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Samsung Galaxy Note 3


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Sprint will, inexplicably, get an SD screen and charge more.  Sorry to be so cynical but nothing Sprint has done with the Note 3 has made sense and I'm venting a bit. Truth be told, I still may get the Note 3 but this is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.


What is a SD screen?  I know how you feel, believe me, I vented about how much I was displeased with the Note 3's lack of triband LTE when I first heard the news but I have moved on.  For me I am voting with my wallet to get a triband LTE device. 


Why buy a phone and support it if you are not going to be happy with?  There are plenty of other great high end smartphones out there coming out to Sprint like the LG G2, Nexus 5, or possibly the rumored HTC One Max with triband LTE.  If you want to stick to Samsung and want a triband LTE device, the Galaxy Mega 6.3 and rumored GS4 mini will be coming to Sprint as well. 

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Another funny thing, Best Buy shows the model number for At&t and Verizon matching the FCC filings, but for Sprint's Note 3 they list the model number as "MOBILE PHONE."  I feel like we are being trolled.  :P 



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No mention of storage on BB page either.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


Its going to be 32 GB version since that is what Verizon, Tmobile and ATT are selling.  I don't think the extra $50 means that they will be selling the 64 GB version

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Its going to be 32 GB version since that is what Verizon, Tmobile and ATT are selling. I don't think the extra $50 means that they will be selling the 64 GB version

I don't either but would be nice. Is it the 4th yet :D


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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I understand if you're in a LTE area and you want to argue that you don't need a triband phone. If you fall into that category this isn't for you.


I have been researching this phone for the past year and was hoping for the best. Even when there were rumors about the phone missing triband capabilities, I figured we still had a chance that Sprint was going to do the right thing and that was the reason for the delayed announcement.


Well today is the day Im done with Sprint. If they weren't releasing triband phones then fine, I can accept it, but when midrange devices like the Galaxy Mega and S4 Mini are coming out with it, this is a slap in the face to the consumer. It's another slap when you consider the extra $50 charge. I WOULD HAVE GLADLY paid the extra $50 since it's a 32GB phone if it had triband, but this is a joke.


Some people will argue that triband isnt necessary right now but I beg to differ. I get LTE and you know what? It stops the minute I get in my garage. This is because the single band is terrible at building penetration. A triband phone would eventually alleviate that problem, even if it took Sprint a year to finish upgrading their network.


So in essence, we know Sprint has the technology (S4 mini, Mega, and G2) but they didn't bother incorporating it into their now most expensive device?


A rep will argue that $50 more up front is okay because we pay less than we would with other providers. This is true but if the data is useless then what's the point? Paying an extra $50 to eat crud is still eating crud.

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Pretty sure sprint would rather be releasing a tri band note 3 but for some reason was not able to do so.

To say sprint is intentionally slapping you in the face is a little harsh.

Dan Hesse has it out for me I just know it!


He knows if I gain tri-band powers I will consume a terabyte of data EACH DAY. :lol:


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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i agree.  the radios probably weren't quite ready when they had to submit it to the FCC.  let's hope Sprint gets the Note 3 "Active"  and it's triband!





Pretty sure sprint would rather be releasing a tri band note 3 but for some reason was not able to do so.

To say sprint is intentionally slapping you in the face is a little harsh.

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Although it was never my intention to purchase a Note 3 (I'm gonna switch to S5 from my S4), I was looking forward to recommending it to my mom and wifey.


Now, I won't. They don't buy phones off contract like I do. So when I recommend a phone to them, I'd want their $350 phone to be as future-proof as possible, when it comes to power, battery life, and network connectivity flexibility. They both have the S2, with its crappy battery life and horrible GPS.


Just as many has stated already, the Note 3 is very disappointing b/c its contemporaries will be triband (GS4 Mini, LG G2, Mega) while the Note 3 will not be, despite the Note being a flagship device.


We are fortunate to live in Orange County, CA where the LTE situation is better than most across the nation. Today, I enjoyed LTE at work with speeds of 20Mbps down & 8Mbps up outside. Indoors at work, I got 10Mbps & 6Mbps up. But I won't be satisfied by just that. I want LTE from other bands as well because my reception isn't as good elsewhere and indoor LTE has been almost nonexistent.


During my trip to Silicon Valley during the summer, I picked up 800Mhz voice and it was awesome. I can only imagine how awesome LTE would be if I had 800Mhz too.


I don't know who dropped the ball, Sprint or Samsung, but the news that the Note 3 isn't triband has been very disappointing.


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Some posts in this thread are likely going to be sequestered, and the tone of this thread needs to get back on track.


S4GRU does not host rants.  End of story.


And those of you assigning "blame" to Sprint and/or Samsung need to stop because you have no inner knowledge of the situation.  No one here does.  For all anyone knows, the lack of tri band LTE may have been a deliberate decision.  If that was a conscious choice, you can disagree with it.  But you are not allowed to rant about it in this thread.


Have I made myself clear?



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AJ you just had to use that dreaded word sequestered didn't you. :)


As for the lack of triband, after seriously thinking about it, 1900 is more than meeting my needs for now. Also we have an Optimus S on one line still so my daughter will get my Note2 and I will trade the S in on the One Up on the 4th and get the Note3.


The building I work in has 3 outer walls that have a set of windows that go the entire length. One wall faces the tower so will I get a small decrease in signal inside it isn't enough of a drop to interfere with me using the phone. Heck I get better reception than a coworker on his Verizon Note2.


I upgrade about once a year anyway so Note3 this year and Note4 next year.



Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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AJ you just had to use that dreaded word sequestered didn't you. :)


Well, "sequestered" is the right word, as the posts in question have not been deleted.  They have just been locked away in cell block D alongside all of the other inmates from the past year and a half.


And to respond to the earlier, now hidden suggestion that rants in this thread might catch the attention of decision makers inside Sprint, that is probably wishful thinking.


I have a different suggestion.  Support S4GRU through sponsorship, and support S4GRU articles on The Wall through readership and constructive comments.  If eyes inside Sprint follow anything at S4GRU, they read our articles.  And we have some verification of that. 


So, I have already thrown down the gauntlet over the single band LTE Galaxy Note 3 in my even keeled, well researched, lucid article.  Support that instead of non productive rants.





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