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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Why would you be using anything else other than chrome? Chrome is so awesome.
  2. I flew in to DCA last night and haven't been able to connect to any lte but in my opinion 3g has been better than expected.
  3. Well, I am sitting here at San Juan airport enjoying a little bit of this lte goodness. Both my gnex and my evo are connecting just fine. Actually, I am a little shocked my evo is connecting being that the signal is somewhat low. Anyway, hopefully I get the same luck when I get to DC in a few hours.
  4. LMAO!!!!!!! I don't think its a revocable offence but a suspension is definitely in order, LOL.
  5. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1690919 Read this thread, no cares about the htc unlock method. If you want to root then just root it, just make sure you read very carefully.
  6. Go sms/handsent has an additional download that will support emoji's, the stock messaging doesn't support it. So download either of the two apps I just mentioned then download the emoji plugin for that app.
  7. What requires s-off? As of right now there isn't anything an s-off phone can do that an s-on can't, sure there may be a few steps that might be a little different but the results will still be the same. If you want to root the phone then just root the phone.
  8. Depending on the type of call would determine how its routed for service. I have called telesales many times in the past and have gotten someone from India quite a few times but now that I think about it it hasn't happened in a few years I don't think. There is a call center in the Bahamas as well, I have spoken to people there quite a few times.
  9. I was a beast on multiplayer on all the halo games but halo 2 was by far the one I was best at. I played every single halo game and read all the books, personally I think the storyline is pretty impressive and mesmerizing if you are into that sort of sci-fi thing.
  10. I have been a huge gamer for a long time. Over the years I have logged thousands of hours on xboxlive but since I am older with lots more responsibilities in life its really hard to play as much as I used too. In either case though, my gamertag is raggamuffin, add me if you like. Oh and if you add me, please let me know you are from s4gru, or else I will probably just ignore it.
  11. Sorry but bigsnake49 got you beat by 24 minutes on the same topic in the general topics forum. http://s4gru.com/ind...mers-from-uscc/
  12. I have burn in on my gnex, its only noticable when I am using the phone in low light or in a dark room and its pretty bad. My swiftkey keyboard is noticable as well as a portion of my lockscreen. I wouldn't say I am a heavy user being that I have my evo which I use a little more than my gnex.
  13. Personally I am still very much weary of anything lg. Hardware wise, they release great phones but once they are released then thats it, they send them on their way never to support them ever again. I am shocked that the viper even got ics, even though it should have been released with it in the first place, but hopefully they can turn things around with the optimus g being that its basically the same phone as the nexus 4. Only time will tell but as of right now, I still won't get an lg device regardless of whatever beast specs it may have.
  14. Ok, everyone needs to chill out for real. We all know there is an issue with the evo and how it can't maintain an lte signal when its low. Hell I was one of the first members on this site to confirm what was already known(back in the beginning of June) being that I carry a gnex and evo. Since then, as the atlanta market coverage increases so has the lte performance of my evo but of course its still not the best but its pretty good. Now we all have a right to our own individual opinions on this issue but talking about it all day every day(especially on s4gru) isn't going to make a bit of difference to sprint being that they new about this issue well before the phone was even released which was reported right here on s4gru way back in april(I think). So if you already have an evo then lets hope that the issue is taken cared of on the next OTA update, if not then you need to come to the realization(like I have) that this issue will never get fixed.
  15. It was just a phase I was going through, I was "note-curious", LOL.
  16. Oh my lovely evo, yes you have lte connectivity issues, I accept that now but everything else about you is so incredible. Everyone may not love you or they did love you but given up on you for your one little fault but don't worry I am here to stay, I won't cheat on you with a gs3 or a note 2.
  17. Josh already created a thread for this from the day before, anway its good to see LG trying to do their thing.
  18. Hey, what do you think about the xda member "regalpimpin" that said he has far better success with lte connectivity when running a cm10 rom compared to a sense rom. You already posted in that topic but I will link to it anyway: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1959803
  19. There isn't a minimum amount that's required but just know that s4gru is a privately owned and operated website that is supported by us(the members) so feel free to donate what you are able to donate.
  20. Yeah it seems that way, in either case though, the optimus g is the exact same phone on sprint just with lg's ui and 13mp camera so getting an aosp/aokp rom on that particular phone shouldn't be too difficult at all. But of course that depends on how popular the phone will be with the dev community.
  21. I am still digging the tron reference I made.
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