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This device looks pretty solid I am excited for big form facter phones...

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With no word on the release of the G Pro 2, this device looks like it will be FINALLY replacing my Evo4GLTE. I must have an extremely large screen.

I was all set to pick up the G Flex, then I heard about the G Pro 2 and decided to hold off for a bit. I am loving the leaked pics and rumored specs of the G3, so I will very likely grab the G3 instead.

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I was all set to pick up the G Flex, then I heard about the G Pro 2 and decided to hold off for a bit. I am loving the leaked pics and rumored specs of the G3, so I will very likely grab the G3 instead.

you are exactly right my friend .I heard about the display difference on the flex and decided yeah I'm just waiting for this bad beast


Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2

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If this proves accurate, then I won't be buying. Not enough of an upgrade for me to justify. I think with such a small jump in tech, from quad core to.....another quad core...this time the LG flagship will flop.




Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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If this proves accurate, then I won't be buying. Not enough of an upgrade for me to justify. I think with such a small jump in tech, from quad core to.....another quad core...this time the LG flagship will flop. http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/552855/20140519/lg-g3-android-samsung-sony-htc.htm#.U3nxWNFOlTc

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

if you have a g2 maybe not so much! Lg really just needs to upgrade the software in there devices as most of the competition has learned to do. My mom has an lg optimus g and no 4.4.2! No reason why it shouldn't but... It doesn't exist. So her next phone may be then a moto x, or 2013 HTC one m7, used as a slight upgrade. Lg hardware always does things right in terms or hardware though so I keep my eye on them.
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if you have a g2 maybe not so much! Lg really just needs to upgrade the software in there devices as most of the competition has learned to do. My mom has an lg optimus g and no 4.4.2! No reason why it shouldn't but... It doesn't exist. So her next phone may be then a moto x, or 2013 HTC one m7, used as a slight upgrade. Lg hardware always does things right in terms or hardware though so I keep my eye on them.


I think LG has worked hard to change the reality of slow to no updates that they had become known for in the past, starting with the G2.  the device (for Sprint) was released in October IIRC and we have had 3 substantial updates now. Not bad if you ask me AND very clear improvements through those updates. 


I'm good with my G2 (no real complaints which is rare) and plan (*plan) staying on until the G4 I suppose, something with SD810 in it as that's a real update to the SD800 SoC and I have faith that LG will continue improving over the next year. 

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I see some don't think its a big upgrade from the G2. I'm on a Samsung S3 was going to get the S5 but everyone says how terrible the reception is on Sprint with it? To me it seems like it could be what the S5 was not for us Samsung users.


Not too familiar with LG G2 but do they usually have good RF performance versus the Samsungs S3/S4 and especially S5?

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We're only a little over a week away from being able to confirm, but wouldn't the G3 need the Snapdragon 805 with advanced GPU to run that QHD display? If that isn't the case, couldn't we be dealing with graphics processing shortcomings?

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As I have been talking up my G2 to the wife, she is getting it and I am taking her upgrade to get the G3.

Then all will be right with the world.


Hope that what I hear about AT&T and/or Verizon releasing their G3 first is not true.

All major carriers' will be out in June though. IMHO.


Mav. :ninja:


Sent from my Sprint Tri-Band LG G2.

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LG G3, Carrier aggregation for Sprint?

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Will the LG G3 have new radios that provide for 8 Transmitters 8 Receivers (8T8R)?

8T8R is done with cell site deployment only; you won't see it on phones or other user equipment anytime soon.

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8T8R is done with cell site deployment only; you won't see it on phones or other user equipment anytime soon.

.again there's only certain phones that can have that capability and we don't know if this is such


Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2

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Now this article says the Odin processor is in the phone...so which is it? This will be what determines whether I stay on g2 or move up to this one...




Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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Now this article says the Odin processor is in the phone...so which is it? This will be what determines whether I stay on g2 or move up to this one...




Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


Trust me the US variant of the G3 won't use the Odin processor.  It will be a Qualcomm processor due to Qualcomm having superior chips for CDMA/LTE integration.  Don't you even think twice about it.  The Odin processor variant will be for the international version only.

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That being the case, I'm not sure what my next handset will be. As of 8/01, I can do my 2yr ...I'm thinking about a Note 4, but not jumping for joy over that one either. I really wish the G3 was not such a "meh" upgrade from the G2... I mean, a quad-core processor upgraded to......a quad-core processor... Just doesn't scream "feasible" to me especially when the biggest factor for my use isn't really getting an upgrade --- the camera. It's going to remain a 13mp with better OIS than current. Not sure there'll be enough bells & whistles to negate not getting more of a jump in processor/ram and camera. Guess I'll check it out on launch day and decide then.

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I'm looking forward to tomorrow's press conference. Even with all leaked specs and info, I'm hoping LG has some surprises up their sleeves. This may be my next phone. I'm also waiting to see what's in store for the Galaxy S5 Prime.

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