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Network Vision/LTE - New York City Market


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This is with my HTC one max. But the messed up part is that I have lost connection to voice and SMS completely yesterday bit was sporadic now no connection at all. I called this morning and there is tower work being done but I moved to a different service site. Still only received data. Had to download Vonage to make a VoIP call.


On the metro north and after a profile update. Back to voice and SMS now.

looks like sprint is finally addressing all the eCSFB issues, my N5 is holding LTE beautifully! The hand offs are absolutely seamless! This could be the reason. Also the load balancing is awesome! Speeds have been amazing all morning.
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back home from a slow day of work. I picked up a new to me band 25 site from my room. Unable to pick up The Band 41 tower from early this morning. But all call and sms phone issues seem to be worked out!

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Ever since I moved to my new apartment in November last year I never got LTE there. Not even on my GS3. But ever since yesterday my N5 has been holding all LTE bands amazingly. Mostly B41 and all the way up to 130dbms, crazy! When I go into my bathroom I get 1x800 almost every time.

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Guess who connected to Band 41 today! I pulled my phone out in an area where I usually have a -85dbm PCS signal and saw my signal was -110. When I checked SignalCheck, sure enough! I got 15Mbps at that signal strength.

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Sprint has done some provisioning in my area or the network management (throttle) policy just kicked into highh gear because I just pulled 26Mbps down and 7 Mbps up from my home tower on an -87 signal. Previously, I'd be lucky to get 8Mbps from the same tower.

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Sprint has done some provisioning in my area or the network management (throttle) policy just kicked into highh gear because I just pulled 26Mbps down and 7 Mbps up from my home tower on an -87 signal. Previously, I'd be lucky to get 8Mbps from the same tower.

That is awesome. If that is what network management does, I'm all for it 100%



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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On Band 25 in my school, I'm pulling 16Mbps with a -106dbm signal, on Band 26 I'm getting 24Mbps with a -94dbm. Sprint has been on a roll recently!

And yet, the most recent stats say sprint has the slowest LTE nationwide. It may not be the fastest, but it's not as slow as the article makes it week.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Wow seems NYC has great band 41 coverage! Are you seeing band 41 all over the 5 boroughs? What's the highest speed you encountered?

I get it in Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and of course Manhattan, I have yet to try it in Staten island or Long island. Fastest ive hit is 81mb sec burst, and settled at 75mb/sec.

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Sprint has passed AT&T on NetIndex in NYC. That is pretty remarkable considering 4 months ago Sprint was in last place by a very large margin.

Whoa.....Netindex. Great, now I have another thing to obsess about.

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Was able to finally pick back up the band 41 tower in my room. It doesn't appear to be optimized as ping is high and throughput is low. This is sitting stationary by my window where I can get 90-92 dBm. In hand it goes up to 115 dBm. Makes it hard to attain keep the signal sadly. Not sure either where this site is broadcasting from. 



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What does that exactly mean? Pardon my ignorance lol

Its speedtest.net ISP rankings site, looks like sprint overtook ATT in the island of manhattan, I expect the rest of the boroughs to follow suite soon enough.



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Anyone else on a framily plan notice speed caps on Netflix I think I'm being throttled to 1mb over LTE. Turn WiFi audio syncs up and clear picture. Was testing band 26 and 41 to compare and both exhitibed same behavior 

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Anyone else on a framily plan notice speed caps on Netflix I think I'm being throttled to 1mb over LTE. Turn WiFi audio syncs up and clear picture. Was testing band 26 and 41 to compare and both exhitibed same behavior

What time of the day was this and were you in a crowed area? Also what is your data usage so far this month? Isn't it supposed to be an if needed throttle for video streaming?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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What time of the day was this and were you in a crowed area? Also what is your data usage so far this month? Isn't it supposed to be an if needed throttle for video streaming?


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

An hour ago. So 10 or so... Yes I've read that and never experienced it till now. So was a Lil surprised.

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An hour ago. So 10 or so... Yes I've read that and never experienced it till now. So was a Lil surprised.


Sprint does say it will throttle video streams to 1Mbps if the network requires it. How that is determined I don't know.

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I think I may be on some 8T8R equipment or a new Band 41 site just went live. I'm in front of my school with a -86 dbm signal on Band 41 and speeds of 30 down and near 20 up. What's crazy is that the network penetration and such is equal to Band 25.

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I think I may be on some 8T8R equipment or a new Band 41 site just went live. I'm in front of my school with a -86 dbm signal on Band 41 and speeds of 30 down and near 20 up. What's crazy is that the network penetration and such is equal to Band 25.

Every day you report something new, including your amazing signals inside on b41 and great speeds and I just get more and more jealous lol. 

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Here in the Bronx B41 is almost every where I go. I work outdoors and it seems that every time I check im on B41. Its about 80% of the time. And every time I catch B25 it doesn't seem to hold for long before it hands over to B41. B26 seems to be a work in progress, whenever I see it I get the "no calls" message before knocking me down to 3G.

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