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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Did he say when will the 3 carrier CA will be depolyed? I know originally it was supposed to end of next year but I figured that was going to change


3 carrier ca will not be implemented until the SD 810 soc with a more developed integrated cat 6 modem. Those devices are not slated to come out till the next flagship release of spring and onward.


2nd B41 carrier preparations are already underway.  

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3 carrier ca will not be implemented until the SD 810 soc with a more developed integrated cat 6 modem. Those devices are not slated to come out till the next flagship release of spring and onward.


2nd B41 carrier preparations are already underway.

Great to know. My next phone will be the iPhone 7 so I have years away to experience CA lol

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The network, he mentioned sprint will deploy 3 20mhz on the 2.5ghz band, but is more concerned about LTE reliability than speed tests about faster.

This is HUGELY important for Sprint. People don't know anything about speed tests, but they do know a LTE indicator is better than 3G. I say that as I'm typing this post on I95 in Baltimore (a spark market) and I have 3G...and it's usable but very slow!

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Ok I heard the whole conference at work



New plans coming in the coming weeks


Mentioned sprint will be the best value on wireless, but not the cheapest.

I'm curious to know what he means by 'not the cheapest'. Aren't they the cheapest now? I sure hope they aren't trying to raise rates now. It's too premature.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

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S: Sprint's (S) CEO Marcelo Claure Presents at Wells Fargo Technology, Media & Telecom Conference (Transcript) http://m.seekingalpha.com/article/2675845?source=ansh



The whole transcript of today conference call.

Edited by SprintNYC
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What does he mean by adding wifi to the network? I'm not understanding :(


Don't judge me lol



If you must ask you will never know  ;)


Maybe Sprint will have their own wifi hotspots?


I'm thinking he's referring to leveraging WiFi in order to bolster coverage, something that T-mobile has been utilizing for some time. Offering WiFi Calling on all all new devices going forward is something that he could be alluding to. Possibly mirroring T-Mobile in WiFi/Cellular Network seamless handoffs.

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Is there a new sprint commercial out promoting a $50 plan regardless of the phone and is available for both new and existing customers? My friend called me saying she saw that. Has anyone else seen this commercial?



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

Edited by derrph
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Is there a new sprint commercial out promoting a $50 plan regardless of the phone and is available for both new and existing customers? My friend called me saying she saw that. Has anyone else seen this commercial?



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

No, and there is nothing in this weeks playbook that mentions $50 for any phone.


Sent from my Sprint LG G3

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No, and there is nothing in this weeks playbook that mentions $50 for any phone.


Sent from my Sprint LG G3

Thank you that's what I figured. I told her that she was seeing things but she was dead set on what she saw. A plan like that would remove the $50 and $60 plan. Plus Sprint making that kind of move is too much imo.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

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Thank you that's what I figured. I told her that she was seeing things but she was dead set on what she saw. A plan like that would remove the $50 and $60 plan. Plus Sprint making that kind of move is too much imo.

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

You said "she." And there's your answer. Women only tend to see what they wanna see. Not hatin', just sayin'.
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You said "she." And there's your answer. Women only tend to see what they wanna see. Not hatin', just sayin'.

I think that's unfair. I believe I know the ad derrph's friend is referring to. Other than briefly showing a picture of the new iPhones, there was zero indication that the plan is only for those phones. Just flashes of "Unlimited" and "$50."


The only reason I would be aware of the advertised plan's limited nature is because I follow this stuff. This obfuscation is exactly the sort of thing that rubs people the wrong way, when they take the time to go to the store, only to leave disappointed or upset that they can't get that price with the phone they'd prefer to buy or already have.


The ad that it replaced (that featured Judy Greer and her girlfriends shattering all their dishes before they eat) I found annoying, but at least they made it "crystal" clear the plan was for iPhones only.

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I've seen the same ad and IMO it clearly communicates that a $50 unlimited plan is being offered without reference to a certain device. 


As far as how the public takes that or misinterprets that, Marcelo referenced the low level of trust that customers have in all carriers in the full text of this last interview.  Misleading advertisements are a part of the core of what got us so distrusting.  Its become the norm for all customers to trust a provider about as much as we trust a car salesman.  The norm?  Don't take anything at face value, don't be shocked if its not as it seems. 


In his interview, he talked about listening over cancellation calls to understand why people are leaving sprint.  He very wisely mentions that he's never heard a customer tell Sprint they're leaving because their device doesn't download " At XXmb speed".  Rather, its always about data that doesn't work, calls that drop, a network that doesn't cover them. .  BINGO.  So, he states several times that he's more concerned with building a reliable network than one that is the fastest.  


If he runs with that, it would be interesting to see Sprint start actually talking about organic network growth in the areas where its needed most.  It will be interesting to see how Marcelo treads forward, and more so, what opinions and initiatives the new network chief forms his once he fully understands the kind of network sprint operates. 

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S: Sprint's (S) CEO Marcelo Claure Presents at Wells Fargo Technology, Media & Telecom Conference (Transcript) http://m.seekingalpha.com/article/2675845?source=ansh



The whole transcript of today conference call.



Like this section from the transcript:



Marcelo Claure - CEO

And the reason why it’s been a very long time that the brand stood for SoftBank. I think the last of things [ph] was something behind family, which was put in together friends and family. And it’s okay to have made but that didn’t work. The reason why it didn’t work was it was a plan in which you’ve got this, if you recruited more people you got more discounts. And the problem is thousands of people got together on the internet and started sharing calls. So everybody created more friends and family than what Sprint expected.



So in the end, what really doomed Framily plans was that they were too successful?  Too many people managed to hit the magic 7 I guess.  

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 I'm guessing we will never get a deal like Framily (7+) again. I do like that you can do the 12GB family share pack with the $15 per line charge now. That is making it more competitive with Framily in some situations depending on your usage habits and number of lines.

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Like this section from the transcript:



So in the end, what really doomed Framily plans was that they were too successful?  Too many people managed to hit the magic 7 I guess.  

Interesting he says that...$45/month for unlimited everything on Framily is just slightly lower than my lines per month.  $240/5=$48 for ED 1500 w/ 26% corp discount.  But...mine's subsidized.  Framily isn't.


EDIT: Our plan doesn't have unlimited minutes, although we haven't come very close to the max 1500 yet for the month.

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I hope when they deploy a second b41 channel that they do so with small cells or new towers/locations.  When I get a b41 signal, even a low signal, I get more than usable speeds.  I'd prefer more coverage with b41 than just speedtests when standing near a tower.

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Interesting he says that...$45/month for unlimited everything on Framily is just slightly lower than my lines per month.  $240/5=$48 for ED 1500 w/ 26% corp discount.  But...mine's subsidized.  Framily isn't.


EDIT: Our plan doesn't have unlimited minutes, although we haven't come very close to the max 1500 yet for the month.


I had the same plan but with 3 lines and a 15% corp discount. Switching to Framily with 7+ lines on it saved me about $100/month. I'll trade the subsidy for that much in savings.  

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So in the end, what really doomed Framily plans was that they were too successful?  Too many people managed to hit the magic 7 I guess.  


He either doesn't know, or didn't mention the biggest part of the Framily problems


Literally every Sprint store in the city here was running underground Framily rings near the end of it.


I know this because I went to almost all of them (3 corporate stores, 8 third party) when trying to get the promo $40/$50 individual line plan when they first launched. And every single store was telling me not to do it, because they could get me on "$45 Unlimited".


Every single store had lists and pages of Framily codes sitting on their desks (even the corporate stores). Without telling you (unless you specifically asked), they would just dump any new lines who came into the store onto Framiliy plans at random, and juggle people between Framilies, to make sure all new lines hit the $45/month price.


I suspect that was the real reason Framily was larger than they expected -- they had unintentionally incentivized store reps to undersell service.

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You said "she." And there's your answer. Women only tend to see what they wanna see. Not hatin', just sayin'.

Oh boy, incoming female responses in 3...2... oh wait there are no females in these forums. lol


ok never mind, carry on.  :D



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