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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. LMAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats just so wrong. I am laughing so hard, I got me here crying.
  2. Same here, I am holding on to my shares for sure. Prices will continue to increase, so just keep monitoring it or at least set a goal and once you get to that goal then sell. LMAO, now that was funny as hell. I just brewed myself some lipton sweet-t last just last night, I love living in the south. You mention sprint and its an immediate negative response most of the time. I think if this goes through then a name change is in order so consumers can regain their confidence. EDIT: YAY, this is my 1000th post on s4gru.
  3. As far as sense, that will never go away. You may prefer vanilla android but the general population will pick a sense/touchwiz device over vanilla android any day of the week. Why? Because it simply looks better not to mention features are added that you won't normally get from a vanilla android device. Me personally, I don't like vanilla android. I got the gnex so I can get updates as soon as they are available but I really don't care about that as much as I thought I would and because of that my gnex may get replaced with a galaxy note 2 whenever its released.
  4. I understand your frustrations, I have been experiencing these same issues for a while as well but please don't let it get the best of you. From a business stand point sprint did the right thing by releasing the evo anyway. Worse case would be that they exchange a few devices or even allow customers to exchange it for a gs3 if need be but at least those are customers that they were able to retain versus possibly letting customers jump ship because they didn't have decent phones to chose from once off contract.
  5. I guess I could add my 2 cents to this topic. As some of you may or may not already know I have two devices that I have on me at all times(gnex & evolte) and the evo's lte connection issue is very much evident but with that being said I have learn to just deal with it and hope for an update to finally fix this issue. Am I still happy with my purchase? Yes I am, I really love the evo. I have contemplated getting a gs3 for the longest but the reality is even though I live in an lte market, I spend about 65% of my time away from home in non lte areas. Also I prefer sense over touch wiz any day of the week and more importantly the screen on the evo is a lot better than the pentile on the gs3/gnex not to mention the amazing battery life. If someone who lives in an lte market ask me what phone I would recommend I would say the gs3 for sure over the evo but if they are in a non lte market then i would say its a toss up between the two.
  6. The link mentions galaxy tab 2 10.1 which is a different device than the galaxy note 10.1.
  7. Like most have already said, with a micro sd card slot who cares how much internal storage it has. Besides, my aging samsung tab 10.1(16gb) is still holding its own.
  8. I use svdo too much now for me to go to a device that doesn't support it.
  9. I am a spec whore just as much as the next person but I think we have finally reached a point where specs are basically even across the board. What htc needs to focus on is a great user experience, bragging about hardware specs does not sell a product. Showing how it will make your life easier through usable features and good marketing is what sells a product. This is why apple is number one in sales and this is why samsung is where they are currently, this is something HTC needs to learn or else they won't be around much longer.
  10. HTC will make the next evo no doubt about that, also even though sprint uses the evo brand exclusively in the US there are many other non US markets that have the same evo branded phones since the og evo.
  11. I noticed this yesterday afternoon for the first time ever. I guess I just so happen to be in the signal screen exactly when the lte connection had dropped.
  12. Thanks for the article, very interesting to see how this will play out over time.
  13. Damn it, personally I make use of having svdo so if the note 2 doesn't support it then no note for me. Its like right when you think you have the perfect device, there is that one thing that makes you throw your hands in the air in frustration.
  14. I am not sure what I am going to do, I am really hoping that sprint/htc can figure out this lte issue but I would still prefer the evo because of that beautiful screen, I can't stand pentile at all. The funny thing is the pentile on the gnex didn't even bother me until I saw the screen on the evo. Anyway, not sure if this has been mentioned before but the note 2 isn't going to be pentile which should give it a huge improvement in screen quality and because of that I think I may end up with a note 2 if sprint/htc can't fix my evo issues. Its still not your standard rgb setup but its still better than pentile. http://www.androidce...ersus-galaxy-s3
  15. Day 3 apps: Amazing Alex TuneIn Radio Pro Temple Run: Brave HD Widgets PicSay Pro Monsters Ate my Condo Flick Golf! ezPDF Reader Kids ABC Letters Rebuild ZombieSmash mSecure Password Manager Mass Effect Infiltrator Dragon, Fly!
  16. Yeah, they seem to be related. Maybe we could hope for an lte fix in addition to a surprise update to JB, one can only wish.
  17. LMAO!!!! The baby in your avatar has the exact same facial expressing on his face as your emoticon at the end of your sentence.
  18. This should give you a better idea of what is going on with New York: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-279-new-york-city-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule-update/ There has been significant steps made since this article was written, becoming a sponsor of s4gru will give you access to quite a bit of information that you won't get any where else, no minimum amount is required. Right now though, new york is in the middle of major ugrades towards their network vision roll out, so things will probably continue to be a little on the bad side but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  19. They have made quite a few improvements in that area for sure, by the way what kind of phone do you have?
  20. Exactly(once the lte signal strength drops to a certain level, yes)
  21. As more towers get upgraded the issue will continue to decrease but in the mean time there will continue to be lots of complaints and its going to come from evo owners compared to the other lte device owners.
  22. It would have to be a software issue. If you switch to lte only then it picks up lte at weaker levels just fine and it maintains that signal but of course when you are on lte only the phone isn't good for anything else. I really think its a software issue but if its a hardware issue then I don't know. In either case though there are a lot of customers thinking that sprints 4g lte coverage sucks when in reality its their evo's and not the network and instead of fixing the issue with the evo itself sprint would rather say its the network.
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