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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I have so much to be thankful for this year, happy thanksgiving to all of our members here on s4gru, enjoy your weekend and be safe.
  2. Thats true, shouldn't take them long at all but my only concern is getting sufficient backhaul to the different sites. Trust me when I say that when it comes to technology the VI are in the stone age compared to PR.
  3. Not sure what could be the reason but both my phones are rooted and I haven't had any issues using sensorly on either device(evo, gnex). I have mapped lte in my area and it showed up on the their maps within 30 minutes to an hour.
  4. Yeah, unfortunately the stock rom shows 3g even when on 1x, most custom roms has the display 1x mod included.
  5. Just keep in mind that the Virgin Islands is part of the Puerto Rico market, with than being said I don't think the VI will get completed any time soon but hey I can always hope and pray.
  6. Been out all day hanging out and my evo has consistently been on 4g with absolutely no issues at all. The experience has been quite impressive so far. Now I am sure it has more to do with expanded coverage more than anything else but as of now, no more lte complaints from me.
  7. Same here, I finally got back home to atlanta yesterday and so far my evo has been working perfectly when it comes to lte connectivity.
  8. Things are progressing at a record pace in PR and you are getting frustrated that you haven't gotten it yet? Believe me when I say that there are millions of customers in other sprint markets that would love to trade places with you right now.
  9. Yep, can't wait to hear all the complaints and comments. It will make for great entertainment.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if it was jelly bean anyway, I guess only time will tell.
  11. No 4g in St.Thomas as yet, at the present moment I can't even confirm that towers have been upgraded but even if they are I can almost guarantee that sufficient backhaul will continue to be a problem. Like I have said many times before, I always suspected that PR would be upgraded in record time while the USVI will lag behind and get treated like a red headed step child. Anyway, if you have a decent camera with a good optical zoom, you should take pics of a few towers around the island so we can see if there are network vision panels installed. I would say take pics of the cell tower base station if you could but I noticed that all of them on the island are all enclosed in a small building(I guess for hurricane protection) so you can't actually see the equipment. I am currently in St.Thomas as well and its hard to get close enough to a tower to take a decent pic with my phone.
  12. http://www.glbenchmark.com/phonedetails.jsp?benchmark=glpro25&D=LG+F240K&testgroup=system New lg phone with 1080p screen running jelly bean.
  13. Please keep in mind that tower locations can be highly inaccurate when using netmonitor/opensignal.
  14. But you also have this image which is the first image in the thread
  15. Well I did have a little help from someone I was corresponding with but I am not the type of person to post hearsay because that always causes a thread to head south quickly not to mention that I am very sceptical by nature and take everything with a grain of salt, but if it does come out tomorrow then this person will be 2-0 so far.
  16. It is weird, like I said the Puerto Rico Market thread, when I was at the luis munoz marin(san juan) airport yesterday my evo connected effortlessly and maintained an lte signal that was barely usable. I checked the signal strength and it was no stronger than maybe -126 at best.
  17. If this does come out tomorrow then it looks like my prediction from a few weeks ago nailed it. Interesting, very interesting.
  18. So anyway, I past through San Juan again today and again I was able to connect to lte at the airport just fine. One thing that did have me puzzled was the fact that my evo was able to connect and maintain the lowest of the lowest lte signal with no toggling at all. Anyway, I already have lte in atlanta now all I need is lte in St.Thomas and I will be one happy sprint customer.
  19. Sounds to me like you are just scared, no offense but all this rooting, updating radios/software etc...... is easy as hell to do. Granted the only prerequisite is being able to read and comprehend, and I am sure you can do that. And when jelly bean rolls out updating to that will be a breeze, so root if you want to root.
  20. Go get an s3 or a note 2,that should solve all your problems.
  21. When I ran the speetest I was like wtf? I couldn't believe it, but it was consistent after several tests.
  22. I am on a party boat on the Potomac river right now and I almost hit 3meg down on a speedtest before it settled down to 1.6 with an upload of 1meg. So far 3g speeds have been ridiculously outstanding. This is by far the best 3g performance I have experienced.
  23. I haven't used opera since my windows mobile days.
  24. There is a call center in the Bahamas, that's probably where your call was routed.
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