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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. You may actually have even more 4g coverage than you think. I have a gnex and evo and I have been very vocal about this issue since June. The bottom line is that when the lte signal gets weak, the evo will switch to the stronger 3g signal versus staying with the weaker 4g signal even though the weaker 4g signal will still give much faster speeds. Once the 4g signal strengthens then it will reconnect just fine which is what you are experiencing. If all you have is an evo then you would think that this is normal and that would be fine but once you use a different phone then you would be able to tell the difference. For example when the tower next to my house got upgraded in june I was rocking lte for a few days. Once I got to about 1.5 miles from that tower then my evo would switch back to 3g, if the evo was the only phone I had then I would assume that I am simply just out of range. My gnex on the other hand would continue to maintain that same 4g signal for an additional mile down the road before it dropped off. I could duplicate these results a thousand times driving towards or away from the tower, On the drive back my gnex would connect about 2.5 miles out while my evo stayed on 3g then about 1.5 miles out my evo would connect. So basically from that one tower my evo had an effective 4g range of about 2.25 square miles and my gnex had an effective 4g range of about 6.25 square miles, thats a huge difference. This is a software issue that needs to be corrected.
  2. Different apps today: https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/promotion_celebrate_25_billion?feature=banner#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDIwMSwibnVsbC10b3BfZmVhdHVyZWRfX3Byb21vdGlvbl9jZWxlYnJhdGVfMjVfYmlsbGlvbl9fVVMiXQ..
  3. I have heard a few verizon iphone 5 customers complain about inconsistent data performance as well so definitely not isolated to sprint.
  4. Realistically how many regular people are gonna use an app like sensorly anyway? Apps like this will only be used by a small fraction of us "enthusiast" which in itself is a small fraction of the total number of customers.
  5. EDIT: Total reading fail on my part, that's what happens when I try to read anything first thing in the morning.
  6. I frequent that area all the time but I been out of town for the last few weeks on my usual business travels and won't be back until next saturday. When I get back I will look at the map and try to map areas that aren't showing up yet.
  7. If you go to ##3282# and change your data settings to lte only, it would stay connected just fine even at lower signal strengths(of course this has been mentioned many times before). So this right here should prove that its not a hardware issue but rather software. For whatever reason on the evo lte once the lte signal gets to a certain point the phone will give priority to the stronger 3g signal even though the weaker lte signal is faster. Again, this has been stated many times already, and sprint/htc knows this and this is why this particular issue is so frustrating to me.
  8. How about this, get "an LTE device" or get "a long term evolution device". LOL, the english language is pure garbage anyway. The guys at the radioshack by me were saying the same thing, "Evo Lite". Sounds stupid as hell everytime I hear it.
  9. Thanks, I was going to make a list after I came back from lunch, lets try to keep it updated. EDIT: I am not a big fan of live wallpapers but ocean 3d is down right beautiful. As a matter of fact all their live wallpapers are straight up stunning to look at.
  10. I been saying this since june, been rocking a gnex and evo and the discrepancy is as obvious as the sun in the sky at noon.
  11. http://officialandro...-downloads.html Not sure which apps/books,music will be on sale, I have found a few but looks like its good time to stock up on some of those items that you really wanted but didn't want to pay full pop for. EDIT: https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/promotion_celebrate_25_billion?feature=banner#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDIwMSwibnVsbC10b3BfZmVhdHVyZWRfX3Byb21vdGlvbl9jZWxlYnJhdGVfMjVfYmlsbGlvbl9fVVMiXQ..
  12. Yeah, its just an app update so its safe to download for those that are rooted.
  13. This map is no where near all of the towers. There are also towers on Vieques and Culebra that aren't showing and there are more than 3 towers in the Virgin Islands.
  14. Oh no, when I have good signal I don't have to toggle at all, only if my signal drops below a certain point then I would have to toggle but that doesn't last long since the phone has an issue with holding on to a weaker lte signal.
  15. You need to check and see what your dbm's are. My lte signal(on my evo lte) tends to drop off at around -107 or so. Most times it will connect if I toggle but it drops back off soon after. Once my signal comes back to at least -107, the phone reconnects by itself just fine.
  16. I don't think Apple should have to pay anything since they actually invented time.
  17. So you bringing that line from att back to sprint?
  18. Its so funny to me that most people seem to not know when you are joking AJ. After reading Darnell89's response I started to LMAO!!!!!! Darnell89 might be MacinJosh but in a parallel universe.
  19. At any given moment in time, regardless of whatever the situation may be there will always be mad customers that will feel betrayed and leave whatever carrier they are on.
  20. The first 4g phone came out 2 years 3 months ago, what 4g phone have you owned for over 3 years?. Anyway, if sprints network is as beastly as they hope for it to be then they have every right to be as profitable as possible while staying competitive. Look at verizon, they basically cost more than everyone else yet they have the most customers, why is that? Because they have the network to back up what they want to charge, no one is gonna pay a premium to be on sprints network right now but if in a few years the now network is solid and fast then they can get away with raising prices.
  21. Not really sure why this thread was created when we already have a thread dedicated to the LA market. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1413-los-angeles-county-nvlte/
  22. Lets get back on topic please. Edit: Some of the off topic chatter has been deleted
  23. All I saw was "WIN" and thought we were doing a give away. I was all excited for a minute there,
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