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LTE Discovery App for S4GRU


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Oh no... Loose LTE again!

Gotta watch out for that. May need to bring in the herd dogs and lassos! ;)

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Hi SpenseSouth, I was lead to your app by the very involved group of "LTE Hunters" we have here and honestly, when straight to the paid version once i saw the advanced options. Only thing is, I'm having issues with the app on my HTC One (Android version 4.2.1).  I do have some enhancement requests to send but I'd first LOVE to get the app running 100% on my device. 


So things I'm experiencing are...


1. App will stop polling, unexpectedly on it's own. I don't think it has anything to do with connecting to LTE either as (I do have the scan when not connected to LTE setting checked) I may never see LTE and it'll stop anyway.  (*This is a big one as if it's not running, it's not doing it's main job.  :) )


2. The app seems to never want to close (or be reduced to background) by normal means.  To close the app I either have to actually kill the process using Manage Apps or a kill process action OR sometimes when I hit the back or home it'll just force close the app. *I can grab a locat of the FC if you are good with reading those. 


3. I don't think it's supposed to, but when it's running and you click on the app in the notification bar, it takes you right to the GPS location page.  Then you have to get back to the main screen off the app from there. Is that logic on purpose? 


These are the main things that I can think of right now that I am more than willing to help get sorted with you.  When the app is running, it does, "what it do" so well, I just have found reliability issues when running on my device. 


The enhancement I was thinking of is the ability to actually click on the GPS location (stored on the location page) to take us to the location in Google Maps.  It would allow us pinpoint on an interactive map rather than just see the time and location LTE was picked up, which while useful, it's not actionable data right now. 


Thanks for the app and dedication to the community of LTE Hunting folks around here. 

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Hi mrrogers1,


I'm directly working on the code with Spence in developing LTE Discovery.


Unfortunately, automatic toggle of airplane mode isn't working on API 17+ (4.2.1+) because Google altered some security measures on their end. It is a high priority for us to find a workaround. One solution so far involves having users root their phone, but we are looking for a more general solution.


1. We are not exactly sure why this is happening, and it theoretically shouldn't be happening. But, we are currently working on a HUGE overhaul to the code base to clean it up, make bugs easier to find, and make future updates easier. This is one of the main reasons there hasn't been a major update in awhile.


2. Yes, please send us a Logcat if you can (feedback@simplyadvanced.net). And, a very wordy/specific description on how we can recreate the bug (you can't be too wordy with a bug description ;)).


3. Yes, the logic was planned this way and it was actually harder to do than just always opening the main page. We figured that once you choose a setting that you like, you don't really ever really need to change it. It is more likely that after driving around hunting for LTE, that you would want to see the GPS coordinate, NID, BSID, and SID. But, if you have another use-case that you would like to present to us, then we would really like talking to you about it. We are very open to suggestions and all feedback.


The ability to click on GPS coordinates to open it in Google Maps is definitely on the todo list! And, some other cool features too.

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Hi SpenseSouth, I was lead to your app by the very involved group of "LTE Hunters" we have here and honestly, when straight to the paid version once i saw the advanced options. Only thing is, I'm having issues with the app on my HTC One (Android version 4.2.1).  I do have some enhancement requests to send but I'd first LOVE to get the app running 100% on my device. 


So things I'm experiencing are...


1. App will stop polling, unexpectedly on it's own. I don't think it has anything to do with connecting to LTE either as (I do have the scan when not connected to LTE setting checked) I may never see LTE and it'll stop anyway.  (*This is a big one as if it's not running, it's not doing it's main job.  :) )


2. The app seems to never want to close (or be reduced to background) by normal means.  To close the app I either have to actually kill the process using Manage Apps or a kill process action OR sometimes when I hit the back or home it'll just force close the app. *I can grab a locat of the FC if you are good with reading those. 


3. I don't think it's supposed to, but when it's running and you click on the app in the notification bar, it takes you right to the GPS location page.  Then you have to get back to the main screen off the app from there. Is that logic on purpose? 


These are the main things that I can think of right now that I am more than willing to help get sorted with you.  When the app is running, it does, "what it do" so well, I just have found reliability issues when running on my device. 


The enhancement I was thinking of is the ability to actually click on the GPS location (stored on the location page) to take us to the location in Google Maps.  It would allow us pinpoint on an interactive map rather than just see the time and location LTE was picked up, which while useful, it's not actionable data right now. 


Thanks for the app and dedication to the community of LTE Hunting folks around here. 

Hey, see post above. I just wanted to quote you so that you have a better chance of receiving a notification about my reply.


ps - I would have deleted the post above and reposted if that open was available...


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Hey, see post above. I just wanted to quote you so that you have a better chance of receiving a notification about my reply.


ps - I would have deleted the post above and reposted if that open was available...



Thanks for the reply!  I will get a logcat to you all.  Closing the app is pretty well impossible for me to do without forcing it but I will get logcat and info as soon as I can. Oh, I am very rooted and s-off so if there is a trick to getting it to keep running let me know. (*Are you maybe talking about converting to a system app to protect the process?)


The logic with going to the location does make sense now that you put it that way. I guess since I always have to restart the toggle since it stops on it's own, it drove me crazy having to do the extra steps.  Under normal circumstances, the location is what is useful AND being able to click on the location and have it do something will make it even more useful.  Thanks! 


Take care and I'll be in touch

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I would like a feature to be able to turn off all the notifications. I hate having to clear them all the time.


Also add the ability to turn off the gps feature. Unless the app is going to pull the serving cell IDs with it, then I find the GPS list to be useless.


Other than that it works perfect for me.

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I would like a feature to be able to turn off all the notifications. I hate having to clear them all the time.


Also add the ability to turn off the gps feature. Unless the app is going to pull the serving cell IDs with it, then I find the GPS list to be useless.


Other than that it works perfect for me.


Thank you for the feedback! I believe the more feedback Spence and I receive, the better we can make the app. And we can also see which features are the most important to the most people.


We have a long todo list of features (including serving cell IDs) and have added your two excellent suggestions to it.


May I ask, which mode(s) do you use? Is it only "Cycle only when not connected to LTE"?

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Thank you for the feedback! I believe the more feedback Spence and I receive, the better we can make the app. And we can also see which features are the most important to the most people.


We have a long todo list of features (including serving cell IDs) and have added your two excellent suggestions to it.


May I ask, which mode(s) do you use? Is it only "Cycle only when not connected to LTE"?

Yes, my basic setup for confirming a new site is to hit Sensorly, start trip. Then LTE discovery in Cycle only when not connected. Google maps with my market kml cell site file loaded split screened with the LTE engineering screen so I can see the serving cell. Throw it in the dash mount and it becomes the Mean lean LTE hunting machine!

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May I ask, which mode(s) do you use? Is it only "Cycle only when not connected to LTE"?

You didn't ask me (I also didn't say) but I too use the cycle with not connected.


Let me know on the possible, "stop cycling" fix being available to rooted folks, I'll try it.


Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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@mrrogers1, thank you. I will definitely let you know. We do need beta testers for this type of app. A recent update to the Developers Console for Google Play allows us to have beta and alpha apps before being rolled out to everybody.


Also, eventually, we going to add some basic analytics to the app so that we know better how most people are using the app and how we should focus our efforts more. I currently just keep tabs of how everybody uses this in my head lol (from many feedbacks).


One of the best things about developing an app for a high tech demographic is the better quality feedback and bug notices. But, one of the hurdles are the many different types of ROMs to make sure the app works for. I actually just received my new Nexus 4 today so that I can do even more testing easier now.


ps - I just re-read this and am not really sure if it is coherent or not. I'm really tired and it's been a long day at work.

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@mrrogers1, thank you. I will definitely let you know. We do need beta testers for this type of app. A recent update to the Developers Console for Google Play allows us to have beta and alpha apps before being rolled out to everybody.


Also, eventually, we going to add some basic analytics to the app so that we know better how most people are using the app and how we should focus our efforts more. I currently just keep tabs of how everybody uses this in my head lol (from many feedbacks).


One of the best things about developing an app for a high tech demographic is the better quality feedback and bug notices. But, one of the hurdles are the many different types of ROMs to make sure the app works for. I actually just received my new Nexus 4 today so that I can do even more testing easier now.


ps - I just re-read this and am not really sure if it is coherent or not. I'm really tired and it's been a long day at work.


Coherent and appreciated.  :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately, automatic toggle of airplane mode isn't working on API 17+ (4.2.1+) because Google altered some security measures on their end. It is a high priority for us to find a workaround. One solution so far involves having users root their phone, but we are looking for a more general solution.

Google really dropped the ball when they blocked developer access to the airplane mode functions. I was hoping they would reverse it when 4.3 came out, but instead they locked it down even further. Very frustrating!



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Google really dropped the ball when they blocked developer access to the airplane mode functions. I was hoping they would reverse it when 4.3 came out, but instead they locked it down even further. Very frustrating!




Maybe I'm just getting older and don't like change but Google seems to be going backwards now.  I for one will not be updating Maps, Talk, Gmail, along with Slacker on my phone.  They all followed along with removing stuff I used.  The maps thing is just down right horrible and you can't even load your own KML layer anymore.  How am I supposed to load my tower layer? ;)

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Maybe I'm just getting older and don't like change but Google seems to be going backwards now. I for one will not be updating Maps, Talk, Gmail, along with Slacker on my phone. They all followed along with removing stuff I used. The maps thing is just down right horrible and you can't even load your own KML layer anymore. How am I supposed to load my tower layer? ;)

Yeah i wish there was a way to run the old and new maps app.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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Maybe I'm just getting older and don't like change but Google seems to be going backwards now.  I for one will not be updating Maps, Talk, Gmail, along with Slacker on my phone.  They all followed along with removing stuff I used.  The maps thing is just down right horrible and you can't even load your own KML layer anymore.  How am I supposed to load my tower layer? ;)


I hate the new Google Maps on their website. Bring back my old Google Maps. I can't imagine what it looks like in the app now.

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Maybe I'm just getting older and don't like change but Google seems to be going backwards now.  I for one will not be updating Maps, Talk, Gmail, along with Slacker on my phone.  They all followed along with removing stuff I used.  The maps thing is just down right horrible and you can't even load your own KML layer anymore.  How am I supposed to load my tower layer? ;)

Have you seen the openCL thing? Google is actively blocking when vendors implement it. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

Did we ever get this working on Samsung 4.2 devices?


YES! Well, theoretically, yes. Airplane mode cycling now works on [ROOTED] Android 4.2+ devices.


Here's a list of currently known working devices:
* HTC One with Android 4.2.2
* LG Nexus 4 with stock Android 4.3 (Thanks to mrrogers1)


If you are able to try out the newest update, then please let me or Spence know about it! We'll be keeping a list for everybody.


Also, there have been a few more improvements and bug fixes to the app. I hope you will like it.


There are more updates in the works. Just trying to make sure the base feature works before adding too many features.

Edited by danialgoodwin
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YES! Well, theoretically, yes. Airplane mode cycling now works on [ROOTED] Android 4.2+ devices.


Here's a list of currently known working devices:
* HTC One with Android 4.2.2
* LG Nexus 4 with stock Android 4.3 (Thanks to mrrogers1)


If you are able to try out the newest update, then please let me or Spence know about it! We'll be keeping a list for everybody.


Also, there have been a few more improvements and bug fixes to the app. I hope you will like it.


There are more updates in the works. Just trying to make sure the base feature works before adding too many features.

I have a GNex but am currently using an HTC One of 4.1.2

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like it's been about 2 months since my last post. This update is to announce a HUGE new v3.0 release! There are many, many new features, improvements, optimizations, intelligence, and design added to LTE Discovery.


It has been a very busy time for us creating this new vastly upgraded version of LTE Discovery.




Here's the shortlist of what's new:

1. Added multiple widgets (PRO)

2. Added highly requested signal strength, in-app maps, and more stats

3. Added "Cycle Only Once" Mode
4. Added help prompt to each cycling mode
5. Added more settings and alerts (PRO)
6. Many bug fixes and optimizations
7. More coming soon!



For more details and pictures, please visit our Google Play LTE Disovery page.


And, as always, I welcome questions, comments, and suggestions! Let us know what you think about the upgraded features. =]


 - Danial Goodwin -

Lead Developer for LTE Discovery


ps - This technical app beautifully features the Android "Holo" theme designs (don't be content with non-Android designs on an Android device)!

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