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Honored Premier Sponsor
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Profile Information

  • Phones/Devices
    iPhone 6S+, Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4; Previous: LG G3, Samsung Galaxy Note II, HTC EVO 4G
  • Gender
  • Location
    Beaverton, Oregon
  • Here for...
    4G Information

PDXmike's Achievements

Member Level: 4G WiMax

Member Level: 4G WiMax (10/12)



  1. Chocolate Rain
  2. Pool party
  3. Wait, Robert, I thought your birthday wasn’t until July 6th. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-fried-chicken-day-july-6/
  4. Happy birthday, Robert! Thanks for everything you do to administer this site and keep it running!
  5. Shark Week
  6. Love lamp
  7. Plate tectonics
  8. License (to) Kill
  9. Ham radio
  10. Was your donation over 6 months ago? Donations give members S4GRU Sponsor status for 6 months from the time of their last donation. After that, your account will revert back to member status. http://s4gru.com/forums/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ As WuTang03 implied, yes, S4GRU staff has had (and still does) different sources within the company over the years. There is a wealth of awesome information available in the Sponsor, Premier Sponsor, and Honored Premier Sponsor forums.
  11. Internet money
  12. Highway Patrol
  13. I have an iPhone and have been fortunate to not have any issues with it connecting to my MB at all. I received my MB on Wednesday. After plugging it in and letting it do its thing for a couple of hours, I witnessed my signal strength go from -114 dBm to -69 dBm B41 while I was using my phone. Pretty neat to witness. Since then, my phone has automatically locked onto the MB B41 signal whenever I pull into my driveway. I'm on a 6S+ and haven't had to reset my phone, do a PRL update, airplane mode, or anything else. My house is in a pocket of pretty weak B41, and B25 is weak indoors, so that could be why my phone is connecting so well to the MB. Maybe I'm just lucky. I hope this helps and that your MB starts working out for you!
  14. Yes, I receive a B41 signal in my house, but it's rarely stronger than -115 dBm. The Magic Box is meant to fill in B41 coverage gaps and weak signal areas, making my place a perfect candidate. As Tim mentions above, the stronger, cleaner signal will do wonders for battery life and overall user experience in my corner of the neighborhood. Also, the MB will keep my family's four phones from camping on B25 as they currently do now. As to why others who seemingly fit the criteria may have been denied, I have no idea. I just filled out the application and crossed my fingers.
  15. I applied for the Magic Box the day it was announced and just received the call this afternoon. They left a voicemail saying that I am eligible and that they will be contacting me again via phone or email before the MB ships this fall. My area has Band 41 all over. I receive a B41 signal inside my house even though the two sites closest to me are not yet B41 accepted.
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