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Say hello to the Framily (inexpensive but potentially confusing new Sprint group plan pricing)


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As I said earlier after I switched to framily plan I called and said I wanted to leave for a while and was told I would have to pay an ETF of $180 or wait until October before I leave.


Sent from my SPH-L900

Why would you switch and then want to leave right away?


Jim, Sent from my Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2




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As I said earlier after I switched to framily plan I called and said I wanted to leave for a while and was told I would have to pay an ETF of $180 or wait until October before I leave.


Sent from my SPH-L900


Thats means your contract has 9 months left. Switching to framily does not void your current contract unless you do easy pay.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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Why would you switch and then want to leave right away?


Jim, Sent from my Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2

Limits of moving to friends framily plan who are also current customers. I think we worked it out so I can stay will know for sure soon.

Basically it looked like a better deal if I left for 45 day and became a new customer again.


Sent from my SPH-L900



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Limits of moving to friends framily plan who are also current customers. I think we worked it out so I can stay will know for sure soon.

Basically it looked like a better deal if I left for 45 day and became a new customer again.


Sent from my SPH-L900


You would think that Sprint would be trying to encourage folks to join the Framily plan if you are current customers instead of being hard nosed about these things.  I don't get that.

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You would think that Sprint would be trying to encourage folks to join the Framily plan if you are current customers instead of being hard nosed about these things.  I don't get that.

Even if they did it for a limited time.

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I have an everything data plan 450, single line with an upgrade available. I use between 3-5 GB of data a month and currently pay $66 a month before taxes with a 20% work discount. Most of my family has their own lines with Sprint, the one that does not has Verizon and will not switch. Changing to my way plan with unlimited data would cost me $74 and the framly plan would clost $71. Even when upgrades and subsidies are discontinued it is cheaper staying with my current plan. I usually keep a phone approximately 2 years, give or take.

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I have an everything data plan 450, single line with an upgrade available. I use between 3-5 GB of data a month and currently pay $66 a month before taxes with a 20% work discount. Most of my family has their own lines with Sprint, the one that does not has Verizon and will not switch. Changing to my way plan with unlimited data would cost me $74 and the framly plan would clost $71. Even when upgrades and subsidies are discontinued it is cheaper staying with my current plan. I usually keep a phone approximately 2 years, give or take.


Well, I doubt that you will be able to stay on your grandfathered plan for long.  I get the impression that the new Sprint does not want to have these old plans on the books for years to come.  So, the quicker that Sprint "rips off the Band-Aid," the faster that plans in the billing system will get simplified and consolidated.


If that is the case and you ever wish to make any change to your account -- such as swap in a new handset -- then you probably will be required to switch to a current plan.  As I have been saying, "unlimited" data users are going to have to pay a greater premium for their usage.  Thus, if you want to save money, you will need to find a way to get your on network data usage under 3 GB or 1 GB.



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I had two everything data 450 plans and a 27% corp discount.  Total was around $136 per month.  I'm figuring on the framily play I joined today with 10 members my bill will drop to around $64 per month.  I lose unlimited data but typically have been under 500mb per line per month anyway (most usage is on wifi).  



Half the cost

Unlimited voice minutes (makes dropping our home phone a new option to save even more)



Limited data of 1GB


As an aside, I had zero problems joining a framily with my two lines on old plans.  Used Sprint Chat to do it and only took a few minutes.

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I had two everything data 450 plans and a 27% corp discount.  Total was around $136 per month.  I'm figuring on the framily play I joined today with 10 members my bill will drop to around $64 per month.  I lose unlimited data but typically have been under 500mb per line per month anyway (most usage is on wifi).  



Half the cost

Unlimited voice minutes (makes dropping our home phone a new option to save even more)



Limited data of 1GB


As an aside, I had zero problems joining a framily with my two lines on old plans.  Used Sprint Chat to do it and only took a few minutes.


thats how 6 or 7 of the 10 plans on my corp acct are....shoot, the 5 that are on unlimited, 4 use under 1gb, am the only one over


and just pay the $20 for unlimited.....hell beats $30 on the my way plan....


me thinks i will be switching from a corp to a personal plan....


now if i can track down a few more, then i would like to have 2 groups of 7 or more...for the max $25


as i have a daughter coming up the ranks, and a mother inlaw i could switch i think

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Well, I doubt that you will be able to stay on your grandfathered plan for long.  I get the impression that the new Sprint does not want to have these old plans on the books for years to come.  So, the quicker that Sprint "rips off the Band-Aid," the faster that plans in the billing system will get simplified and consolidated.


If that is the case and you ever wish to make any change to your account -- such as swap in a new handset -- then you probably will be required to switch to a current plan.  As I have been saying, "unlimited" data users are going to have to pay a greater premium for their usage.  Thus, if you want to save money, you will need to find a way to get your on network data usage under 3 GB or 1 GB.






You seem to think that paying 20$ per month for unlimited data on the Framily plan will go up in price. Well i called in and asked that since there is no contract could they do this. Now while they can change prices as much as they want the account services sup had doubts weather that would happen anytime soon since they just are now starting this 20$ unlimited and the New plan.


Also weather you are a Author or whatever you seem to have some chip on your shoulder with all your replies to people.




PS also i asked if this would create a ETF out free for those still on contract and even with the i doubt it will happen anytime soon i also got the Yes it would.


They would create in the next 2 years so many people who could ETF out freely that i do not see it happening soon.

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I don't see sprint doing any band-aid ripping any time soon.

Killing subsidy will get most of the hold outs to either leave or find a framily.


One thing they could easily do is crack down on tethering... this is what brings down the network more then anything.

1 warning then close the acct with all termination fees due.

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You seem to think that paying 20$ per month for unlimited data on the Framily plan will go up in price. Well i called in and asked that since there is no contract could they do this. Now while they can change prices as much as they want the account services sup had doubts weather that would happen anytime soon since they just are now starting this 20$ unlimited and the New plan.

You misunderstand my point. I never said that the $20 per month "unlimited" data surcharge would go up in price. No, I commented against those who are seemingly complaining that Framily plan costs would increase their bills. I pointed out that most -- except probably those on "referral" plans -- could lower their bills. Any cost increase likely comes from their insistence upon "unlimited" data, for which they now must pay an additional $20 per month. And that additional cost is justifiable, as "unlimited" users are a burden upon the network, affecting capacity for everyone else.


Also weather you are a Author or whatever you seem to have some chip on your shoulder with all your replies to people.

I do not have a "chip on [my] shoulder." That is a product of envy. I do not envy other people.  I tire of other people -- especially those who cannot see the larger perspective the way I can -- and that makes me a grumpy guy who is getting old.


PS also i asked if this would create a ETF out free for those still on contract and even with the i doubt it will happen anytime soon i also got the Yes it would.


They would create in the next 2 years so many people who could ETF out freely that i do not see it happening soon.

If you are asking Sprint customer service for definitive answers, you are in the wrong place.  S4GRU intelligence and knowledge cannot compete with that of Sprint reps in store or on the phone.





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You misunderstand my point. I never said that the $20 per month "unlimited" data surcharge would go up in price. No, I commented against those who are seemingly complaining that Framily plan costs would increase their bills. I pointed out that most -- except probably those on "referral" plans -- could lower their bills. Any cost increase likely comes from their insistence upon "unlimited" data, for which they now must pay an additional $20 per month. And that additional cost is justifiable, as "unlimited" users are a burden upon the network, affecting capacity for everyone else.


I do not have a "chip on [my] shoulder." That is a product of envy. I do not envy other people.  I tire of other people -- especially those who cannot see the larger perspective the way I can -- and that makes me a grumpy guy who is getting old.


If you are asking Sprint customer service for definitive answers, you are in the wrong place.  S4GRU intelligence and knowledge cannot compete with that of Sprint reps in store or on the phone.







Oh i ask them stuff to have my account noted. I have been with sprint for 14 years and sadly i know more about stuff than half the reps who work in the stores. I call up like i did with the subsidy thing and ask for a account sup and then when they insist they are right i say well note my account of such.


I had to do this years ago when a rep swore up and down that old F&F plans would get to use Android phones within the year. Well we all know that never happened so they gave me a sweet deal to move to ED1500


But i moved 9 lines to Framily because it is way cheaper. 2-3 lines maybe not but 9 is. And i do factor in phone costs. I will NEVER get a phone on easy pay. When i get a phone it is mine till i get a new one. I take good care of my phones. I have right now a Note 3 so lets say a phone comes out in May that i want. I will buy it new on ebay. They always sell cheaper by about 100$ on there plus no tax and are new sealed in box. so lets say i spend $600 on a new phone. I keep all my phones MINT they are protected and therefore bring a good price of around 350$ or so and keep doing that.


So its all good and yes people who move with 1-2 lines will pay more but if you try hard and post your ID on sites that allow it you can add people quickly to lower your bill.


Lastly i will hold at 9 lines cause i pay for all 9 lines and do not need someone else as it makes my bill no cheaper. Plus the fact if 1 day someone i know wants a line of service ill have 1.


Thanks to all that help on here it saves time when you call clueless reps.

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So you were able to switch to a planthat was an existing customers?

I was able to. Although I've ended up with a framily of 7 rather than ten because the last few have tried with several reps and keep getting denied. Seems to me that the CS reps are now all on the same page with this policy. I still hope they open it up to more friendly policy towards existing customers.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk



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if any one want to joint my framily plan , reply and i give to you the FRAMILY ID number,.. i have 2 lines now, if we reach 7+ the montly payment will be $25 for unlimited talk and text plus 1gb data , .. if you want more data for 10 dollars you get 3 gb of data , or for 20 dollars the data is unlimited

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if any one want to joint my framily plan , reply and i give to you the FRAMILY ID number,.. i have 2 lines now, if we reach 7+ the montly payment will be $25 for unlimited talk and text plus 1gb data , .. if you want more data for 10 dollars you get 3 gb of data , or for 20 dollars the data is unlimited

The tricky part is that if you are a current Sprint customer, you cannot join another's Framily.

You can only start your own.


They want new customers to open an account and then they can join an already existing Framily.

Sprint wants us to recruit for them.


Mav.  :ninja:

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The tricky part is that if you are a current Sprint customer, you cannot join another's Framily.

You can only start your own.


They want new customers to open an account and then they can join an already existing Framily.

Sprint wants us to recruit for them.


Mav.   :ninja:


Its a pretty smart tactic.  In return for recruiting for them, existing customers get lower rates.  I'm expecting to see quite a few "join my framily" posts on FB, twitter, G+ etc. in the near term.  I actually know two people who might want to join that I'll be doing a little bit of recruiting on :)

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Sprint Chat confusing the heck out of me. This is incorrect right?



Log into your Sprint account and see if your devices ALL show upgrades. I noticed that they did the on 5 of my lines when I looked last week and I'm still on F&F1500 plan, working on switching soon though.  I had 1 subsidized available and 1 will be available in a week but ALL lines had been made available for "upgrade" last I looked. Granted, they were all "Easy Pay" *upgrades but still, "upgrades".  :rolleyes:


UPDATE: Here is what mine looks like.




This is the message for the line that is almost ready for a subsidized FULL upgrade. 




Clicking the "Learn more" takes you to what you see below




Here is what a line that is actually NOT ready for a subsidized FULL upgrade until December 2014.







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Its a pretty smart tactic.  In return for recruiting for them, existing customers get lower rates.  I'm expecting to see quite a few "join my framily" posts on FB, twitter, G+ etc. in the near term.  I actually know two people who might want to join that I'll be doing a little bit of recruiting on :)


Indeed. The concept seems pretty similar to all of those DirecTV Refer-A-Friend commercials that I'm constantly seeing on TV.

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The tricky part is that if you are a current Sprint customer, you cannot join another's Framily.

You can only start your own.


They want new customers to open an account and then they can join an already existing Framily.

Sprint wants us to recruit for them.


Mav.   :ninja:

no is not....i have 4 moths remaining in contract yet, and i move to my friend framily group

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