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Say hello to the Framily (inexpensive but potentially confusing new Sprint group plan pricing)


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So I got my first months bill on framily. I have 5 lines (9 on the framily). My Framily rate should be 25 a month, however my bill is showing 55 a month per line. Called sprint, they're saying it takes one to two billing cycles for the rate to show up. This switch has been nothing but headaches.


Called care today regarding my charges. They issued a credit to bring my lines down to the $25. I have 7 lines on framily group. Representative said they were aware of the system "glitch" and my future statements should have the appropriate discounts on them.

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Called care today regarding my charges. They issued a credit to bring my lines down to the $25. I have 7 lines on framily group. Representative said they were aware of the system "glitch" and my future statements should have the appropriate discounts on them.

Really? That's awesome. I'll try again til I get someone nice enough to do it. I called once and the lady said wait two months for the "discount".  Her supervisor said the same. They said the 25 dollars is a discount, not the actual price of the plan and discounts take one to two months to process.


good thing I waited to pay my bill. I'll pretty much call everyday til the due date. 

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One likely effect of wireless providers eliminating subsidies is that device prices will become more competitive.  That $600 handset is $600 in part because the price is artificially propped up by subsidy.  I could see high end handset prices falling below $500 over the next few years.




That'd be nice...in the short term though, if they do away with subsidies when the average user (or heck, me) are ready for a new phone, what happens? Sprint says the only option is to EasyPay for $25\month x24 months, and they're best suggestion is "Well, save some money by switching to Framily!.....and convincing three people you know to join Sprint..."?


You'll have a lot of confused customers coming to the end of the contract and hearing about Verzon's coverage, or ATT's speed, or T-Mobiles....Tmobiling, while feeling like Sprint is giving them the short end of the stick.

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Again i told you that you would be foolish to pay 55$ when it is clearly 25$. They cant make you wait 2 bills to get the price that is just logic. As far as the upgrades go. I always get my account noted with notes so when stuff happens i get perks if they do. They talked me into keeping 2 of my lines on the tablet plan for 5$ a month because every 20 months it could use a upgrade. So i still would have 2 upgrades to fall back on in 20 months from now.


Well i had a retentions Manager on the line who insisted there is noway they can totally do away with upgrades. That it would be total disaster for sprint to do so. I told her well i heard April. So she was no sure this will not happen that my 2 lines on the tablet plan have notes that if they do away with upgrades i can have 2 free with those lines right before it is gone. She said if something like that were to happen they would at least know a few days or weeks beforehand and she also gave me her direct number and a confirmation number that my account was noted.


She said if it were to happen just call and she will give me 2 quick upgrades beofre it goes away. But she insisted that if this was going to happen that she would have heard about it. I told her sprint reps have said it. She said i am not a sprint rep nor a account services manager but a account Services supervisor and she thinks she would know before some employees would. I told her all i care about is what you noted in my account. She said thank you and we were done.


I have mixed feelings on weather it will or will not happen but as of now it is fine with me cause i have 2 subsidy phones coming plus out of my tablet contract if it does happen.


And Yes if you get your account noted by a Supervisor in rentions they will keep there word so i got my bases covered. But i still think she might be right. Sprint will die if they do away with them. Once everyone is out of contract it would be bye bye sprint for those who like phones on the cheap.


Just passing along my convo with them today.

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That'd be nice...in the short term though, if they do away with subsidies when the average user (or heck, me) are ready for a new phone, what happens? Sprint says the only option is to EasyPay for $25\month x24 months, and they're best suggestion is "Well, save some money by switching to Framily!.....and convincing three people you know to join Sprint..."?


You'll have a lot of confused customers coming to the end of the contract and hearing about Verzon's coverage, or ATT's speed, or T-Mobiles....Tmobiling, while feeling like Sprint is giving them the short end of the stick.


All of the providers are moving toward eliminating equipment subsidies.  So, in due time, you will not have that choice.  Already, T-Mobile has no upgrade advantage over Sprint.


As for Easy Pay, that is not your only option.  You can just outright buy a handset -- be it new or used.



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Again i told you that you would be foolish to pay 55$ when it is clearly 25$. They cant make you wait 2 bills to get the price that is just logic. As far as the upgrades go. I always get my account noted with notes so when stuff happens i get perks if they do. They talked me into keeping 2 of my lines on the tablet plan for 5$ a month because every 20 months it could use a upgrade. So i still would have 2 upgrades to fall back on in 20 months from now.


Well i had a retentions Manager on the line who insisted there is noway they can totally do away with upgrades. That it would be total disaster for sprint to do so. I told her well i heard April. So she was no sure this will not happen that my 2 lines on the tablet plan have notes that if they do away with upgrades i can have 2 free with those lines right before it is gone. She said if something like that were to happen they would at least know a few days or weeks beforehand and she also gave me her direct number and a confirmation number that my account was noted.


She said if it were to happen just call and she will give me 2 quick upgrades beofre it goes away. But she insisted that if this was going to happen that she would have heard about it. I told her sprint reps have said it. She said i am not a sprint rep nor a account services manager but a account Services supervisor and she thinks she would know before some employees would. I told her all i care about is what you noted in my account. She said thank you and we were done.


I have mixed feelings on weather it will or will not happen but as of now it is fine with me cause i have 2 subsidy phones coming plus out of my tablet contract if it does happen.


And Yes if you get your account noted by a Supervisor in rentions they will keep there word so i got my bases covered. But i still think she might be right. Sprint will die if they do away with them. Once everyone is out of contract it would be bye bye sprint for those who like phones on the cheap.


Just passing along my convo with them today.

I am not surprised a customer care supervisor wouldn't know. The only place I have heard a date was on 2 calls about the Framily launch which were both led by my ARD ( Area Retail Director) and both of which had all the corporate stores in the area on them. So i am really shocked it hasn't leaked since several hundred reps were on the calls.


In sprints retail channel an "Area" is made up of several districts and usually about 70+ stores in 2-3 states. There are only 20 of these areas and 20 ARDs in Sprint. Seeing how a person so high in management is telling us subsidies are ending on a date very soon i believe him.


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I am not surprised a customer care supervisor wouldn't know. The only place I have heard a date was on 2 calls about the Framily launch which were both led by my ARD ( Area Retail Director) and both of which had all the corporate stores in the area on them. So i am really shocked it hasn't leaked since several hundred reps were on the calls.


In sprints retail channel an "Area" is made up of several districts and usually about 70+ stores in 2-3 states. There are only 20 of these areas and 20 ARDs in Sprint. Seeing how a person so high in management is telling us subsidies are ending on a date very soon i believe him.


Sent from tapatalk



I never said it was not true :) i said i covered my bases and had my account noted as so. I wanted to just let those 2 lines go as i have 9 lines on Framily and i really do not see the need for a Tablet plan of 5$ other than to have a upgrade. So its all good. When and if it is said i am sure there will be some type of grace period. I mean someone like 5 days away from a upgrade would be really mean lol. So i have a ETF free on my account of the Tablet line and not pay the 5$ per month anymore and get to use 2 upgrades :) I do think with how bad there service is in some areas they are going to lose a whole lot of people. It will be a huge deal braker for many people. There are many people i read on the net all the time that say they only stay with sprint caause of the upgrades.


I also see it as a ETF out of contract free as well. When you sign a New 2 Year Agreement it pops up how long till you get your next upgrade and if they take like someone who is 100 days away there upgrade i think they should be able to ETF out free.


Also places Like Amazon and Walmart and Best Buy sold a lot of phones of sprint. You think taking that away is going to go over well?


Anyway i made the switch to the New Framily plan and covered my bases when and If they pull subsidy on all plans.

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I currently have 5 on my framily with 4 more joining next week. Really, no carrier can touch the deal that my girlfriend and I are getting. Unlimited everything, and insurance for $112. I'll deal with the occasional slower pcs LTE data in downtown Chicago for that price.

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I'm on a old family with 3 lines so if I switch to the framily I'm looking at 45 per line? Plus addition data allowances.


Also I have a work discount so how is that being included. It's currently 20%.


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Also I have a work discount so how is that being included. It's currently 20%.


The discount applies only to the costs of the 3 GB and "unlimited" data allowance options.



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I'm on a old family with 3 lines so if I switch to the framily I'm looking at 45 per line? Plus addition data allowances.


Also I have a work discount so how is that being included. It's currently 20%.


Sent from my One using Tapatalk

You are probably already paying about $55 a month per line before taxes with unlimited data (assuming 1500 everything data).

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Well I'm eligible for a discounted upgrade on Feb 1st. Guess I'm drop in before that. Will I have to upgrade every line easy pay style or can I just get my line upgraded?


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To do the early upgrade you have to do easy pay.


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This thread is to discuss the Sprint Framily plan. Not why you think another carrier is better for you. If another carrier is better for you, just go. We don't want to hear about it. Seriously.


We are now removing all the posts about how Provider B is cheaper for you or you prefer something else. S4GRU is not a comparison shopping site. Nor is it here for your complaints. You can take the data that we provide to use it to make an informed decision yourself. Do the comparisons on your own scrap piece of paper. Not ours.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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Well after doing the math I would be paying the same thing as my current plan not including a subsidy which would make it more. I guess I could gather people or join a group but I don't like the pressure of that. It still seems like a good deal though. If I had a single line I would hop on it.


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I think where Sprint maybe should really ramp up their marketing for these plans is college campuses. Assuming that the coverage is up to snuff, it shouldn't be too difficult to convince struggling college students to get 6-9 of their buddies together to have unlimited calls, texts and 1 GB of data for $25/month and their own personal bills. Plus, while they're around campus they're probably surrounded by the school's wifi so they might not need more data than that anyway. And if they do they have the option to buy a higher tier. 


In addition to improving their national marketing, they need to start targeting niches like this.

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I don't know if it's still going on or not but there was a promotion for students to get a year of free service with Sprint which had unlimited voice/sms and 1GB data included when purchased through best buy. If that's still available I doubt it would be easy to market framily over that.

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I don't know if it's still going on or not but there was a promotion for students to get a year of free service with Sprint which had unlimited voice/sms and 1GB data included when purchased through best buy. If that's still available I doubt it would be easy to market framily over that.

That promotion is over.


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Just for everyone's reference, the Framily discount not showing up on the first bill is a bug. It's a glitch. Reps are now supposed to call in to their support teams immediately to get credits applied. If it shows up on your bill, just call in, and you'll get it yourself. They recognize it's a problem, and are taking steps to mitigate it.

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Just for everyone's reference, the Framily discount not showing up on the first bill is a bug. It's a glitch. Reps are now supposed to call in to their support teams immediately to get credits applied. If it shows up on your bill, just call in, and you'll get it yourself. They recognize it's a problem, and are taking steps to mitigate it.

Thanks for the heads up! Switching my 4 lines over to Framily would result in an expensive glitch.



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Switched my one line now trolling everyone I know to switch to Sprint. So far it's not working. If 8 had 7 lines in the framily getting to 10 would be easy. Starting with one everyone goes to a bigger group. May have to leave for a few months and come back on Jo Ann 's at work. She offered and has 5 on it.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

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just got back from getting my 9 lines switched over! everything went as expected, $15/mo fee waived, lines came up as $55/mo initially but asked the sales person to contact support and they got it changed to the $25/line. just logged into my account and it still shows as $55/line but i'm guessing it will take a little while for that to update so i will monitor that.


they had to call to get me approved for an extra line to get the free tab 3 deal since i have 9 phone lines and 2 airaves on my account already.


also they said there isn't an end date yet for lines that were 6+ months from their last upgrade being able to get a new device on easy pay and not have to turn in their device. i asked if someone waited for the S5, for example, and the deal ended before that phone came out what their option would be. He said they could still get a new phone on easy pay they would just have to turn in their old device instead of being able to keep it.

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  • Posts

    • Saw that for a while. Now back to n25 + n71 + n41-100Mhz + n41-90Mhz.
    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
    • If they use n41 + n41 2CA, people that are somewhat distant from the cell site will have an OK download but the upload will be a disaster.  Upload capability on b-41 was always a disaster on the old Sprint Network.   Now, with n25 + n41 combination, even the more distant users have a more decent upload.  I see n41 + n41 + n25 now with my S22 and I understand that we will see 4xCA with newer phones in the future.     I also see n41 + n41 + n71 sometimes too. Also some other combinations of 25, 41, 71.  I would think that eventually we will see AWS paired with n41 too.  What I am not sure of is ----  when I see 3xCA on my S22, I can see the 3 channels involved in the download but I am never sure just what I have on the upload. I do not think I have 3xCA on the upload.
    • I don't know enough about the nuts and bolts of NR to know the answer, but is there a reason they're not doing two overlapping 100 MHz n41 carriers and using selective resource shutoff to make each one 97 MHz?  Thus making use of the full 194 MHz instead of leaving 4 MHz unused as implied by the current standard 100+90 configuration? - Trip
    • Looks like another T-Mobile 5G bump happened over the past week and a half, maybe less: n41 carriers are now 90+100 MHz, up from 80+100 (which in turn is up from 40+100 back in early March). This is on top of the new n25 carrier recently. As part of this, it looks like T-Mobile is starting to prefer n25+n41 2CA even when pushing data, rather than having higher levels of CA that would hit higher peak speeds; at least indoors I need to force n41-only if I want to see the full 190 MHz there. To be fair the speeds are plenty quick with that amount of spectrum, and I'm sure they're load balancing, and my guess is this is a little better for battery life? With this expansion, they're now at 10x10+10x10 n25, 15x15 n71, 100+90 n41, for a total of 260 MHz (including FD uplink) of deployed NR here, up from 250 MHz a week ago, 230 MHz two weeks ago, and 190 MHz six months ago. VZW is at 140 MHz minus mmW, 170 if you count n2 DSS. AT&T is at 150 MHz (80+40 n77, 15x15 n5), 210 MHz I think if you count n2 and n66 DSS (guessing they're still running those). With this level of spectrum they should be able to continue offering home internet wherever. Guessing this is the last upgrade they can make before they need to throw new equipment on sites for C-Band. At this rate I figure that'll happen next year on a few dozen high-traffic sites.
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