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EVO 4G LTE Android Jelly Bean Update 3.15.651.16


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As far as battery life goes it feels about the same as ICS but thats not a bad thing at all. I still can't believe how responsive my evo has become, this update has really done a good job of getting my mind off of the note 2.


I had my S3 active before switching back to this phone, and I'm not really missing the S3 much.


The one thing killing me is my bluetooth, just need to stop being lazy and get my phone swapped.

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3 things

1) battery life is misleading after doing a full wipe

2) sprint connections optimizer got in a fight with my Tasker profile.

3) these numbers have changed. If anyone waited on updating I would appreciate confirmation on that. ta4u8e7u.jpg


Typed with Swiftkey flow beta



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3 things

1) battery life is misleading after doing a full wipe

2) sprint connections optimizer got in a fight with my Tasker profile.

3) these numbers have changed. If anyone waited on updating I would appreciate confirmation on that. ta4u8e7u.jpg


Yep.... They indeed changed


Typed with Swiftkey flow beta


posted using J.A.R.V.I.S.



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I might be the minority on this, but I'm loving the battery life with this update. So far everything is working great, and I'm actually using the EVO again as a daily driver.


I agree with that. Switched back from my GS3 finally. Not missing it, not that I was ever really attached to the GS3...

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I’m having severe proximity sensor issues which I had when I first got the phone but then the previous update fixed it, however it’s back with the Jelly Bean update. The little red proximity sensor dot stays on all the time after a call unless you put the phone on speaker before hanging up. I want to break my phone as sometimes if it’s dark my phone will not turn back on so that I can end my call or put someone on speaker or even answer another incoming call, ARG! It works better in super bright rooms but it worked fine before the update.


My battery life is worse than before and I have almost all of the Google apps disabled except maps. The power saver always kicks on automatically when your battery gets low, which is more than annoying and there is no way to disable it.


The 4X1 people widget is now gone and there is no way to make the other two fit to it’s old size. I don’t want to waste a whole or half a screen on people link access.


The background wallpaper no longer moves when you swipe between each home-screen like it used to. So the image always stays static in the background and old wallpapers which were made to scroll are messed up.


The new “Battery Use” power options are horrible. There is no real way to tell which apps are using your battery as the percentages don’t equal 100% and they removed the most important one, “Screen” which allowed you to see how long your screen has been on for?! They also removed standby usage option which would allow you to see how long your phone had no signal. So they basically handicapped the “Usage” power options and made them completely useless.


The HTC Hub is gone along with the tons of ringtones, sounds, themes, etc. How are users supposed to download the flashlight and other HTC apps like the different calculators, word of the day, stopwatch, battery widget, etc? They forced us to use HTC Hub and now they remove it permanently? WTF?! The new update is so eclectic with many greens left over from previous sense versions mixed with the new blue color scheme. Ugly.


Many times since I updated my text messages refuse to send or send much later or never. Even with perfect signal I still have issues. Offline Google voice typing never seems to kick in when I have a crappy signal or no signal. The only way I could get it to work was by disabling 3G and WiFi? So what good is it?


Typing always brings up a keyboard notification in the shade that keeps asking me which keyboard I want to use (input method), HTC Sense or Google Voice typing and it never goes away. Every time I start to type it pops up and then goes away when I’m done typing.


The new sense keyboard a lot of the time misses words and spellings forcing me to go back and do it. The smiles are huge and there is no way to make them normal sized. And sometimes the mic icon on the default sense keyboard disappears and you can no longer do voice typing?! Only a reset I’ve found brings it back? This is extremely annoying! Not to mention some people are having sever keyboard distortion in which the keyboard is unrecognizable and unusable!


The new voice-mail app is horrid and too bright. They constantly try to get you to accidentally click the monthly subscription to their transcription service. I want the old voice-mail app back. There is also a bug in which the screen goes black when listening to a message and all you can do is exit to get back to where you were?


Various other bugs and issues include: You can no longer mute the phone while taking pictures for the shutter sound even when the phone is in silent mode. WiFi doesn’t work for some, I personally haven’t had this one. Many Bluetooth functions are now broken and no longer working as they did before the update such as controlling your phone from another device via Bluetooth (car, etc). I can no longer view my SD card as a drive when I have my USB cable connected which makes it annoying to transfer files and such. I’ve had some touch screen issues with the screen not recognizing touches similar to the folder touch bugs many have had in which the screen doesn’t detect the correct position for onscreen item selections. Adobe Flash Player can no longer be updated and it doesn’t even appear in the market anymore? The USB Debugging notification is persistent when a USB cable is connected even if the option is off!


This will be my last HTC phone as this amount of bugs in a final release is crazy bad. I love my EVO but these issues are just too plaguing and serious. And I bet we don’t see an update to any of these for at least a few months if not LONGER!

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You know, I could sit here and easily address every single issue you say you are having and you would still find something to complain about so I simply won't say anything at all.

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You know, I could sit here and easily address every single issue you say you are having and you would still find something to complain about so I simply won't say anything at all.


HTC usually does at delta update a few weeks after a major android version. Did so with 2.2 & 2.3, same with 4.03 patch

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You know, I could sit here and easily address every single issue you say you are having and you would still find something to complain about so I simply won't say anything at all.

Oh please, go ahead and try. The proximity issue is so bad that is basically makes the phone next to impossible to use as a phone. I've had to hard rest my phone multiple times a day just to hang up calls and forget about putting anyone on speaker if you're not fast enough to get to the button before the screen shuts off. The only solution I've had is to stand next to a light bulb to make calls. Last update they disabled personal ringtones for their whole install base for a quarter of the year! HTC should hire out their software development team as they are like Team Helen Keller and couldn't find a bug if it bit them in the ass! But other than that huge list up there everything is super smooth and responsive. I mean I can only use it for 8 hours before having to plug it in to charge, but those 8 hours are fun! I can get my old battery life back (2+ days) by disabling everything basically on the phone. Edited by Fifth313ment
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Oh please, go ahead and try. The proximity issue is so bad that is basically makes the phone next to impossible to use as a phone. I've had to hard rest my phone multiple times a day just to hang up calls and forget about putting anyone on speaker if you're not fast enough to get to the button before the screen shuts off. The only solution I've had is to stand next to a light bulb to make calls. Last update they disabled personal ringtones for their whole install base for a quarter of the year! HTC should hire out their software development team as they are like Team Helen Keller and couldn't find a bug if it bit them in the ass! But other than that huge list up there everything is super smooth and responsive. I mean I can only use it for 8 hours before having to plug it in to charge, but those 8 hours are fun! I can get my old battery life back (2+ days) by disabling everything basically on the phone.


I have no issues with my proximity sensor, it works like it always has. I understand the you hate htc, just do yourself a favor and get a gs3.

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I'm reading this thread with a smile on my face thinking back to how so many wanted HTC/Sprint to push this update out as soon as possible. Well it's here now and -shocker- it's kind of buggy for some. It seems that so many were certain that JellyBean was going to be the holy grail for their phones. The sad part is we'll have the same song and dance for Key Lime Pie and Chunky Monkey and Apple Crisp or whatever silly name Google gives to the upcoming versions.


This update has gone flawlessly for me. None of my apps or widgets broke. I seem to be connecting to LTE automatically when in range to the few towers in my normal travels. I haven't noticed any great difference in performance. The greatest plus for me is that People is no longer buggy for me. It was getting to the point where making a phone call was almost impossible. The contacts would just lock up. No longer.


All in all I'm happy with the update but only because some of my minor issues were resolved. It's not the revolution that some believed it was going to be.

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The background wallpaper no longer moves when you swipe between each home-screen like it used to. So the image always stays static in the background and old wallpapers which were made to scroll are messed up.


Easily fixed by installing another launcher. Apex and Nova are both very good. Plus not using the sense launcher improves multitasking.


The HTC Hub is gone along with the tons of ringtones' date=' sounds, themes, etc. How are users supposed to download the flashlight and other HTC apps like the different calculators, word of the day, stopwatch, battery widget, etc? [/quote']


Because there are no flashlight or battery apps on the market...


Typing always brings up a keyboard notification in the shade that keeps asking me which keyboard I want to use (input method), HTC Sense or Google Voice typing and it never goes away. Every time I start to type it pops up and then goes away when I’m done typing.


That's the standard way to switch keyboards in ICS/JB. It worked that way before the update too.


The new sense keyboard a lot of the time misses words and spellings forcing me to go back and do it. The smiles are huge and there is no way to make them normal sized. And sometimes the mic icon on the default sense keyboard disappears and you can no longer do voice typing?! Only a reset I’ve found brings it back? This is extremely annoying! Not to mention some people are having sever keyboard distortion in which the keyboard is unrecognizable and unusable!


Install SwiftKey or the 4.2 keyboard. You'll thank me later.


The new voice-mail app is horrid and too bright. They constantly try to get you to accidentally click the monthly subscription to their transcription service. I want the old voice-mail app back. There is also a bug in which the screen goes black when listening to a message and all you can do is exit to get back to where you were?


What's wrong with Google Voice?


Adobe Flash Player can no longer be updated and it doesn’t even appear in the market anymore?


You're blaming HTC for this? Adobe discontinued flash mobile and pulled it from the market. This happened way before the update was released. You can still get the APK from Adobe ( http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/installers/archive/android/ ) and side load it. HTC even modified the stock browser to still support Flash, even though the JB stock browser doesn't.

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3 things

1) battery life is misleading after doing a full wipe

2) sprint connections optimizer got in a fight with my Tasker profile.

3) these numbers have changed. If anyone waited on updating I would appreciate confirmation on that. ta4u8e7u.jpg


Typed with Swiftkey flow beta


Yeah the scan time was 30 before the update I believe.


And BSR was 16.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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I have noticed that my battery life is very strange. One day it'll last me the whole day. 12-15 goes or so, but then other days ill get to about 15%-20% in about five hours. I don't really do more or less everyday. Just one thing I've noticed.




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I have noticed that my battery life is very strange. One day it'll last me the whole day. 12-15 goes or so, but then other days ill get to about 15%-20% in about five hours. I don't really do more or less everyday. Just one thing I've noticed.







posted using J.A.R.V.I.S.



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I'd like to chime in again regarding LTE connections. I definitely notice that once a site is added to the LTE log, it must scan more frequently because it connects quite well. The issue though, really, is that the EVO is pretty weak in LTE reception compared to the S3 and definitely compared to the iPhone5. I consistently see those 2 devices side by side with better reception. I really just think a weak antenna has ALOT to do with this issue overall.

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I'd like to chime in again regarding LTE connections. I definitely notice that once a site is added to the LTE log, it must scan more frequently because it connects quite well. The issue though, really, is that the EVO is pretty weak in LTE reception compared to the S3 and definitely compared to the iPhone5. I consistently see those 2 devices side by side with better reception. I really just think a weak antenna has ALOT to do with this issue overall.


I'm willing to bet that it's more attributed to the metal in the design of the phone. I've noticed that with all the EVOs I've owned compared to the more plastic competition. Just my observation. Could be wrong.


Sent from my rooted LTEVO running CM10.



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Yes, hard reset but don't restore anything, instead just download whatever apps you need from the market directly and see if you are still having the same issues.


I did the hard reset and reinstalled my apps and chrome seems to be alot better now.

Thanks for your help.

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Yeah the scan time was 30 before the update I believe.


And BSR was 16.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Interesting, these new values are part of the firmware itself, not the ROM. I upgraded to MeanBean, had a ton of issues so I reflashed my nandroid backup of Viper4G (which I've never had a problem with) and I still have the new values.


I wonder if I will see the LTE improvements without jellybeans new sprint connection optimizer, I'll have to go drive down 540 and Six Forks later today to find out. If not I'll see if I can implement Connection Optimizer into ICS.

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Interesting, these new values are part of the firmware itself, not the ROM. I upgraded to MeanBean, had a ton of issues so I reflashed my nandroid backup of Viper4G (which I've never had a problem with) and I still have the new values.


I wonder if I will see the LTE improvements without jellybeans new sprint connection optimizer, I'll have to go drive down 540 and Six Forks later today to find out. If not I'll see if I can implement Connection Optimizer into ICS.


Not interesting at all once you think about it. Radio settings are in the NVRAM. Just like your phone number is. Just like the NVRAM settings are not part of the baseband/modem flash. Any settings in NVRAM will always be updated by other "pieces" in the upgrade that people call firmware. Simply commands to update a value in NVRAM. Now, stop and think about the different hodge podge thrown together stuff that is one people's phones since they may have done the last two baseband upgrades of just the modem itself. So now they are missing the various NVRAM tweaks for the past two upgrades! DOH!!


Throw this into the mix along with the various upgrades going on to towers a there you have more to the mix of people saying the LTE is better now and some say it is worse. Fun fun! You should always upgrade everything, kernel, ROM, modem/baseband, PRI, etc if possible. You can skip the HBOOT and recovery, but never anything else otherwise you have no leg to stand on about something not working or signal is not good on your phone.

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