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Official Tmobile-Sprint merger discussion thread

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Democrats in the Senate are a minority. ...   I don't think it means much.  Also, I don't believe Congress has much say in the overall plot as it's up to the FCC and the Dept of Justice.      If you all remember, Sprint and T Mobile already met with Senators back in May or June.   Don't really know what else can be done.   The FCC has a 180 Day "shot clock".   It can go over 180 days, but not 2 years?!    I'm hoping there is some word/ communication this week or next.     

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Democrats in the Senate are a minority. ...   I don't think it means much.  Also, I don't believe Congress has much say in the overall plot as it's up to the FCC and the Dept of Justice.      If you all remember, Sprint and T Mobile already met with Senators back in May or June.   Don't really know what else can be done.   The FCC has a 180 Day "shot clock".   It can go over 180 days, but not 2 years?!    I'm hoping there is some word/ communication this week or next.     

I agree, government is open for 20 days .. I expect John and Marcelo to be spotted in Washington again over these next three weeks.. if government does close again.. I think the rules state that no matter how long the government is shut down the fcc will be given another 3-6 months after the shut down to keep reviewing

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On 1/27/2019 at 7:21 AM, dro1984 said:

The FCC has a 180 Day "shot clock".   It can go over 180 days, but not 2 years?!    I'm hoping there is some word/ communication this week or next.     

The shot clock is entirely informal and is frequently paused and resumed.  See here:  https://www.fcc.gov/transaction/t-mobile-sprint

The transaction is paused on Day 84 right now, even though the clock was first started on July 18, more than 6 months ago.

- Trip

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Happening on February 13th:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. House panels will hold a joint hearing on Feb. 13 on T-Mobile US Inc and Sprint Corp’s proposed $26 billion merger and its potential impact on consumers. 

The House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Judiciary Committee will hold a joint hearing to “examine the merger’s potential impacts on consumers, workers and the wireless industry,” the committees said in a statement on Monday. Both T-Mobile Chief Executive John Legere and Sprint Chairman Marcelo Claure have agreed to testify.

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17 hours ago, Trip said:

The shot clock is entirely informal and is frequently paused and resumed.  See here:  https://www.fcc.gov/transaction/t-mobile-sprint

The transaction is paused on Day 84 right now, even though the clock was first started on July 18, more than 6 months ago.

- Trip

As a follow up, the clock was stopped this last time due to Government Shutdown.    

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13 hours ago, RedSpark said:

How about that...

What the heck is a "Customer Experience Center".  Anybody here been in one?  I have never sought technical support or sales service from a physical store.

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What the heck is a "Customer Experience Center".  Anybody here been in one?  I have never sought technical support or sales service from a physical store.

With TMO when you call in for help the first time you are designated an experience center (call center) and also a specific team/person. Each time you call they will do their best to get you back to the same person (or team, or experience center) pending time of day and busyness.

It’s 100x better than the off shore crap Sprint does. Not slamming Sprint - just my observation.

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From Fortune Magazine news:

T-Mobile's John Legere Promises Rates Won't Increase If the Sprint Merger Gets Approved


In addition, Legere from a Reuters News feed, Legere and T Mobile is asking FCC to speed up the review process quickly...  

In a letter to the FCC, T-Mobile Chief Executive John Legere asked the government to move forward “expeditiously” in reviewing the merger of the No. 3 and No. 4 wireless carriers, and attempted to allay fears the deal would mean higher prices.


T-Mobile pledges three-year price clampdown

Edited by dro1984
Insert Reuters link
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5 minutes ago, dro1984 said:

From Fortune Magazine news:

T-Mobile's John Legere Promises Rates Won't Increase If the Sprint Merger Gets Approved


In addition, Legere is asking FCC to speed up the review process quickly...  

T-Mobile's rates have risen to almost Verizon/AT&T levels so him promising they will not rise is a rather empty promise.

Edited by bigsnake49
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1 minute ago, bigsnake49 said:

T-Mobile's rates have risen to almost Verizon/AT&T levels so him promising they will not rise is a rather empty promise.

Sprint's are right up there too.   They are not the cheap discount carrier either.     Nobody is  what I would call cheaper unless you go with a Family Mobile or Google Fi or a similar virtual carrier. 

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T-Mobile's rates have risen to almost Verizon/AT&T levels so him promising they will not rise is a rather empty promise.

Idk if that’s true.... I pay $140 for two lines (could drop to $120 but give up some features) that includes taxes and Netflix. With vzw it would be $180 plus taxes. Sure it’s $40+Netflix.

I’d rather Tmo and sprint charge a fair price and offer s kick ass network.

Not saying you’re wrong

Just my perspective.

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12 hours ago, Johnner1999 said:



Idk if that’s true.... I pay $140 for two lines (could drop to $120 but give up some features) that includes taxes and Netflix. With vzw it would be $180 plus taxes. Sure it’s $40+Netflix.

I’d rather Tmo and sprint charge a fair price and offer s kick ass network.

Not saying you’re wrong

Just my perspective.

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Look, I am paying $15/month+taxes for a kickstarter line on Sprint. I am sure Sprint is not making any money on that line. There are other limited duration deals that other people have taken advantage of. But the trend has been to raise prices.

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I have 6 unlimited lines and pay between $205 and $215 per month depending on Kickbacks that month.

That's 2 lines using the 2 for $100 deal, plus a 3rd line for free (buy 2 get one free), a 20% hookup discount, and then 3 more lines at $20/line. The device payments are included in that price, and of course so are taxes because it's Tmo.

Definitely can't get anything like that outside of Tmo, and I'm not going anywhere until they pry this pricing out of my hand. It's the only reason I switched from Sprint.

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Here is an article that puts the odds of the merger at 40%.  https://www.lightreading.com/mobile/5g/t-mobiles-legere-calls-dish-a-spectrum-hoarder/d/d-id/749306?

So we have a range of 40-90%.  IMO it may be 2020 before we know.  If you are a regulator why rush?  The main premise is that Sprint will fail without a merger.  The second argument is that the merger will benefit the rest of the country with a true competitor.  If you stall as a regulator, you will get to see if Sprint gets traction on 5G.  Given the fragmentation of the mmWave spectrum, with much still under auction, and its tremendous buildout requirements, Sprint's 2.5Ghz 5G will really be the only viable option for 6 months until the second 5G chipset comes out with support for midrange and low bands which T-Mobile and AT&T have announced plans to use.

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Idk if that’s true.... I pay $140 for two lines (could drop to $120 but give up some features) that includes taxes and Netflix. With vzw it would be $180 plus taxes. Sure it’s $40+Netflix.

I’d rather Tmo and sprint charge a fair price and offer s kick ass network.

Not saying you’re wrong

Just my perspective.

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I know this may sound kind of messed up. But this is from my perspective. You need money to build out a network and I agree with raising prices to a reasonable extent in order to finance building out a new network and expanding coverage amongst other things. Because obviously without money you can't fix the cellular sites that are having problems can't expand coverage. And you can't pay lawyers to argue with the zoning board about the placement of cell sites.. the money has to come from some where.... building out and maintaining a cellphone network isn't cheap..

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    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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    • My wife has a Pixel 8 Pro and has no complaints. I have an S22U and I get slightly better signal than her but 99.9% of the time, its not noticeable. 
    • My favorite is the nexus 6.  Love the form factor also.
    • Well it's the newest Pixel, so I'm guessing at least a few of us are out there, myself included! I have had almost every Google phone since the Nexus 4. The Nexus 5 might be my all-time favorite for what it was at the time, but I love my Pixel 8. No real drawbacks for me, but I can't give a personal comparison to the S22.
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