the Framily, I'm also pretty interested to know if the separate billing will work if others change their address to match the account holders, and then if it will be possible to change it back (maybe after waiting a few months first).  Seems like a decent way to get true friends and family on the same plan and for me would be preferable over joining with 8 strangers.  I know it has been mentioned here that the address can not be changed back later, but that seems like something Sprint would not be able to dictate...legally speaking.

forget majicjack.  if you have unlimited minutes use only cell phones. I ahve not had any kind of traditional phone or voip since i went cell only on sprint more than 10 years ago. 

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Now that I'm on a Framily plan with unlimited calling I'm thinking about dropping our home phone. Does anyone have experience with MagicJack service? I will still need a line to use for work purposes but was looking into lower cost Voip.



If you looking for a low cost VOIP I recommend checking out Ooma. I have had the original Ooma hub for almost 5 years and love it.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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