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Sprint LTE Coverage Maps via Sensorly

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Error message

PDOException: SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections in lock_may_be_available() (line167 of /homez.27/etrepere/www.sensorly.com/includes/lock.inc).

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Error message

PDOException: SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections in lock_may_be_available() (line167 of /homez.27/etrepere/www.sensorly.com/includes/lock.inc).


Looks like their server upgrade may not have gone entirely as planned.

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Loads much faster here (web page on the PC). Nice upgrade. Glad to see you were not buried by your own success.


Hopefully there will be some purple to fill in in St Charles County soon and I gave give it a real workout.

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I've gone on three different trips in the past month to map areas in the north metro, and after each trip nothing would update.


I emailed sensorly each time and it seemed to me like I was being brushed off with excuses about how it would update in couple days.


It's easily been a month since some of those changes went up.


I went as far as wiping my phone to do a clean reinstall of everything.


It showed 4G captures, and uploaded those points to the server, but I'm pretty sure data is being lost.


I can't see using the app anymore given the last time it worked for me was about 300 miles ago. I can't afford driving around like a fool to map nothing.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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I've gone on three different trips in the past month to map areas in the north metro, and after each trip nothing would update.


I emailed sensorly each time and it seemed to me like I was being brushed off with excuses about how it would update in couple days.


It's easily been a month since some of those changes went up.


I went as far as wiping my phone to do a clean reinstall of everything.


It showed 4G captures, and uploaded those points to the server, but I'm pretty sure data is being lost.


I can't see using the app anymore given the last time it worked for me was about 300 miles ago. I can't afford driving around like a fool to map nothing.


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I've gone on three different trips in the past month to map areas in the north metro, and after each trip nothing would update.


I emailed sensorly each time and it seemed to me like I was being brushed off with excuses about how it would update in couple days.


It's easily been a month since some of those changes went up.


I went as far as wiping my phone to do a clean reinstall of everything.


It showed 4G captures, and uploaded those points to the server, but I'm pretty sure data is being lost.


I can't see using the app anymore given the last time it worked for me was about 300 miles ago. I can't afford driving around like a fool to map nothing.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


This is my experience as well for the last month or so. I have a WiMax phone so for fun I went around mapping because the map here is really low for actual WiMax coverage. Plus, I figured it may give people an idea of where the future Clearwire LTE bands could reach. Part of my job is driving around meeting suppliers so why not? Unfortunately all that was for naught as the maps still haven't updated my results and I am pretty much done bothering with it.

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It would appear that updates are still not running. I would give it another day. Probably has a lot of data to catch up on.


I will say that the maps are loading MUCH quicker now, no lag time on the website, so that is nice.

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It would appear that updates are still not running. I would give it another day. Probably has a lot of data to catch up on.


I will say that the maps are loading MUCH quicker now, no lag time on the website, so that is nice.


Yes very quick to load plus you have to think the longer it is down the longer the backlog to process which makes for even more of a backlog.


Give it time.. I am sure it will be awesome when it catches up.


Sent from my little Note2



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@ Cletus and Andrew, (unless you reset your phone before the data finished uploading) your data points will eventually be added, even if it takes a long time.


in the sensorly app > menu > details it will show how many messages are pending being sent.


Also, from what I remember, by default it only uploads data when plugged in and via wifi only. This can be changed in the settings.

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Has been 4 days since I mapped and uploaded to several hundred points and still no update on the sensorly maps. While I can understand 24 delay this is going on much longer. Kinda takes away from the whole fun of it..



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Has been 4 days since I mapped and uploaded to several hundred points and still no update on the sensorly maps. While I can understand 24 delay this is going on much longer. Kinda takes away from the whole fun of it..




I agree.

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Good news: It looks like recent mapping is finally starting to show up. Points in the far Northwest of Chicagoland that I tracked last Friday just appeared on Sensorly a few minutes ago.

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I saw a post on sprint community by a Sprint rep that said Philly is 13% complete. This site says 45%. Which is right? I'm pretty sure the Sprint guy is wrong, but it concerns me. How come some areas launched below 40%, yet some are in the 50s and haven't launched yet? This is painful, because the 3g is cutting out now, during this work. At times, I have no data. None! My SG3 had to be put on 3g only. It kept flipping 4g to 3g and was even less useable than when steady 3g.

Edited by 66bobbo
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I saw a post on sprint community by a Sprint rep that said Philly is 13% complete. This site says 45%. Which is right? I'm pretty sure the Sprint guy is wrong, but it concerns me. How come some areas launched below 40%, yet some are in the 50s and haven't launched yet? This is painful, because the 3g is cutting out now, during this work. At times, I have no data. None! My SG3 had to be put on 3g only. It kept flipping 4g to 3g and was even less useable than when steady 3g.


Philadelphia Metro market is 45% with NV upgrades. However, 13% is probably pretty accurate for LTE upgrades. Two different numbers.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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Stuff is finally showing up. I posted on the 3rd saying I got LTE 2 streets from my house, and it barely showed up today. I checked last night and it wasnt there, so this is good news. Hopefully within the next few days I'll have an LTE spot over my house because I briefly got LTE Monday night.

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Except that the Coverage Map now starts up showing "Bouygues Telecom - 2G-3G" with the map centered somewhere in France -- or at least I think it's France, 'cuz all them names is in some funny furrin' language.


Then I have to scroll w-a-a-y down the page to find "Sprint 4G". OH, the pain and humiliation!!!!

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this link usually opens in the area associated with the geographic area of your ip.




For example, at home it opens on the stl area, while at work it opens on los angeles where my work dumps internet traffic.

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I have gotten LTE in my bedroom a few times and in my living room twice. I'm wondering if the tower on Dean & Colonial is going to be the one I'll always be connected to from home. Anyone know if that tower might be able to give off a similar signal strength as the one by Lee Vista? I see a lot of LTE towers with a very low signal even being close by me, and distant ones that give me full bars. I don't really understand why.

Edited by XXavierXX
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Hi everyone, we've started processing the backlog, we're still some days out but the backlog should be processed this weekend at the latest. Our servers are running at peak capacity. Follow status messages here http://status.sensorly.com/


Regarding the site, our site database went down and we couldn't even get to our backups so we got an old backup from 6 months ago and it looks like the geolocation stuff is missing, *sigh* And of course, this is a long bank holiday so there's no one to circumvent the isssue. *sigh* again...

The upside to this is that the site is much faster since we moved it to a new much much faster server


Thanks for your patience.

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Philadelphia Metro market is 45% with NV upgrades. However, 13% is probably pretty accurate for LTE upgrades. Two different numbers.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

Robert, if that is accurate, then I guess spring launch is incorrect. 4g is one thing, but this testing and upgrade stuff is making all data use brutally rough. I thought I was looking at 45% LTE. Thanks for being there for me though. I need someone to get me off this ledge
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