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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Been running 4.2.1 for a while now and it runs great but I am really starting to hate my nexus. I thought battery life was pretty bad when it was running ICS but battery performance on JB is even worse.
  2. Wait a minute, is this a windows phone?
  3. Welcome to S4gru, an awesome place to be. On a side note, I was in miami a few weeks ago(around the airport area) and I was able to connect to lte. You should also download sensorly, its an app that shows you what area has lte and it will also allow you to map your own mobile connection. There are a lot of places in miami that shows lte is live and well.
  4. 10 years ago high end devices off contract where going for about 550 to 650, 5 years ago high end devices where going for 550 to 650 and today high end devices are going for 550 to 650. How many other products have we bought 5 or 10 years ago still cost the same today? Considering the amount of tech that goes into these devices, I don't think that they are too expensive at all. To add though, I kinda wish phone subsidies would totally go away, I would rather pay more for the phone and have a lower cost monthly plan.
  5. gun control (says the guy holding the ar-15, LOL)
  6. Oh ok, well if you think you will be close enough to get an lte signal then you may or may not have to do the toggle dance. After a couple updates the lte issues with the evo has decreased quite a bit.
  7. I just took a quick glance at our completed sites map, Raleigh/Durham is still in the early stages of completion(probably about 1% complete) so more than likely you won't be picking up any lte signal in Durham. You should consider becoming a sponsor so that you can have access to a lot more information that could save you a lot of potential frustrations.
  8. A quick glance at the network vision completed maps shows that there are a few towers that have already been upgraded(3g only), so work is being done. If you consider becoming a sponsor you will have access to information that will answer your questions much better than sprint ever could. In the mean time you can also follow the official Missouri market thread. http://s4gru.com/ind...ludes-st-louis/
  9. Yep, I think this makes a lot more sense than my Tron theory. LOL
  10. I have had a similar situation that happened to me previously and it just happen to me today. Now currently I am in the Virgin Islands but my phone said I was in Las Vegas showing Las Vegas's current time. As I sat there and watched the screen, it switched back to the correct local information.
  11. With Robert being MIA(for the most part), I think it's important that members(especially our premier sponsors) help out where we can and be sure to use the report function when necessary. I don't know how Robert does it all(I still think he made a digital copy of himself to help run the site but that's another topic) but there's way to much activity for just a few staff members to constantly stay on top of it all.
  12. What is the point of this thread? I really don't see anything ground breaking at all.
  13. Well to add to this discussion, other than lte connection issues(which has improved quite a bit since getting the phone on release day), I haven't had any reception issues that were not tower related. To the OP, I noticed that you are in Raleigh, now I am sure that things have improved(I would hope), but when I was in Raleigh back in October it was one of the worse sprint experiences I have ever had to suffer through.
  14. The first time I heard about this, I honestly thought it was a joke but I guess it wasn't. I do like the title of their response though.
  15. I think too many people put a little too much emphasis on ram usage, not realizing how android's memory management works.
  16. The last time I checked I saw 1 voice upgrade but that was it, I really don't think it matters though.
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