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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Last month I think I experienced some of the worst sprint service ever in St. thomas. I just got back to St. thomas a few days ago and I got to tell you that it is just as bad but all the issues are basically the same as what the PR guys where experiencing right before all the good news started popping up. Its somewhat difficult to get close enough to towers given their locations but I need to find away to get a closer look at those panels to see if any NV equipment have been installed. The great news is that the Virgin Islands are currently going through some major improvements as far as over all internet backhaul goes. As of a few months ago typical broadband was as fast as 1.5 to 3 megs(and that's on a very good day) for any isp provider on the island, as of the last few days I have been experiencing over 20 meg at my office so hopefully all this will be part of sprints strategy as far as backhaul for their lte service.
  2. How can you sit there, complain about all these issues, yet never bothered to do a hardreset? This makes absolutely no sense what so ever. I am running JB and for the most part everything is running just fine and battery life is just as amazing. With anything, there will be bugs and/or other issues but its no where near as bad as what you are making it out to be. Also for the record, my girl has an evo upgraded to JB without hardresetting and her phone is running just fine. Now I know that doesn't mean that you aren't having issues since everyone's miles will vary but if you started to have issues then I would think that you would realize that a hardreset is in order. Anyway if you went to sprint at any time during these issues they wouldn't have exchanged the phone for you, they would simply do a hardreset then send you out the door. You could have potentially saved yourself quite a bit of time and frustration if you did this yourself weeks ago.
  3. On monday I spent a few hours hanging out in Miami(4hr layover for my next flight) with two friends of mines and they both have gs3's, we were no more than maybe 5 minutes from the airport having lunch when I noticed that my gnex was connected to 4g. So I then looked at my evo but unfortunately it was still on 3g, I ask to see my friends phones and both were also on 3g. I did the toggle dance on both gs3's and my evo and none of them would connect to lte but my gnex stayed connected just fine.
  4. HTC really doesn't do much, if anything at all, at CES. MWC is next month, thats were HTC will probably focus their efforts.
  5. The first comment in that article is just hilarious, LOL.
  6. Oh ok, I was in that area as well and 3g was running great(a week ago), in either case though, they may very well be doing upgrades in the area. From west of macon, through gray and east of milledgeville, 5 towers have been confirmed to be upgraded recently.
  7. Which part of milledgeville? My sisters husband and in-laws are all from there, I went to visit them last week before heading to florida and I had great signal and data speeds where over 1meg(around the mall area anyway) . Now about half way to macon from milledgeville I was roaming ever so often but that lasted for about 10 minutes or so which was expected since there is nothing out there until you get closer to macon.
  8. Actually, I was hoping for more of a htc "note" type of device and this m7 doesn't seem to be that much of a revolutionary jump from the current evo. I mean htc had the flyer/evo view that came with the stylus and even though it was limited, some of the functionality was pretty cool, no reason why they couldn't have improve on that to at least try to compete with the note. Also, it was rumored that even the gs4 may have spen functionality, if that turns out to be true then that would put me one step closer to samsung.
  9. Well I am a sucker for most htc devices but if this doesn't come with an sd card slot then I will have to say no. Also, I wonder if 4.7" screen is a typo, I would think it would come with a 5" screen like the jbutterfly/droid dna. Anyway, I wish htc best of luck, they can't afford to make any further crappy business decisions but I know one thing, I won't get it right away, I will wait to see what the gs4 is all about before I make my decision.
  10. As of this moment, if I had to purchase a phone it would definitely be the note 2 by a long shot, as far as features the note is way ahead of anything else(and this is coming from someone that loves HTC). I have talked so many of my friends into getting a note 2 and every last one of them were intimidated by the size of it but after getting used to all the features they all say they can't see themselves with out it.
  11. The screen on the note 2 is not a pentile setup like on the gs3, thats why it looks so much better.
  12. You are in fact part of the Orlando market and there is a market thread already dedicated to that. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1855-network-visionlte-orlando-market/
  13. Personally, I haven't had any issues as far as random lag but I am rooted running custom roms so I don't know. I will add though that my girl got a stock evo running the latest ota and she haven't had any issues either.
  14. This is definitely a valid point, I just wish the service was a lot more stable than what it is. I have used their service quite a few times on various airlines and I wasn't happy at all. Admittedly I haven't used it with in the last year or so, hopefully things have improved.
  15. Gogo in flight is awesome, but it's just a little too pricey in my opinion.
  16. You really don't know if this article is bs or not, if it is I am sure it was probably exaggerated but I for one wouldn't be surprised if it is true to some extent. I have been with sprint now for 11 years and I have personally witnessed sprint reps say things that were laughable or simply not true at all. Now you may have been an outstanding employee and if you were then great but there will always be those select few that just don't give a damn and would do or say anything to make a sale and of course that goes for any commissioned employee anywhere.
  17. I never worked for sprint but I do have several years experience in commission sales. Base commissions are probably the same regardless of products but sometimes manufacturers may offer added incentives for pushing their product during a particular promotional period. Maybe this could have been one of those cases.
  18. Same here, nothing worse than the rogue salesperson. In my opinion something like this probably happened at a dealer store and not a corporate store. Some of the most bizarre sprint stories I have ever heard took place at dealer stores.
  19. I pulled 12megs down at LaGuardia aiport about 2 years ago using my og evo at the time and right before I sold my evo 3d I pulled 12megs down right here in atlanta. For the most part though my experience with wimax was pretty decent. I averaged about 6 to 10 megs where ever I actually got a signal.
  20. Uhhhh, did you have a seizure while posting? To turn it off, just follow the same thing I said to Ben a few posts up.
  21. Was it enabled for you this whole time or did you just do it for the first time just now?
  22. Just hold down the home button(or voice search app) to access google search then hit menu and you can disable or enable google now.
  23. For what it is, google now is pretty awersome but definitely not worth the battery drain so I disabled it, if I need information about anything google search is right there anyway.
  24. Lg's issue isn't hardware, its software support. They have always had flagship devices but they never supported them. If I am not mistaken, Lg came out with the first dual core phone(optimus 2x, I think) and never really supported it once it was released, they were also one of the first to come out with a 720p phone (lg nitro, I think) and where was the support for that? Now here we go again with lg releasing one of the first quad core phones and no more than a few days after release they already rumored to have a 1080p phone to be released in the spring. I don't see the optimus g getting jeallybean until this new phone is released but hopefully I am proven wrong. As far as the placement of the power button, that is subjective being that I still prefer it to be on top than on the side, I find myself constantly hitting the power button on my nexus during regular use.
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