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greenbastard last won the day on March 31 2021

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    Galaxy s3
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    Lufkin, TX/Lake Charles, LA
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  1. I remember Cricket only had CDMA services on the AWS band in Las Vegas (or was it Phoenix?...I remember it was somewhere in the southwest). The old fabled BC15.
  2. At about 5:02 PM today (literally moments ago), another batch of Sprint sites seem to have been turned off in Houston. My house is no longer covered by any Sprint LTE coverage and I have no signal anywhere. I guess it's time to turn on the T-Mobile bands 😢. Goodbye B26, even though you spent most of your life as a congested band, it has still been a pleasure.
  3. Another update in Houston. T-Mobile has moved their LTE B41 carriers up to the higher end of the band. On Monday (April 18), the EARFCN for their two carriers was still 40780 (2609.00 Mhz) and 40978 (2628.80 Mhz). Today, T-Mobile now is broadcasting B41 at 41244 (2655.40) and 41442 (2675.20 Mhz). Both are still 20 Mhz wide (but I assume you could do the math and figure that out yourselves). I'm not sure what exactly is going on. Sprint hasn't broadcasted a B41 carrier since January/February (41374 was the lone carrier being broadcasted from Sprint). I guess it is safe to say Sprint is down to just broadcasting a B26 carrier and B25 on the G block. I'll have to root my phone later to see what exactly is going on. I'm assuming T-Mobile is launching another n41 carrier with the cleared up space. 100 Mhz + 40 Mhz of n41 would make sense if they increased their back haul capacity (which they haven't).
  4. Neither. I switched to T-Mobile a month before the merger was announced back in 2018. Using NSG, I have forced my phone to roam on Sprint bands since the merger closed. Partly for nostalgic reasons, but mostly to track the decommissioning of the network. Until earlier this week, I have only see one Sprint site get turned off and have it's equipment removed (and that happened last summer). But the latest tells me T-Mobile is moving forward. It's the end of an era boys 😟. I still remember the days where many of us were organized and carefully mapping B26 or 8T8R equipment sightings. Using custom PRLs on my Evo3D just to track 1x800 was peak S4GRU for me. Goodbye Network Vision... it's almost like it was all in vain.
  5. T-Mobile turned off a bunch of Sprint towers somewhere between Sunday evening and Monday noon in Houston. All equipment is still physically there's, it has just been shut off. The remaining network is now extremely bare bones. B41 seems to have also been turned off from the few remaining Sprint towers I can still access (but I am still able to see fringe B41 neighboring cells coming from somewhere from time to time). I've gone from having great B25 coverage in my house to fringe B26. Putting the phone in my pocket creates "No Signal" situations. I'm not sure why T-Mobile is doing this. Maybe they want to annoy the very few CDMA users left into switching to T-Mobile devices? Or maybe a bunch of leases expired? It doesn't make sense to just turn off large parts of the network like that.
  6. I'm noticing the same thing in Houston. It just goes to show you how bad Sprint botched this treasure trove spectrum. Any time Sprint deployed B41, the range was abysmal in this market. If you turn the corner and lost line of sight from a Sprint site, B41 would become non-existent. Indoor coverage was a joke, especially with those mini macros. With T-Mobile, n41 performs very well indoors. I'd say even better than AWS does. There are still a few more sites they have to add n41 to. But overall, T-Mobile has managed to do more with the EBS/BRS band than Sprint ever got to do. And this was done in 1.5 years vs Sprint's 7 years of ownership (nevermind that they inherited a Clearwite infrastructure). Sprint was who we thought they were.
  7. I was always fascinated at how Las Vegas was one of the few markets serviced by AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Cricket, MetroPCS, and Nextel. The other forgotten carrier is Alltel
  8. Not NR related, but T-Mobile has begun decommissioning Sprint sites inside the urban area of Houston. The Sprint equipment that serves two heavily trafficked shopping strips has been taken down. It's an end of an era for CDMA. On a different note, Dish has been adding several sites here in Houston. In my area, their network will be more dense at launch than Sprint ever was and Verizon currently is.
  9. It could be a local ISP/WISP that helped drive those numbers up. Remember, those numbers are by Price Per MHz-POP.
  10. The two largest markets in one of the fastest growing states in the nation. While Austin was the largest growing market in the state percentage wise, Houston and Dallas grew way more in raw numbers. (Or at least that's what I remember reading from the last decade...i don't have the numbers in front of me). It makes sense that wireless carriers are buying based on future projections of population growth.
  11. According to reddit, "HINT" is what T-Mobile uses internally to refer to "Home Internet". My guess is they're going to expand Home Internet in some way, shape, or form. My guess is they're just going to throw in some Google services like Google One with every subscription. Apparently, standalone Home Internet plans are also eligible for the YouTube TV and PhiloTV discounts, so I'm sure that will also be pushed.
  12. I'm talking about Band 2/4/66/12/71 aggregating. My bad, I should have specified I wasn't talking about a weak B41.
  13. I was able to hit 200+ Mbps on B41 LTE from the site at Banister and 290 on the south side. Pretty impressive since I've never achieved these speeds on B41 in Houston or Galveston. One thing I have noticed about Austin is that a lot of towers aren't doing CA properly. In East Texas my phone will always attempt to aggregate at least three carriers, no matter how weak of a signal I have. In Austin, getting a weak signal usually mean no CA at all which leads to awful service.
  14. Generators in my area are all Natural Gas. I also know that my area never lost natural gas. The natural gas outage was very limited to a few areas in Houston, so it wouldn't have impacted T-Mobile's ability to fire up their generators (it sure didn't affect AT&T).
  15. It says existing promotions can be transferred to the new plan for existing customer. I wonder if they'll honor free lines and 20% hookup? These promos were meant to stick with the plan and not the account iirc.
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