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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. SMH!!! A promise is a comfort to a fool. I could never understand customers like this. You complain, which as a customer you have every right to do(just not on s4gru) but when something is actually being done about it in record time, you still complain?
  2. themuffinman


    Yeah, I have. It seems like its some sort of system initiated prl/profile update.
  3. Well as far as lte performance, my evo is doing fine now. Even though I am out of town again, when I was in atlanta my evo didn't lose lte connection one single time. I mean from when I turned on the phone when the plane landed to two weeks later when I turned off the phone on my flight out my phone never went to 3g. Of course though my general area is covered really well. To add though, I have spent a little time in puerto rico as well and I didn't have any lte connection issues at all, no toggling of any kind was required and the lte signal was very weak for the most part.
  4. Changing your rtsp/http settings will give you a placebo effect at best, also changing the lte scan timer isn't even the issue.
  5. The real issue is the fact that the evo has an lte connection issue that sprint/htc does not want to admit openly, to make it worse it looks like there could potentially never be a fix for said issue. As far as the specs you mentioned, even with the evo having a slightly smaller battery, it still gets better battery life than the gs3. The screen being a 10th of an inch smaller isn't noticeable but what is noticeable is the slcd2 screen on the evo is superior to the samoled hd screen on the gs3. The camera and camera features on the evo is also better the gs3 not to mention that the general consensus is that most would still prefer sense compared to touch wiz. With all that said I would still recommend the gs3 over the evo and sprint has the option being that they sell several different phones. At this point sprint doesn't have much to lose or gain by fixing the issues with the evo since they could easily swap users to a gs3 or lg OG. HTC is in a hell of a lot of trouble and as much as I love my evo and don't have hardly any issues compared to the next person, I think HTC will have to make some serious changes and if they don't I honestly don't see them lasting any longer than a year or two at the most before someone buys them out. So yeah, it looks like the gs4 for me, I just hope that samsung goes with an slcd 3 screen since they are having production issues with their 1080p samoled's.
  6. themuffinman


    How could they not know about it? Maybe the rep he spoke to didn't but typically cs reps don't know anything so thats to be expected. Regardless though, this is a documented issue before the phone was even released which was reported right here on s4gru back in april(to lazy to look for the link right now). EDIT: Look like it was in may, http://s4gru.com/ind...on-as-may-15th/
  7. http://www.swiftkey.net/flow/ New beta available for swiftkey flow, it has its little quirks here and there but its great so far. Still the best keyboard on the market IMO, now with swype functionality.
  8. Well it looks like you came up with a solution, since verizon and at&t have what you are looking for, then by all means, sign up with them. This is not a website where you come to voice your disdain for a particular company or to rant senselessly. If you have issues then take it up with sprint, if they aren't providing you with what you need, I don't think sprint is going to hold you hostage. You have options, so exercise those options, just know that coming here to complain isn't one of those options.
  9. Well thats true, the average person wouldn't invest, they would probably end up spending it all in a few months if that. When going from having nothing to having a million in the bank overnight, most people don't think about tomorrow they are just thinking of right now. A million wouldn't be anywhere near enough for me to quite my job. Hey maybe that should be a question that should be asked. What is the minimum amount, after taxes, that it would take for you to quite your job?
  10. Well lets assume its a million after taxes, with that being said at the age of 37 I couldn't retire on a million right now but what I would do is not spend one single sent and invest every penny of it. With my income now with the additional interest/dividend income from my investments I will be able to live more than comfortably.
  11. When this thread was first created I honestly thought it was a bad idea, but I am sitting here laughing my ass off after reading through all 10 pages. I guess that means lte is coming for real this time.
  12. Uhh, that's still basically around the same time. Regardless though, no one at sprint really knows whats going on thats why I personally always resist asking questions whenever I have to visit a store.
  13. SMH!!!! I highly doubt there is a phone available right now or any time soon for that matter that would satisfy you.
  14. I have never experienced this either and I have an evo and a gnex.
  15. I wish I had two more hands so I can give this response 4 thumbs up.
  16. The one thing that I do now more so than ever before is take lots of videos and pictures and unfortunately there isn't any non sense rom that has a camera app even remotely close to the sense camera. For what its worth though I do have cm10 running on my gnex and I love it.
  17. I noticed higher fluctuations with lte signal strength when compared to my gnex as well. I really don't know what can be done at this point, I mean this issue was known well before the phone was even released and here it is 6 months later with the same issues, so maybe it is a hardware issue or a combination of a few trivial things that added up to one big thing that can't get fixed with software.
  18. Samsungs "plastic feel" build quality probably isn't going any where any time soon but I am more concerned about the screen quality since I hate amoled screens. If the galaxy s4 comes out with an slcd 3 screen then it will make my purchase a lot more tolerable.
  19. Samsung has made a lot of mistakes with previous devices but they really kicked up a notch with the gs2 and now the gs3/note2. As much as I love htc and still prefer the evo(just barely), I don't see how much longer htc can last in this game. I wouldn't be surprised if samsung eventually bought htc out at some point.
  20. This is one cool video that's filled with creativity.
  21. A few weeks ago when I was in Puerto Rico, my evo connected maintained an lte signal at -126, no toggling or anything. Needless to say I was shocked.
  22. All I know is that I been back in atlanta since tuesday and my evo has yet to drop to 3g no matter where I have gone so far.
  23. AT&T is a joke as well, they say its HSPA+ but it would be hard as hell to find any att customer in the VI pulling anything more than 1.5 meg on the most optimal conditions.
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