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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Its amazing isn't it? I don't see how Robert does it all, he must have created a digital copy of himself(tron) to keep up with all this extra work.
  2. Well this is no different than the international one x, gs3, gnex etc... that didn't come with lte yet their U.S. carrier branded versions did. I guess its just a wait and see approach but in either case I am sure sprint will have a nexus with lte.
  3. There isn't exactly an lte standard so I doubt they would spend the extra money on the added hardware to make it lte compatible with most carriers like what apple did with the iphone 5. Was it announced that it won't be on sprint ever?
  4. I think the JB update for the evo is arriving sooner than we all think. I would even venture to say within the next two weeks, this of course helps me sleep better at night so thats what I will keep telling myself in the mean time. Hopefully the lte issue will get fixed right along with the JB update.
  5. A lot of information on that sight is very old and poorly maintained.
  6. You should go to your nearest sprint store and raise hell about the fact that your phone is working better than ever and then demand answers as to why.
  7. Damn, this thread got derailed in record time. LMAO!!!!
  8. I think this is ridiculous as well but I am not AJ and you so my technical understanding of a few things are still in its infancy. With that being said, is it technically possible that how a signal is being transmitted from a tower(in this case lte) can affect one device and not others like what the htc rep allegedly said?
  9. Excellent article you linked to. The screen on my evo lte is the number one reason why I still have that phone and why I haven't gotten a gs3 yet. For the life of me I can't stand pentile at all but the funny thing is that it never bothered me at all until I got the evo and put them side by side. As far as burn in with amoled's, I always thought that was a myth but I never actually had a phone with an amoled screen until I got the gnex. Over the last 2 months I have noticed that the image of the dots(where you draw your pattern) from my lock screen have been showing very faintly under certain conditions when I am actively using the phone. Its not that bad but its definitely there. EDIT: I just noticed that my swiftkey keyboard is burnt in pretty badly as well.
  10. I am so glad Samsung went away from that pentile screen on the note 2, I was very impressed by the screen when I was playing with one the other day.
  11. LMAO!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking the same thing earlier when I first saw it.
  12. Who's arguing? But like you said, back to the issue which is you don't have lte coverage and my response to that is Sprint is actively upgrading to network vision and things will get better soon, there are lots of towers that come online every single week. All in all progressive is moving along quickly unfortunately those specific areas that you frequent haven't been upgraded yet.
  13. I fully agree with you but let’s be realistic here, the average customer isn't going to know anywhere near as much as the average techie of which we are in the extreme minority compared to overall customers, so basically sprint has no reason to spend extra resources on training when the bottom line is still the same which is Sprint is currently upgrading their network and things will get better soon. I know that it’s Sprint’s responsibility to train their employees but they will only do so as they see fit, so if an opportunity comes around to help then why wouldn’t you? What is giving someone a hard time in this specific situation going to do for you? Now if they were straight up lying right to your face thinking you didn’t know any better, then I could understand.
  14. I don't know what the deal is with that area but I have noticed that there is a big whole in lte coverage in that north west quadrant inside the perimeter. Things are improving though, I was at ikea the other week ago and got an lte signal in the parking lot which hasn't happened before(my girl got a thing for ikea, so we go there all the time). As far the your experience with the two reps, you know damn well that your average reps won't know anything about any sort of specifics when it comes NV. All they will tell you(and probably trained to say) is that Sprint is in the middle of upgrades and things will get better soon, which is still true regardless if they have details or not. Yes, Sprint needs to do a better job communicating to their customers but as far as you, just be glad that you can come here and get all the information you need. As a matter of fact, instead of giving them a relatively hard time you could have helped them out a little bit by telling them about s4gru, that way they could get a little bit more information so they can do their job a little more efficiently and in the event another "techie" tries to give them a hard time they will be in a better position to address those concerns.. I will say this though, the one's that are the most frustrated seems to be the ones that already have all the information yet will turn around and call sprint and when they can't get the information they already know, they get frustrated.
  15. Just came back from the sprint store and I must say that it is a very impressive device. When the sprint girl whipped it out I was like "Damn thats huge" and everyone started laughing. Anyway, the note 2 responsiveness is as smooth as butter and the screen is a lot nicer than I thought it would be, even though the screen isn't your standard rgb layout its still miles ahead of the s3's pentile as far as quality goes. It's mind boggling how feature rich the note 2 is, I was really impressed. I really wanted to pull the trigger but I had to force myself out of the store, but in the end I think I will replace my gnex for this. I just have to wait and see what other nexus devices will be available when google makes their announcement next week.
  16. I am so confused, you making want to go and get one right now.
  17. Meh, looks photoshoped to me.
  18. I think it would depend on the nature of the exchange. If I bought an evo and was having all sorts of legitimate issues then they probably won't charge me a restocking fee if I wanted to switch to another phone, on the other hand if I bought an evo and decided to exchange is because all my other friends have galaxy s3's then they will probably charge me a restocking fee.
  19. Damn. I really don't know what to do right now. My htc evo is safe at the moment but I think its time to get rid of my gnex, I just don't know if I should get the note 2 or just wait for whatever the next nexus is(other than the lg nexus 4).
  20. Once a site is complete its not always discoverable. Anyway I will be in San Juan over the weekend so I will see how things go.
  21. All this Puerto Rico news is so exciting, hopefully St. Thomas can get some much needed love very soon.
  22. I guess I can chime in on this one. First off, when it comes to my gnex it seems like I have lte service just about where ever I go in atlanta(I am mainly on the south side), unfortunately I can't say the same for my evo. Now don't get me wrong, with the increasing lte coverage the issues with the evo seem to be less of an issue as before. Where ever there is a relatively decent signal(which seems to be a lot more places now) the evo will hold on and/or reconnect just fine, its just that when the signal drops to a certain point then it would drop off while my gnex is still connected. Anyway, my patience is running out with the evo but I still love the phone quite a bit.
  23. I would make a wild guess and say the nexus 10 will be 349.99. Now I think I am being a little too optimistic but that's what I am telling myself for the time being.
  24. Interesting, looks like its time to get rid of my tab 10.1 in favor of something like this.
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