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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I am sure other will chime in on this, but I always thought sprint had better voice quality than the competition. Its been this way for a while.
  2. Sounds to me like he is having battery issues even when the phone is powered off, if that's the case then he may have a bad battery. Go to a sprint store and have them test your battery.
  3. Well that proves it right there, android is better than iphone 5. Seriously though, you probably came from an android 4g wimax device which is not compatible with iphone 5's 4g lte capability. As stated already, there isn't any 4g lte in your area yet.
  4. The fact that you are not in a lte market at the moment may make it pretty difficult for you to pull this off I would think.
  5. They both have the same qualcomm s4 SoC so more than likely its a software issue with the device itself. If lte is that important to you though then just exchange it if you are still within your return window.
  6. As already stated: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2372-sprint-to-take-control-of-clearwire/
  7. My typical usage includes, streaming radio, streaming slingbox, lots of emails and web browsing. I would say I use about 8 gigs a month but I try to use wifi when I can so with that I probably use about 3 gigs of actual sprint data per month. With the recent addition of lte though my usage have increased a little as well.
  8. You can probably get a 64gb class 10 card for the same price you would pay just to get the extra built in 16gb of memory.
  9. It will be tough but I am willing to invest in one more htc device. Camera quality/features, beautiful screen and awesome battery life is whats keeping me from getting rid of my evo at the moment. I will probably get the next htc device but if they some how manage to screw it up then I guess it will be my last htc device for a while.
  10. You are 100% right, I made a post similar to this a few weeks ago. They really need to focus on the user experience and through marketing, show how it can make our lives so much easier.
  11. The phone whore in me wants this thing so bad. I have to say though, if htc focused on user experience as much as they focus on hardware, they would still be number 1.
  12. Uhh, same phone. LOL. In either case though, this phone looks so sweet and even though a 1080p screen on a phone is total overkill I definitely welcome it with open arms. Now even though I tend to be a little biased towards htc, they are focusing to much on hardware and not software which will be their downfall. I read your post earlier and its good to see that they are releasing ics for the viper but honestly I don't see why the phone was released without ics in the first place, there was no excuse. Like I said though, LG has a very bad track record so there is no way I would ever recommend anyone ever buy a LG smartphone, the LG Nexus would be the exception of course.
  13. Spec wise, this phone is a beast. The biggest problem with LG is the fact that they have a proven track record of releasing devices and not really supporting them after the fact. I just don't get them at all, they release amazing hardware then let it go to waste by not supporting it. My opinion is if size is not an issue then definitely the note 2 over this, if the note 2 is a little too big then I would wait for whatever else comes out next which would probably be various nexus devices. And speaking of nexus devices, LG is releasing a nexus device, if anything I would get that over this. At least you know for a fact that nexus devices will get supported long after release.
  14. Basically if you have been with sprint, then you already know its something that wasn't really possible to begin with. So there isn't much sense in complaining about something you never really had in the first place. If you are coming from tmobile/att then you will probably end up missing it. As for me personally, since my evo lte has this feature, it would be difficult for me to go to a phone that does not support this feature. Even though I live in an lte market, I spend the majority of my time in non lte areas as well as not being able to connect to wifi when I am in the field so having data and voice at the same time over 3g allows me to be exponentially more productive.
  15. I am also curious as to what the off-contract price will be. I hate it that it doesn't support svdo but neither does my gnex so I think I may end up with this and just sell the gnex.
  16. I love this show, I am so glad that they made Carl a little bit more tougher than the little spoiled punk from the previous seasons.
  17. They listened when people complained about not being able to remap the recent apps button.
  18. This was funny but I thought the hunger games parody was even funnier.
  19. LMAO, the funny thing is I did mines over the phone and actually had it billed to my account. Also, buying up your upgrade is not the same as buying out your contract via ETF.
  20. T-mobile is a bad example since they have been bleeding customers regardless of what they try to do. As far as sprint, they could easily offer a tiered plan similar to att/verizon while at the same time undercutting their pricing structure where sprint could still be seen as valued added alternative. NV has to be paid for at some point, once the network gets up to par with the big 2 then sprint can justify a price increase since they will have the network to back it up. I definitely don't want to lose unlimited data but its coming so there is no use in trying to fool myself when it comes to something thats inevitable.
  21. Nothing lasts forever, buy out or not once(or if) sprint completes their nv build out, I am fairly certain the unlimited data would go away anyway but I guess it also depends on what the market is like at that time.
  22. Or maybe they decided to go through with the softbank deal then just buy tmobile and metro pcs afterwards, now that would be funny.
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