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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Anyone using Network Signal Guru, DO NOT LET IT UPDATE.  They've now started nickel and diming every feature in it at insanely high prices.  I didn't actually look, but the latest reviews on Play store are saying between $20-$50 for 30 days.


The phone that impacts me least (my T-Mobile non-B12 phone) updated and NSG is essentially useless now.


- Trip

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Despite my opinion of the pesky music streaming speed limitation, this is a very good deal, which for a brief moment after seeing this here and reading the information on the Sprint site link from AndroidPolice, I considered this, until I noticed the mention of the music streaming, of course.


Still though, not a bad deal for those who don't mind the streaming speed limitations. It shows that Sprint cares about individuals not necessarily needing to have additional lines, and isn't penalizing them for it by making them pay more just because of it.


My opinion though is the sweet spot ought to be set at $45 monthly for the 1.5 mbps video streaming limit (removing the music streaming limit though). Then charge $45 monthly per line, so it basically a flat fee. Then, incorporate a system of "add-ons", which boost the video streaming speed by various intervals.

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I love Sprint for the most part, but my work has recently built a new warehouse which is where I am at now (I pulled the short straw), there is B41 outside and some B26 inside but generally no service I keep my phone on airplane mode all day because of this, it sucks. Verizon and AT&T don't really fair any better it sucks but I have just updated my resume I can't deal with this lol.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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Right beside SCP, I use Network Cell info myself.


NSG allows band locking, which is the reason I use it.  SCP does my actual logging; NSG is just there to lock my phone to a particular band.


If there's another app out there that does that, I'm all ears.  I don't actually like NSG that much for multiple reasons.


- Trip

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how can an app lock you on a band when it has always been the network that shuffles you around as needed?

Simple, use a command to turn off the modem's AT for certain frequencies. If it is configured not to accept certain connections it simply will connect to what it is allowed to.

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I love Sprint for the most part, but my work has recently built a new warehouse which is where I am at now (I pulled the short straw), there is B41 outside and some B26 inside but generally no service I keep my phone on airplane mode all day because of this, it sucks. Verizon and AT&T don't really fair any better it sucks but I have just updated my resume I can't deal with this lol.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

I chuckled when I read your post. Not because I am amused at your misery. But it's the first thing I have read where someone was making career choices because of phone signal at a given location. I've been fortunate enough to have good signal and/or WiFi everywhere I've worked.


Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

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I chuckled when I read your post. Not because I am amused at your misery. But it's the first thing I have read where someone was making career choices because of phone signal at a given location. I've been fortunate enough to have good signal and/or WiFi everywhere I've worked.


Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

I need to be able to have contact with the outside world lol, I think they purposely built the building to be like that because why else would a perfectly strong B41 signal at ~90dBm just die as soon as I walk into the door? and then B26 drops off a few feet later, I can't even hardly get a signal in the break room which has huge windows... right by the entrance. And this is not the only reason I want to leave lol, it's just icing on the cake haha.

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I need to be able to have contact with the outside world lol, I think they purposely built the building to be like that because why else would a perfectly strong B41 signal at ~90dBm just die as soon as I walk into the door? and then B26 drops off a few feet later, I can't even hardly get a signal in the break room which has huge windows... right by the entrance. And this is not the only reason I want to leave lol, it's just icing on the cake haha.


I have some friends that work in warehouses and they all say similar things.  Single tanks off.  One friend, actually has a tower right near him.  Full bars outside, inside its no service unless they have the loading doors open.  But, they all have WiFi as well they use.


Work won't install wifi?

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I have some friends that work in warehouses and they all say similar things. Single tanks off. One friend, actually has a tower right near him. Full bars outside, inside its no service unless they have the loading doors open. But, they all have WiFi as well they use.


Work won't install wifi?

We're not supposed to have a phone on us, but currently since we haven't transitioned fully yet no one cares, it's only a few of us there right now. So yeah we have Wi-Fi but it's locked down and used for our inventory system, nothing I can do about it. But as I said I'm looking for other opportunities that are a lot closer it's a long drive everyday, I'm tired of it and it's not worth the money.


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Yeah, I hear that.  I had a 1.5~2.5hr round trip commute every day pending traffic for a job that was not worth it for 7 years.  The last year was rough cause I had a new job that was not worth it. 


Now I have 15 minute round trip commute. :D

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Yeah, I hear that. I had a 1.5~2.5hr round trip commute every day pending traffic for a job that was not worth it for 7 years. The last year was rough cause I had a new job that was not worth it.


Now I have 15 minute round trip commute. :D

Yeah I went from a 40-45 minute drive to a 1.5 hour ride it's terrible and I have been leaving earlier than I am scheduled so when I leave at 5 like normal instead of 4:30 I am probably looking at a 2 hour ride on the way home and I am not OK with that. So my quest for a closer job is on!


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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I hope we get some Tidal news today to hype up the earnings call for tomorrow. I want to see how this 200 million is being used and how it ties in sprint subs.



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Looks like whatever CA issue got resolved. I'm regularly getting speeds higher than expected on CAx2 as I've tested periodically over the last couple of days. I'll go out of my way to try a high signal area at off peak hours to confirm that it is in fact 3xCA kicking in.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

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Does Houston tx have a second carrier for band 25 ?



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No. Sprint only has 30 MHz in PCS+G band in Houston (all non continuous and scattered). But I do expect it to happen soon as it has in other markets with 30 MHz of PCS spectrum. There is currently one voice carrier (channel 350) and 3 EVDO carriers (325, 775, 750 iirc) in the PCS band and the usual 5x5 LTE carrier on the G block.


Sprint is only focusing their efforts in the Stadium area and midtown area (which really needs it). Unfortunately, Midtown is only seeing COWs (as is downtown I think). All small cells (which I have yet to find) are alleged to be around the stadium.

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