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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. You want to call back and speak to someone else because that is 100% wrong.
  2. Yeah that big area around hooters is all me, all they way down tara blvd to krogers. Try to use sensorly as much as you can so we can get a more accurate map of the area.
  3. I am not in atlanta at the moment but with the new ota I did see an improvement. Basically the problem with being able to actually reconnect to lte has been solved the only problem now is staying connected to lte once the signal gets low. From what I can tell it seems like my evo loses connection around -107, if I toggle airplane mode it will connect then drop again anything above that though and its smooth sailing for the most part.
  4. themuffinman

    Sad Sad Day

    Damn, that really sucks. Anyway, there's always ebay.
  5. I think it is a big deal, now if you are a long time sprint customer you probably won't miss, appreciate or even care for something you never actually had before. It didn't bother me at all until I got the OG Evo 4G, and being able to talk on the phone while having data was pretty convenient when needed. Now for someone that don't really talk on their phone that often then I can see it not being that important but for someone like me who talks on the phone quite a bit plus send and receive emails all day long as well as various other things that may require data, its now a feature I refuse to live without. They can still market voice and data at the same time since neither the sprint or verizon can do it, not even over lte as Robert was saying. From a marketing stand point I think that its a huge advantage that att will definitely exploit.
  6. Sorry but this makes no sense at all, its not the same thing.
  7. WAIT WHAT? I can't believe what I just read!!!!!!!!
  8. And that's whats getting to me the most. They are making ridiculous profits on these phones/itunes, there is no excuse to shaft cdma carriers/customers like this.
  9. Most users on sprint/verizon don't really care because its something that was never available(not until recently) based on the type of technology. At the same time someone coming from tmobile/at&t to sprint/verizon would more than likely notice it. It's important enough for att to make commercials about the fact that you could do data and voice at the same time but you couldn't on verizon. It may not cost apple anything at all but it will definitely cost the carrier.
  10. If this is true then what a shame. Its sad that the most profitable company in the world couldn't invest a few extra dollars per unit to give their customers a better user experience.
  11. What's most disturbing to me is the fact that you reported the evo's lte connectivity issues about 5 months ago. I mean seriously, what have they been doing for the last 5 months?
  12. Just found this link from someone over on engadget, I thought it was hilarious. http://imgur.com/a/NAeNN This is funny as well: Disclaimer: I am not bashing the iphone in anyway, as I have said in another post I think the iphone 5 is the best looking one out of all of them but in all honestly if I absolutely had to get an iphone it would be an iphone 4s.
  13. Don't forget the use of nfc tags, those little things are awesome.
  14. http://www.sensorly.com/map/4G/US/USA/Sprint/lte_310sprint#q=30078
  15. I don't use passive mode being that it will basically run on its own whenever it decides, I always use full auto and when I am done I just exit out of the app. There is nothing to upload, it does it all automatically for you. Edit: Actually I am not sure how the passive mode works when it comes to uploading data but I am sure its the same.
  16. Just say what areas you drove to and anyone else can look at the sensorly map, it will update what areas you were in automatically. Edit: I just looked at the map and there is a solid line from north of snellville to around the stone mountain area. Was that your route?
  17. Ok cool, any information that I have used personally from this site has been incredibly accurate so you should be confident that whatever information you find here is pretty damn accurate regardless of whatever sprint officially or unofficially say. Anyway, back on topic. From what I could tell so far, I like the design of it but a hands on would be nice though.
  18. I think most of us around here are well aware of your frustrations being with sprint. As you already know sprint isn't the only carrier that will have this phone so based on your findings on s4gru, you should be able to make an educated decision as far as determining whether to stay with them or not.
  19. I am not gonna lie, in my opinion the ip5 design is by far the best looking out of all the iphones so far. I think it looks very classy with the two tone look on the back.
  20. I am definitely not an apple fan at all but I agree with you. The phone has nice specs for a current device but I was shocked that they would still have the same camera from the 4s, now granted the parts for the camera are smaller but its still the same camera. I was also hoping it would have at least a 720p 4" screen, not sure where they got the 1136*640 from(not really that big of a difference anyway). This was more like a iphone 4s s. The jump from the 3gs to the 4 was pretty substantial, the jump from the 4 to the 4s was minor(as expected) but I would have thought that the jump from the 4s to the 5 would be a lot bigger that this. And whats the deal with no NFC?
  21. Topic moved to the correct forum
  22. Cool, when you get through just post here with the details so we all can check out what you were able to map out.
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