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  • Phones/Devices
    HTC Bolt
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    Richmond, VA
  • Here for...
    Sprint Fan Boy (or Girl)

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  1. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    This alone is what would make me no longer consider an HTC device. The new Nokia brand devices from HMD are interesting but of course they do not work on Sprint.
  2. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    I wish they still made metal phones. Realllllyyyy wish for this, actually. Loved the One series all the way through the Bolt.
  3. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    Anyone still using the Bolt? I am.
  4. That is my biggest concern about going with an HTC phone on Sprint at this point. I'm just not sure Sprint will be supporting them for much longer. HTC's strategy this year seems to be a direct model for their branded devices and OEM for everything else (like the Pixel).
  5. DanielB

    HTC U Ultra

    Do we think there is any chance at all that the U Ultra will be coming to Sprint?
  6. Indeed. And I can vouch for at least Central Virginia when I say Verizon Wireless service sucks. There are so many people using Verizon here that the network literally crawls unless you are using it very, very late in the evening or very, very early in the morning. I continue to test it on a somewhat regular basis and my results have been rather consistent. It'll only get worse as more people pile on!
  7. I'm literally lol. Have been too busy with work recently to post, but I do lurk. You people leaving for Verizon are too funny. Verizon is still Verizon. Don't think for a second you won't be royally f*cked at some point soon. I love how Sprint service was sufficient and then somehow magically wasn't as soon as Verizon brought back unlimited data at what may be a very slightly ​lower price for some of us.
  8. Not to re-dredge an aging conversation, but my Sprint service in Baltimore has been stellar. Harbor area, port area, even out to BWI.
  9. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    Thanks! I found it. Let me let it run down a bit....just took it off the charger. I'll post later today and let you know kinda where it's at.
  10. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    This is going to sound insanely silly...where is this setting located now in Android?
  11. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    I'll work this backwards....first off, if your parents are using Nexii 5, the Bolt is going to be a superb choice for them. Comparatively speaking, the battery life on the Bolt is worlds better than the Nexus 5. Actually, as a phone it blows the Nexus 5 out of the water in every category. Seriously. Your parents would be ecstatic. Feel in hand is a lot like the iPhone 6/6S Plus. I'm comparing battery life anecdotally to the LG V20 and iPhone 7 Plus - I get significantly less time (2-3 hours less) per charge on the Bolt than the other two devices with very similar usage patterns. For a "normal" user, the Bolt would probably last all day. I run businesses from my phone and consume a lot of media, so I think my daily usage is probably significantly above average. Not to mention I am rarely on WiFi simply because the places where I work often don't have it. So, to sum....compared to other modern smartphones that are similarly sized and equipped (like the LG V20 and the iPhone 7 Plus), the Bolt is just not quite up to bar from a battery life standpoint. But for the average user, I doubt it'd be noticeable and I suspect the phone would still last a day for the "average" user. Further, the Bolt's many other attributes far and away make up for slightly reduced battery life. I've been very pleasantly surprised by this one, and I was already a raving HTC fan. Hope this helps and it's not just a bunch of rambling. I've had 1.5 hrs of sleep over the past 50 hours.
  12. DanielB

    HTC Bolt

    So a few days later....this really is a wonderful device. My only complaints are the SD810 and the rather abysmal battery life. I can live with both of those, as the very existence of the Bolt gives me hope HTC will focus on big-screen devices in the future.
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