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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. LMAO!!!!!!!! This post got me cracking up. So you won't consider htc again but you go and buy an lg? They are by far the worse when it comes to software support for their phones. I do agree that htc releases to many flagship devices though and that their lack of effective marketing is whats really doing them in. As far as lower end devices, samsung has just as many as htc does so that point is invalid.
  2. The 3d was one of those anomalies. I really loved my evo 3d but the 3d feature itself was its downfall in so many ways but most importantly it made things a little bit more difficult for developers. As far as other htc devices around that time like the sensation, it didn't take that long for that to receive an ics update.
  3. Exactly, my ears are still ringing from all the countless complaints because of samsung stalling when it comes software support for the gs1/epic 4g, gs2/epic touch.
  4. Say what? When the evo 4g was released it came with eclair, the evo 4g was the very first android phone to get updated to froyo after the nexus and it was also one of the first devices to get gingerbread so how did they stalled on the evo 4g?
  5. Yes, there was a new radio update that also came with the JB update.
  6. I have no issues with my proximity sensor, it works like it always has. I understand the you hate htc, just do yourself a favor and get a gs3.
  7. ^ You know, I could sit here and easily address every single issue you say you are having and you would still find something to complain about so I simply won't say anything at all.
  8. LOL, I was reading some of the comments on androidcentral and it was just hilarious.
  9. As far as battery life goes it feels about the same as ICS but thats not a bad thing at all. I still can't believe how responsive my evo has become, this update has really done a good job of getting my mind off of the note 2.
  10. Yes, hard reset but don't restore anything, instead just download whatever apps you need from the market directly and see if you are still having the same issues.
  11. No issues with that at all for me, did you hard reset? You better answer yes to that question.
  12. Other than a few widgets and options that I normally use but are now missing from this version of sense, this jellybean update has given new life to my evo. The responsiveness of this device is ridiculous, haven't tested lte performance yet, but I will be able to in a few days when I get back to atlanta.
  13. Glad that worked out for you, its difficult to start from scratch but I wish more people would do that before they start posting about issues.
  14. A hard reset is a hard rest, starting from scratch.
  15. For those complaining about minor issues here and there, have you performed a hard reset? This wasn't exactly a minor update so a hard rest should be performed.
  16. Default was 720p but 1080p has always been an option.
  17. After these types of major updates, I think its always best to just do a hardreset and just start from scratch.
  18. Now its time for the "If I download the OTA will I lose root?" posts.......
  19. If you go to sprint's website they list the evo as having android 4.1 http://shop.sprint.com/mysprint/shop/phone_details.jsp;jsessionid=C7EED24E8BB78ACDB155BEB8E99DFE2C.shop30?prodId=dvc6370014prd&deviceSKUId=63700579&flow=AAL&planSKUId=&ptn=&tabId=dt_phones
  20. Saw this over on xda, I thought this was funny as hell. LOL
  21. Again, you are rooted so simply do not accept the ota. Wait for whatever dev to release a rooted stock rom so you can then flash that.
  22. I noticed my prl changed from 25009 to 25010 this morning as well.
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