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Network Vision/LTE - Milwaukee Market (including Madison)


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Report from Chicago: Overall NV is great. While I wasn't experiencing stellar speeds, pings were always <75ms and typically averaging 50-65ms which gives a much greater perception of speed. Right as the parade was ramping up I got a slight delay in outgoing voice calls but all went through and never dropped. I continued to send/receive txts throughout the parade. I was able to upload pictures to Facebook instantaneously, and got a 10+Mbps speedtest right along the parade route. Crowd estimates were close to 1 million, so I'm very impressed with how well things performed, especially in those circumstances. 


On a side note, does anyone know of a good / reasonably priced to get a GS3 screen replaced?  :wacko: Mine met the sidewalk...


Interesting; I had a much poorer experience on the parade route. On the north side of the route I was being pushed down to 1x, no LTE or 3G showing up anywhere. As I got closer to the Boystown area (by Roscoes) I was able to pick up LTE and it was *decent* speeds. I never ran a speed test, but I was able to load up Foursquare and Facebook after a slight delay.


Overall much better than prior years when I would end up roaming pretty much the entire weekend.


Keep in mind that theg00ds0n was on a GS3, which because of its current PRL can easily move to 800 SMR for voice and text (800 is widely available in Chicago), while you were on an iPhone 5, which for unknown reasons has a PRL which favors 1900 PCS where present.  Thus, he may have spent much of his time on a less cluttered voice/text frequency with better signal strength, while most Sprint subs in the area (including you) would likely have been stuck on 1900, and might see overloaded channels and poorer performance.


This would not affect LTE, but the GS3 also has a very good LTE radio.


Just thinking out loud.

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Interesting; I had a much poorer experience on the parade route. On the north side of the route I was being pushed down to 1x, no LTE or 3G showing up anywhere. As I got closer to the Boystown area (by Roscoes) I was able to pick up LTE and it was *decent* speeds. I never ran a speed test, but I was able to load up Foursquare and Facebook after a slight delay.


Overall much better than prior years when I would end up roaming pretty much the entire weekend.


I wonder if the location was mostly the issue. Is it possible that the GS3 offers a better experience with LTE? I have never heard of issues with the iPhone5 picking up a signal.


***Hmm....looks like it could have been device related.****

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Keep in mind that theg00ds0n was on a GS3, which because of its current PRL can easily move to 800 SMR for voice and text (800 is widely available in Chicago), while you were on an iPhone 5, which for unknown reasons has a PRL which favors 1900 PCS where present.  Thus, he may have spent much of his time on a less cluttered voice/text frequency with better signal strength, while most Sprint subs in the area (including you) would likely have been stuck on 1900, and might see overloaded channels and poorer performance.


This would not affect LTE, but the GS3 also has a very good LTE radio.


Just thinking out loud.



This makes sense; a large percentage of the people were using iOS devices (for whatever reason) so I can see the 1900 PCS frequency being overloaded. When I was on LTE the signal strength was strong and overall the data speeds were acceptable. 

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Here's a 4G update for Southeast Wisconsin:


2 days ago, at about 4am this past Sunday, while I was relaxing at my parents house in Beaver Dam, WI (70 miles northwest of Milwaukee and about halfway [35-minutes] between Madison & Fond du Lac along hwy 151) I picked up my phone and noticed that, according to the icon in my status bar, what has been 3G exclusively since I bought my S4 and switched to Sprint a couple weeks ago is now 4G.


Perhaps they're moving south from the Fond du Lac area...? As far as I can tell, most of Beaver Dam is covered, but I expect that there must be more towers waiting to be activated because I'm only getting 8-10mbits/sec during speed tests. 


I gotta say, I'm really happy to see this update, because I discovered this website & thread not long after I got my S4 and switched FROM Verizon TO Sprint, and everyone saying on here how long Sprint has promised them 4G with no results made me really consider taking my phone back. That, and people were complaining about how slow 3G was, but when I did a speed test and got 2mbits with 3G and my network type was such as to suggest that 4G was coming soon (forgot the network name, people had mentioned if it said this in your network information on your phone that Sprint had done an update to prepare for the switch to 4G) I decided to remain optimistic and play the waiting game. Didn't even have to wait that long! :)


I only swapped to Sprint so I could have an unlimited data plan - I had until then had unlimited data with Verizon as I was grandfathered in, but my contract had just ended and I was tired of paying $110 or more a month when I couldn't even keep unlimited data. So Sprint saves me money and lets me keep an unlimited plan, but if I had to stick with 3G it almost wasn't worth it. Sucks that some of you have been Sprint customers for so long and promised 4G for so long, but it looks like it's finally starting to change. 


However, I've lived in MIlwaukee for 8 years and I'm just out of town for this summer for a couple months, so hopefully when I get back to town a little later this year the 4G network has expanded. 


Does anyone know if Sprint is going to have an LTE network? Is their 4G assumed to be LTE, or is basic 4G all we can expect. Either way, the 8-10mbits/sec I'm getting on 4G now is far better than <2mbits/sec I get on the best days with 3G, but I'm nevertheless curious about the LTE potential. Any ideas?

Edited by iconoclasminaction
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2 days ago, at about 4am this past Sunday, while I was relaxing at my parents house in Beaver Dam, WI (70 miles northwest of Milwaukee and about halfway [35-minutes] between Madison & Fond du Lac along hwy 151) I picked up my phone and noticed that, according to the icon in my status bar, what has been 3G exclusively since I bought my S4 and switched to Sprint a couple weeks ago is now 4G.


Perhaps they're moving south from the Fond du Lac area...? As far as I can tell, most of Beaver Dam is covered, but I expect that there must be more towers waiting to be activated because I'm only getting 8-10mbits/sec during speed tests. 


They are working on and activating each site as soon as all the parts of the puzzle are in place (permits, equipment, crews, backhaul, etc.). Unfortunately, there isn't really any organization to the upgrades, they are simply doing every site as soon as possible. This means that the upgraded areas will be scattered in nature to being with, but it will allow Sprint to upgrade their entire network quicker. 



I only swapped to Sprint so I could have an unlimited data plan - I had until then had unlimited data with Verizon as I was grandfathered in, but my contract had just ended and I was tired of paying $110 or more a month when I couldn't even keep unlimited data. So Sprint saves me money and lets me keep an unlimited plan, but if I had to stick with 3G it almost wasn't worth it. Sucks that some of you have been Sprint customers for so long and promised 4G for so long, but it looks like it's finally starting to change.


Part of the whole "promised 4G but never came" issue was that Clearwire was managing the WiMax rollout, and had planned much wider coverage, but ran out of money and had to stop. That was out of Sprints control, so unfortunately their 4G coverage came to a screeching halt. Add to that the fact that many of Sprints (NOT ALL) CS Representatives are no more educated than the general public, continued to spread rumors that Sprint was supposedly still expanding the WiMax network and it "would be here soon."


Does anyone know if Sprint is going to have an LTE network? Is their 4G assumed to be LTE, or is basic 4G all we can expect. Either way, the 8-10mbits/sec I'm getting on 4G now is far better than <2mbits/sec I get on the best days with 3G, but I'm nevertheless curious about the LTE potential. Any ideas?


What does that even mean? What is basic 4G? 

Yes of course it's LTE! That's what you are connecting to. Sprint is going to revamp their entire network to support LTE.



Also, just noticed this was your first post.  :welcome: to the site! Lots of good information here, so please feel free to ask!

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Here's a 4G update for Southeast Wisconsin:


Does anyone know if Sprint is going to have an LTE network? Is their 4G assumed to be LTE, or is basic 4G all we can expect. Either way, the 8-10mbits/sec I'm getting on 4G now is far better than <2mbits/sec I get on the best days with 3G, but I'm nevertheless curious about the LTE potential. Any ideas?


Short answer: Yes, there will be 4G LTE everywhere there is Sprint coverage.  Sites are popping up nationwide, including about 30 4G LTE sites in the Milwaukee/Madison market so far (many more to come), and many more in the Northern Wisconsin market.


Consider spending $10 or $20 to become an S4GRU Sponsor, which will give you access to maps showing all installed, and many in-progress, Network Vision sites, and also provides access to many in-depth discussions of the markets and technologies.




And welcome to S4GRU: It is a very interesting place right now.


Added: Damn, that Dkoellerwx sure does type faster than I do!!! :blink:

Edited by tommym65
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Looks like a few random new 4G sites turned on in WI but none in the Madison/Milwaukee area, closest being Hustisford.


There's at least 3 sites in Milwaukee now. It is true that, at this point, there are no sites in Madison proper. That should change over the next couple of weeks. 

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So has anyone gone by the 4G completed tower around Estabrook Park in Milwaukee? ML17XC177. It's been marked 4g complete for a couple weeks now and I don't see anything on sensorly near it. It's a little too far out of my way for me to run over there and check it out. Just wondering if it's actually broadcasting or not.

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So has anyone gone by the 4G completed tower around Estabrook Park in Milwaukee? ML17XC177. It's been marked 4g complete for a couple weeks now and I don't see anything on sensorly near it. It's a little too far out of my way for me to run over there and check it out. Just wondering if it's actually broadcasting or not.

I believe I saw someone comment that they could not connect to it. 

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So has anyone gone by the 4G completed tower around Estabrook Park in Milwaukee? ML17XC177. It's been marked 4g complete for a couple weeks now and I don't see anything on sensorly near it. It's a little too far out of my way for me to run over there and check it out. Just wondering if it's actually broadcasting or not.



I believe I saw someone comment that they could not connect to it. 


I drove by earlier in the week on the parkway and couldn't get anything LTE wise.


I might have to take a ride up there later and check it out. I'm only about 3 miles south. 

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I just got a text from Sprint this morning "Milwaukee, we're building you an all-new network! See how this affects your service at http://sprint.us/rnr "


Once you're in there, it eventually brings you to that "upgrades" map where they were doing the band-aid fixes. So it's really not related to network vision, but they're at least telling us that we may experience some issues while the upgrades happen. 


I really have been having some issues over the last week or so. My EV-DO connection has been dropping in and out, it will take like 30 seconds to connect a voice call sometimes. I've never had these issues before. So I'm hoping towers around me are being worked on. (between Waukesha and Greenfield)

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Live right down the street from estabrook, no signal around here. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

I live quite close to that tower too, never gotten LTE off that tower. Once it goes live I'll Sensorly the hell out if it :-D

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I just got a text from Sprint this morning "Milwaukee, we're building you an all-new network! See how this affects your service at http://sprint.us/rnr "


Once you're in there, it eventually brings you to that "upgrades" map where they were doing the band-aid fixes. So it's really not related to network vision, but they're at least telling us that we may experience some issues while the upgrades happen. 


I really have been having some issues over the last week or so. My EV-DO connection has been dropping in and out, it will take like 30 seconds to connect a voice call sometimes. I've never had these issues before. So I'm hoping towers around me are being worked on. (between Waukesha and Greenfield)

Well, I followed the link, and did not see anything for Milwaukee, but they did have Madison, Wi on it.  Of course, it looks like mostly voice upgrades...good thing the data is for hell in Madison....

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I drove threw Waukesha near the air port and picked up the 4G once again. It is a tower near WCTC in peawaukee, WI. It must be in testing cause it only works near the air port and fear down the road on hwy 16.


I was on Northview yesterday near Golden Guernsey and got LTE for a very short time, but signal was bad.  I'm wondering if it's coming from the Hartland tower.  The tower at WCTC doesn't have LTE yet... not sure if they've started working on it yet or not.


Edit: Found some Village of Pewaukee meeting notes from 5/9 talking about antenna replacement and cabinet modifications at the WCTC tower... 6a on page 3: http://www.villageofpewaukeewi.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/PC-Minutes-5-9-13.pdf

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I was on Northview yesterday near Golden Guernsey and got LTE for a very short time, but signal was bad.  I'm wondering if it's coming from the Hartland tower.  The tower at WCTC doesn't have LTE yet... not sure if they've started working on it yet or not.


Edit: Found some Village of Pewaukee meeting notes from 5/9 talking about antenna replacement and cabinet modifications at the WCTC tower... 6a on page 3: http://www.villageofpewaukeewi.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/PC-Minutes-5-9-13.pdf



I tried getting close to the WCTC tower, but it's on the edge of the baseball field and I didn't want to get out of the car and walk past the teams practicing :)

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So I work in the Airport Rd business park in Waukesha, right to the South of the Waukesha airport. As of right now I am getting EV-DOa instead of ehrpd. I'm hoping the switch means they are working on the towers around here.... Can anyone else in the Milwaukee area tell me if they're on ehrpd or EV-DOa? I'm interested to see if it's a market-wide thing or just local to this area....

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