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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Looks like the RF telecom guy is showing a couple more spots where small cells are being deployed. Together with the Baltimore article and the MN article. It's safe to say that small cell deployment is moving forward in quite a few places.



Can you share a link to the MN article?  Thanks

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This is not the final bidder list. The final list will not be released until May after the FCC has collected payments for bidding credits.


See this article for more information on the 600MHz auction process.




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Can you share a link to the MN article?  Thanks



Most important quote from article...


"Sprint already has installed about 30 small cells in Minneapolis in a test capacity, McMahon said, and the rest of the small cells will be in place by summer."

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Apparently the application for Sprint to lease the 700 MHz spectrum in Memphis got withdrawn, sqteq on Reddit found the application. Was withdrawn yesterday, April 8. License is probably headed to Magenta. At least, that would be my guess. Apparently the PCS license transaction got withdrawn too. I have no clue what the hell is going on and what is behind this. 

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Apparently the application for Sprint to lease the 700 MHz spectrum in Memphis got withdrawn, sqteq on Reddit found the application. Was withdrawn yesterday, April 8. License is probably headed to Magenta. At least, that would be my guess. Apparently the PCS license transaction got withdrawn too. I have no clue what the hell is going on and what is behind this.

Then what does this mean? Has to be a reason behind it
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Apparently the application for Sprint to lease the 700 MHz spectrum in Memphis got withdrawn, sqteq on Reddit found the application. Was withdrawn yesterday, April 8. License is probably headed to Magenta. At least, that would be my guess. Apparently the PCS license transaction got withdrawn too. I have no clue what the hell is going on and what is behind this. 


Good I am glad that C Spire withdrew their application for the 700A license.  At least now Magenta can buy it and actually make use of it.  What was Sprint going to do with that license anyways.  I am all for any carrier to make full usage of spectrum regardless of who it is.  Tmobile needs the license to expand their low band network.

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Good I am glad that C Spire withdrew their application for the 700A license. At least now Magenta can buy it and actually make use of it. What was Sprint going to do with that license anyways. I am all for any carrier to make full usage of spectrum regardless of who it is. Tmobile needs the license to expand their low band network.

I don't mind that. It's the lack of clarity in the PCS band that I don't get. Hopefully there's another spectrum swap for Memphis in the works.


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Good I am glad that C Spire withdrew their application for the 700A license. At least now Magenta can buy it and actually make use of it. What was Sprint going to do with that license anyways. I am all for any carrier to make full usage of spectrum regardless of who it is. Tmobile needs the license to expand their low band network.

I think sprint could have traded it to tmo acquire more mid band (pcs)

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I think sprint could have traded it to tmo acquire more mid band (pcs)

I reapectfully disagree. Tmobile knows that 700a in memphis is useless at this point due to Ch 51 issues. Tmobile knows sprint is not going to spend the capital to buy 700a equipment just for 1 market nor sprint will waste the resources to work with the tv station for a concurrent operations agreeement. Tmobile could just wait it out just like they are for the chicago market from Leap.


Also even if they were to trade the spectrum away to tmobile, i couldnt see more than 1 market getting more PCS spectrum since they know there was a timeline and its not deployment yet.


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What?  T-Mobile has moved a number of stations off channel 51.  There are plenty of other channels to move WPXX to, and T-Mobile is more than willing to spend the money to get it done.


- Trip

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What? T-Mobile has moved a number of stations off channel 51. There are plenty of other channels to move WPXX to, and T-Mobile is more than willing to spend the money to get it done.


- Trip

I think u are reading the post wrong. It says that sprint wouldnt spend the resources to work on a concurrent operations agreement, not Tmobile.


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I think u are reading the post wrong. It says that sprint wouldnt spend the resources to work on a concurrent operations agreement, not Tmobile.


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I never suggested that sprint would do anything with the b12 - just that they sit on it until T-Mobile offers them some nice PCS spectrum for it. Ultimately, T-Mobile NEEDS lowband so sprint could demand some supplemental spectrum in areas where necessary in exchange. T-Mobile can then go through the whole process of working with the channel 51 broadcasters on their own.

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Sprint may not sell the BlackBerry Priv after all...




I recall Marcelo saying "Coming soon" re BlackBerry back in March 2015: https://twitter.com/marceloclaure/status/581209417716240384

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Sprint may not sell the BlackBerry Priv after all...




I recall Marcelo saying "Coming soon" re BlackBerry back in March 2015: https://twitter.com/marceloclaure/status/581209417716240384

There are also rumors of the new HTC not being available on CDMA providers. Of course, I take that with a grain of salt but I also see it being entirely possible seeing as HTC devices didn't sell very well in the last year.


They also cancelled that kick-started cloud smartphone for CDMA carriers.

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There are also rumors of the new HTC not being available on CDMA providers. Of course, I take that with a grain of salt but I also see it being entirely possible seeing as HTC devices didn't sell very well in the last year.

But HTC would definitely be shooting themselves in the foot if they don't plan on selling the device on the largest carrier in the U.S. Unless they plan on selling it as an LTE-only device on Verizon.


My guess is that the leaked information pertains solely to the GSM model of the device.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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There are also rumors of the new HTC not being available on CDMA providers. Of course, I take that with a grain of salt but I also see it being entirely possible seeing as HTC devices didn't sell very well in the last year.


They also cancelled that kick-started cloud smartphone for CDMA carriers.



But HTC would definitely be shooting themselves in the foot if they don't plan on selling the device on the largest carrier in the U.S. Unless they plan on selling it as an LTE-only device on Verizon.


My guess is that the leaked information pertains solely to the GSM model of the device.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


There are CDMA versions. A Sprint version in fact. And it works! This we do know.  



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I read about the HTC 10 report concerning it might not being on CDMA carriers. I decided not to post about it in the HTC 10 thread here on S4GRU, as the report doesn't seem right to me. The images shown of it on certain websites look fake. Plus, I can't imagine HTC not having the HTC 10 widely available. They need this to be a big seller for them and cannot have this be a big failure for them. HTC in a way is in a more serious situation than Blackberry is, and certainly more so than Microsoft. HTC can't afford to have an exclusive product to a U,S. carrier at this point. Also, unlike Blackberry and Microsoft, HTC doesn't have a proprietary operating system to sell in a smartphone, nor are they big enough like LG to decide on exclusive flagship-spec'd devices, such as with the V10.

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But HTC would definitely be shooting themselves in the foot if they don't plan on selling the device on the largest carrier in the U.S. Unless they plan on selling it as an LTE-only device on Verizon.


My guess is that the leaked information pertains solely to the GSM model of the device.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk



Wasn't it not so long ago vzw said they would be moving to all Lte devices? Could this HTC be the first?

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Sprint just announced a new President for Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands:

Claudio Hidalgo Joins Sprint as President, Florida, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Region


Prior to joining Sprint, Hidalgo was Chief Operating Officer for Caribe and Central America for Digicel Group. Before that he had been with NII Holdings, Inc. in positions that included chief operating officer of Nextel Brazil and Chief Executive Officer of Nextel Chile. Claudio was responsible for leading the company’s operations, providing strategic guidance and identifying and capturing growth opportunities.


Marcelo has recruited some top talent for One Sprint. He's basically put a CEO in charge of each of the 4 geographical regions (West, Central, South, Northeast) and a manager in charge of 19 specific regions within those 4 areas.


It's remarkable how many of these Area and Regional presidents are senior management or CEO's from other companies, like Claudio. Marcelo has poached a number of regional presidents from Verizon too.


The thinking here is, we're going to put you (as a former CEO or senior manager with experience from another company) in charge of this Sprint area or region. You run it as if you are the CEO or manager. You report your results up the chain. I think it's a great idea.

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Sprint just announced a new President for Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands:


Claudio Hidalgo Joins Sprint as President, Florida, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Region


Marcelo has recruited some top talent for One Sprint. He's basically put a CEO in charge of each of the 4 geographical regions (West, Central, South, Northeast) and a manager in charge of 19 specific regions within those 4 areas.


It's remarkable how many of these Area and Regional presidents are senior management or CEO's from other companies, like Claudio. Marcelo has poached a number of regional presidents from Verizon too.


The thinking here is, we're going to put you (as a former CEO or senior manager with experience from another company) in charge of this Sprint area or region. You run it as if you are the CEO or manager. You report your results up the chain. I think it's a great idea.




It's a great idea, although sprints problems still remain. --- the network is still an issue even though it has made huge gains.

Hopefully these guys will keep the pressure on to get these upgrades and small cells going.

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It's a great idea, although sprints problems still remain. --- the network is still an issue even though it has made huge gains.

Hopefully these guys will keep the pressure on to get these upgrades and small cells going.


Hopefully the regional/local managers have a better sense of what's going on in their specific market and can better direct those improvements as needed.

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    • Saw that for a while. Now back to n25 + n71 + n41-100Mhz + n41-90Mhz.
    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
    • If they use n41 + n41 2CA, people that are somewhat distant from the cell site will have an OK download but the upload will be a disaster.  Upload capability on b-41 was always a disaster on the old Sprint Network.   Now, with n25 + n41 combination, even the more distant users have a more decent upload.  I see n41 + n41 + n25 now with my S22 and I understand that we will see 4xCA with newer phones in the future.     I also see n41 + n41 + n71 sometimes too. Also some other combinations of 25, 41, 71.  I would think that eventually we will see AWS paired with n41 too.  What I am not sure of is ----  when I see 3xCA on my S22, I can see the 3 channels involved in the download but I am never sure just what I have on the upload. I do not think I have 3xCA on the upload.
    • I don't know enough about the nuts and bolts of NR to know the answer, but is there a reason they're not doing two overlapping 100 MHz n41 carriers and using selective resource shutoff to make each one 97 MHz?  Thus making use of the full 194 MHz instead of leaving 4 MHz unused as implied by the current standard 100+90 configuration? - Trip
    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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