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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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One good thing I'll say about that ad is that T-Mobile finally got rid of that strange sudden motion image freezing and other bizarre video editing techniques they seem to do in most ads that have an annoying feel to them. Not at all present in this ad, at least not in the same gesture I'm comparing it to with the other ads. Its much more mellowed out and realistic.


Otherwise, I'm really not sure what T-Mobile can do improving its network beyond this extended-range LTE measure. They have limited spectrum issues in many areas, compounded by the damage being done by Binge-On. If T-Mobile would get rid of Binge-On, the problem would be greatly reduced, as T-Mobile was pretty good around here in the Chicago area after they increased the 10x10 AWS LTE to 15x15 AWS LTE.


However, I'm not sure if T-Mobile can do so without angering so much of its customer base now. Personally, I'd like to see T-Mobile do a pricing makeover similar to what I mentioned here about Sprint earlier, only with less data at a cheaper rate. I think it ought to be a standard, across-the-board (no loyalty discounts) of $35 monthly per line for 5gb of high-speed data, then have 3mbps capped speed for everything after at a low per gb rate of perhaps 10 cent per gb. I know that is really cheap, but its capped speed data, and better to charge something rather than having it completely unlimited.


T-Mobile is in a much worse network position than Sprint is in, which is why my plan suggestion while similar, still differs a bit. T-Mobile just can't offer unlimited video to everyone, which if there is a good thing to say about Binge-On, is that it proves how such can so negatively impact a network, particularly T-Mobile's network. Beyond that though, I'm not so sure what much else would help them at this point, other than my hopes for a merger.

Tmobiles network is an interesting question. I see areas where they need either more spectrum or to density and areas where they are just holding back on upgrading backhaul. Their service is terrible in places, I'm certainly not disputing that. I'm more intrigued by the reason. It would seem they are holding back in spending. To a degree it would make sense short term, more fcf for the auction but not if it starts costing them subs. 

Sprint has a huge spectrum advantage if they can leverage that. It certainly seems like they are in a position to accelerate now, most of the hard work was done with the NV rebuild already so for the most part it's just turning up additional carriers and backhaul and their small cell project. It's nice to have real options now !

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Nielson also has Sprint customers as the least satisfied with the network by a mile. Sprint stock may start dropping today. Just shows that Sprint still has boat loads of work to do and should be spending MORE on the network instead of basically nothing.


As a Sprint customer, I am MORE satisfied with their network than Verizon's or T-Mobile's. And I have active accounts with all 4. Keep in mind, satisfaction ratings are so subjective - there are so many variables that can affect the outcome of satisfaction ratings, including things such as the device, geographic location, and literally hundreds more. Sprint's not yet where they need to be, but they're closer than they've ever been.

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As a Sprint customer, I am MORE satisfied with their network than Verizon's or T-Mobile's. And I have active accounts with all 4. Keep in mind, satisfaction ratings are so subjective - there are so many variables that can affect the outcome of satisfaction ratings, including things such as the device, geographic location, and literally hundreds more. Sprint's not yet where they need to be, but they're closer than they've ever been.

Sprint is getting better. In Florida Verizon is the king and T-Mobile is starting to challenge them. At&t is really good too but if we are talking solely LTE coverage and speeds Sprint is so far behind its ridiculous. Went to Vegas recently and Sprint was way better without any b26 anywhere. 

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Sprint is getting better. In Florida Verizon is the king and T-Mobile is starting to challenge them. At&t is really good too but if we are talking solely LTE coverage and speeds Sprint is so far behind its ridiculous. Went to Vegas recently and Sprint was way better without any b26 anywhere. 

It's because Vegas has all new equipment.  If Sprint had that type of funding for each market, they'd catch up quickly.  Sprint's B41 network could be as great (or even better) than T-Mobile's B4 network.  They just need to replicate that and for rural coverage, B25/26 is good enough since it's nationwide.

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Sprint is getting better. In Florida Verizon is the king and T-Mobile is starting to challenge them. At&t is really good too but if we are talking solely LTE coverage and speeds Sprint is so far behind its ridiculous. Went to Vegas recently and Sprint was way better without any b26 anywhere. 


Going to Miami next week. I hope the speed and coverage is decent there.

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Going to Miami next week. I hope the speed and coverage is decent there.

I am here now and its meh. Lot of fallback to 3g and lte is slow most of the time and sometimes unuseable. I hate to see it during peak times.
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I know some on here will cheer this, but apparently those like me who are still on the precious SERO 500 plan, changing anything is gonna cost you...


I can see Sprint forcing a change if you want to upgrade a phone under subsidy but kinda stinks forcing it on any account modifications.


There is conflicting information going around as to if the $60 includes the $10 data charge or not.

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I know some on here will cheer this, but apparently those like me who are still on the precious SERO 500 plan, changing anything is gonna cost you...


I can see Sprint forcing a change if you want to upgrade a phone under subsidy but kinda stinks forcing it on any account modifications.


There is conflicting information going around as to if the $60 includes the $10 data charge or not.

Does that really include even swapping between devices you already own?
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I know some on here will cheer this, but apparently those like me who are still on the precious SERO 500 plan, changing anything is gonna cost you...



That's crap..but really the increase is $10 I think..plan price goes from $40-$60 but in this new case, there is no $10 data fee.


From what I can see though, you get put into a new roaming limit of 100 MB instead of the 300 MB.  Wonder if they will give my area band 41 finally or even start upgrading many of the GMO sites around me in exchange for increasing my price? ;)


Will have to weigh my options I guess, probably around the time the new Nexus devices come out. 

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Does that really include even swapping between devices you already own?


they claim so.  There's just a debate on if $60 includes the $60 data fee or not.


Guess no Note 4>7 upgrade for me...

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they claim so.  There's just a debate on if $60 includes the $60 data fee or not.


Guess no Note 4>7 upgrade for me...


The linked SERO pamphlet says the plan price is $60 for smart phones.

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Tmobiles network is an interesting question. I see areas where they need either more spectrum or to density and areas where they are just holding back on upgrading backhaul. Their service is terrible in places, I'm certainly not disputing that. I'm more intrigued by the reason. It would seem they are holding back in spending. To a degree it would make sense short term, more fcf for the auction but not if it starts costing them subs. 

Sprint has a huge spectrum advantage if they can leverage that. It certainly seems like they are in a position to accelerate now, most of the hard work was done with the NV rebuild already so for the most part it's just turning up additional carriers and backhaul and their small cell project. It's nice to have real options now !

I definitely agree about Sprint. The spectrum advantage is something i read about prior to reading S4GRU, let alone joining here, and I was really amazed by what I was reading regarding the differences it could make once utilized. Then when I read around here on the site, learning about what the key aspects are to the workings of spectrum and how it helps networks, I figured Sprint has something here if they can only get the money to make major densification projects, it would be all won by Sprint. If people could have Sprint working at least even 75% of the time on band 41, using 2xca and up, they'd notice not only a major speed difference, but one based on congestion difference too when compared with the other carriers.


While I had spotty issues with Sprint in certain areas I went to with my mother around Chicago, there was one particular drive I've mentioned many times here that proved to me if only Sprint could do this, they'd get alot of business and high marks on network quality. That was when traveling on a busy highway through Schaumburg during rush hour. T-Mobile even after the 15x15 conversion, was running low 5mbps and under. Sprint was always over 10mbps, often over 15mbps as admittedly I did conducted quite alot of speedtests during this time testing out the speed during congestion, which matters more to me how a network can handle that, than sheer max speeds.


Sprint did not fail this drive at all, which was done before 2xca had been deployed, nor was it on the Nexus 6 device I had, from what I remember of the Nexus 6, but I know at least it wasn't connected as 2xca back then during these tests. I do hope Sprint can do something to get back in full force, particularly after the not so great test results that came out today from OpenSignal and Ookla. T-Mobile on the other hand, did very well, and I can see why Masayoshi Son really wants/wanted the merger. I really don;t know anything other to suggest about Sprint to help get them the business they need to get back on the densification plans, other than suggesting my rate plan ideas I know isn't going to be the only thing to help. I'd be interested in hearing what others here think though about what Sprint could do in the meantime.


At least we know now that Sprint won't have to buy Fierce Wireless to get the trolls to stop spamming bad falsehoods about them there.  :P

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3x carrier aggregation without the density like others have mentioned will do nothing, but just islands of high speeds. Sprint has had 1.2 billions credit of 8T8R radios on their balance sheets for three quarters now, and Mr. Bolivia refuse to use it why? Waiting for Hillary to take over so Sprint is sold to the Germans/Tmobile because the way things are is not longer Massa buying them, but other other way around.


Small cells are great, but are only effective after you blank a market with such band, and still has spotty coverage. Open signal shows Sprint has a long way to go.

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3x carrier aggregation without the density like others have mentioned will do nothing, but just islands of high speeds. Sprint has had 1.2 billions credit of 8T8R radios on their balance sheets for three quarters now, and Mr. Bolivia refuse to use it why? Waiting for Hillary to take over so Sprint is sold to the Germans/Tmobile because the way things are is not longer Massa buying them, but other other way around.


Small cells are great, but are only effective after you blank a market with such band, and still has spotty coverage. Open signal shows Sprint has a long way to go.

I still want to see proof that most of Sprints LTE traffic is on b41. Personally I don't believe it.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

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Oh oh, someone flipped the wrong switch. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eandroidauthority%2Ecom%2Fnexus-6-devices-arent-working-t-mobile-707959%2F&share_tid=d9e53ceda2131dd9473d23b76ecbbc53&share_fid=107339&share_type=b

Nexus 6 devices aren’t working on T-Mobile for some reason


Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

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3x carrier aggregation without the density like others have mentioned will do nothing, but just islands of high speeds. Sprint has had 1.2 billions credit of 8T8R radios on their balance sheets for three quarters now, and Mr. Bolivia refuse to use it why? Waiting for Hillary to take over so Sprint is sold to the Germans/Tmobile because the way things are is not longer Massa buying them, but other other way around.


Small cells are great, but are only effective after you blank a market with such band, and still has spotty coverage. Open signal shows Sprint has a long way to go.


Thing is I don't know if TMO will be sold now it seems DT is happy. Unless SoftBank has extra money hanging around. But I suppose DT might be willing to buy Sprint to give to TMO if SoftBank needed or wanted some cash...


But big thing is the regulations as you mentioned



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Just wonder markets that have most clearsites stuck on 2 carriers . I like know there plans for 3 carrier and how many markets that can do it too and make a impact. This clearsites should been converted by now .


It would cost a tremendous amount of money for very little ROI other than measuring peak speeds to swap out all the perfectly functional Clearwire B41 2CA equipment. 

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There are many markets where Clearwire is single carrier only. Or not capable or B41 period (ie Pittsburgh) due to the use of Motorola equipment.


Sent from my Nexus 6P


I believe those will eventually will be replaced with ALU/Nokia.

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I still want to see proof that most of Sprints LTE traffic is on b41. Personally I don't believe it.


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

I doubt most of it is, though I believe it really should be.


It is my belief behind being so "wowed" by Sprint's massive portfolio of band 41 that has me so strongly supportive of their use of it. Especially after the experience I had on Sprint in Schaumburg I mentioned here a bit ago today and also a few times in the past. I'd really like to see band 41 be the main signal people connect to while outside using the massive densified network I support that Sprint build. With that very dense network, the only places band 41 should be considered possibly not to work, is deep indoors. In those cases, either band 25 or band 26 ought to be fine.For Sprint's future though, they'd be better finishing getting the 10x10 of PCS spectrum whereever they can, away from 5x5 of it, then quickly as possible shift the focus onto densifying the network for band 41, and also placing 3xca on all of the sites. Sprint ought to do both, not one more than/less than the other. They both are equally as important, in my opinion.  :)

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There are many markets where Clearwire is single carrier only. Or not capable or B41 period (ie Pittsburgh) due to the use of Motorola equipment.


Sent from my Nexus 6P

Clearwire sites in my market are single carrier. We've got old Huwei equipment.

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It would cost a tremendous amount of money for very little ROI other than measuring peak speeds to swap out all the perfectly functional Clearwire B41 2CA equipment.

Functional? That's Debatable. But definitely not "perfectly". The equipment is the reason why Band 41 doesn't go indoors once you get past a 1000 feet from the tower in many places. Clear wire equipment makes Band 41 into a glorified Wifi Hotspot.


They need to be replaced.

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Adding more carriers on B41 is the way to go before densification. Going from 2 carriers to 3 carriers is the equivalent of adding 50% more sites to the area over night. Going 2 carriers to 6 is like adding 3x the sites to the area. As long as the distance between towers is under 8 miles (4 miles from each tower) most people even indoors will be on B41 if the capacity (more carriers) is there. 

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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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