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LG G2 Users Thread!


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Can someone please extract LGSystemUI.apk from their ZVA device and post it here, please?  I want to see what's been changed in it.


http://www.mediafire.com/download/78uhyjs3qyjlb1n/LGSystemUI%5B1%5D.apk  (apk file)


http://www.mediafire.com/download/v4vso6ee7l69jeg/LGSystemUI%5B1%5D.odex (odex)

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Band 41 LTE Spark speed test Lakewood Ohio. Good results for low signal. Band 41 in Cleveland never has a good signal. In some spots it is on with no Internet at all. Posted Image


Since update I did see one 3g tower connect at eHRPD -47 dB. Best signal I have ever seen. Signal still the same as before home and office and still no band 25 in areas where Note 3 connected.


I am rooted as I did the TWRP upgrade and reflashed root prior to reboot but will try ioroot 21 to see if I can reinstall recovery. I will post results.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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Ok So I have recovery installed and I am all good to go.  I will post my instructions below but I am curious for future flashers if it would be possible to simply use TWRP to flash the update, then while staying in twrp flash supresu zip and then flash the twrp recovery zip again.  Would that replace the stock recovery without Loki issues if you do it before exiting out and/or rebooting the phone into the update?


Here is what I did:


-Install update in TWRP as previously posted and then install SuperSU zip prior to exiting TWRP.

-Re-root with ioroot 21 (on mine I started in charge only and then when it said to unplug I switched to MTP.  staying in charge only mode would not work for me.  Root completed successfully).

-Downloaded the files and followed the instructions as modified below in post #126 here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2611075&page=13 which downgraded the bootloader and reinstalled TWRP.

-I modified the instructions for Windows as follows just to make it slightly easier for adb comands:

place the 2 files downloaded (loki twrp img and zv7 bootloader in the ioroot 21 folder.  Right click on the ioroot 21 folder while holding down the shift key and left click on open command prompt window.  Copy in the following code into the command prompt window (without bullet points) hitting enter after each line:

  • adb push zv7-aboot.img /sdcard/
  • adb push twrp_2.6.3.3_loki-ls980.img /sdcard/

  • adb shell

  • (If you do not see a # type "su" without quotes and hit enter so that you see the #)

  • dd if=/sdcard/zv7-aboot.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/aboot

  • dd if=/sdcard/twrp_2.6.3.3_loki-ls980.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery

  • reboot recovery



You should now have TWRP installed.  I rebooted my phone and got a screen that said enter emergency pin for debug or click to make emergency call.  I held down power and rebooted the phone and it booted back up fine.  Everything appears to be working great on Spark update with SU and custom TWRP recovery installed.


I did nothing except change the first 2 lines in the code to remove the need to specify a path.  Al credit goes to Savoca on XDA.

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Band 41 LTE in Cleveland is working very oddly.  I realize it is in testing mode but still.  Sitting next to the tower (on top of a building) the best signal I could get was -85 db.  When I drove a few feet away I was back in the -100 range.  Does anyone in a stable band 41 city know if the signal strength improves once it is officially turned on?  Am I correct in assuming the signal is low due to testing?  In my building phone can see band 41 on 13th floor by elevator in middle of building but I did a full walk around the 16th floor and nothing.  Very small range.  All places I am testing had no issue connecting to wimax. 


Also I am curious as to why some wimax areas had band 41 almost instantly and in others it is still yet to be turned on at all.  Any information the the band 41 conversion of wimax would be appreciated. 


I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread but I figured it has to do with band 41 on the G2 after Spark update.

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Band 41 LTE in Cleveland is working very oddly.  I realize it is in testing mode but still.  Sitting next to the tower (on top of a building) the best signal I could get was -85 db.  When I drove a few feet away I was back in the -100 range.  Does anyone in a stable band 41 city know if the signal strength improves once it is officially turned on?  Am I correct in assuming the signal is low due to testing?  In my building phone can see band 41 on 13th floor by elevator in middle of building but I did a full walk around the 16th floor and nothing.  Very small range.  All places I am testing had no issue connecting to wimax. 


Also I am curious as to why some wimax areas had band 41 almost instantly and in others it is still yet to be turned on at all.  Any information the the band 41 conversion of wimax would be appreciated. 


I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread but I figured it has to do with band 41 on the G2 after Spark update.

All the details you desire are covered in the premier section.

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Also I am curious as to why some wimax areas had band 41 almost instantly and in others it is still yet to be turned on at all.  Any information the the band 41 conversion of wimax would be appreciated. 


There are physical upgrades that need to be completed at most band 41 sites. They are still on going....


All the details you desire are covered in the premier section.

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Completely stock ROM.  TWRP Recovery


Thank you.


ANYONE... if you are on stock rom with TWRP, can you please pull and PM (or just post) your build.prop here before flashing the update? Would like to diff it against the stock rooted odex rom base to see if that is what is stopping that flashable update from running. 



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is the "spark update" required to connect to B26/41?  or does it just add a cute spinning logo to the top of your phone???

Yes, to both. And I wouldn't call it cute. You might get boo'd out of here. I don't even like it and I have an iPhone lol

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is the "spark update" required to connect to B26/41?  or does it just add a cute spinning logo to the top of your phone???

Not required but the spark update is believed to add more, as covered in this thread (we are still finding out).  the most important item it adds is official Sprint support.


[Took me 25 minutes to post this? Must have got interrupted. Sorry for duplicate.  Not required = several levels of manual settings]

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Does the 'spinny thing' indicate data activity?

The Spark icon replaces the "4GLTE" icon and instead of arrows indicating data traffic, the icon spins.
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