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Google announces Project Fi: Partners with Sprint and T-Mobile for Network Access (previous title: Google to start it's own Wireless Service; using T-Mobile/Sprint for it's Network Footprint.)


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They are on the verge of making me switch but I love my Unlimited data do much.


Same here, my family (5 lines) runs through ~35 GB a month.  I use about 7-8 of that myself.  Fi wouldn't be cheaper, BUT for places like Western Wisconsin, Fi would be a choice finally. 

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Don't you still have access to USCC (3G/LTE) via Sprint? Or is it just 1x only for talk/text?


Fi is expensive though.  It is only good if you use less than 1GB of data.  If you use ~1GB or a little more and want coverage, might as well jump on Cricket or something.

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Don't you still have access to USCC (3G/LTE) via Sprint? Or is it just 1x only for talk/text?


Fi is expensive though. It is only good if you use less than 1GB of data. If you use ~1GB or a little more and want coverage, might as well jump on Cricket or something.

Sprint has access to USCC but there is a roaming cap of 100 or 300mb based on your plan.

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Don't you still have access to USCC (3G/LTE) via Sprint? Or is it just 1x only for talk/text?


Fi is expensive though.  It is only good if you use less than 1GB of data.  If you use ~1GB or a little more and want coverage, might as well jump on Cricket or something.


Supposedly EV-DO roaming was available, but it never worked on my S5 or my wife's Moto X.  I only ever got 1X; executive support was never able to track down why.  My G5 supposedly supports LTE roaming; we'll find out next time I'm home.  But, as noted, 100MB cap.


Fi would represent a huge savings for me.  I've got a 4GB plan split 3 ways right now, and have never gone over.  $111 for that, not counting phone costs.  Jumping to Fi would drop it to $90, and I would have no roaming cap on US Cellular.


And I'm a Sprint customer because of US Cellular roaming.  AT&T/Cricket has no service where I need it.


- Trip

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Supposedly EV-DO roaming was available, but it never worked on my S5 or my wife's Moto X. I only ever got 1X; executive support was never able to track down why. My G5 supposedly supports LTE roaming; we'll find out next time I'm home. But, as noted, 100MB cap.


And I'm a Sprint customer because of US Cellular roaming. AT&T/Cricket has no service where I need it.


- Trip

Well, I was meaning Project Fi having access to USCC roaming through Sprint.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Took two different 10 day trips to Europe over the past month, and the international service provided by Project Fi is phenomenal.


First trip (September) I visited Munich, Salzburg, Budapest and Prague. Each of these cities I immediately connected to HSPA or HSPA+ and speeds were more than sufficient. .20 cent phone calls (when on cellular), unlimited texting, and data at the continued $10/gig. Also, free hotspot use so that my friend could use data. The only snag occurred in Budapest when it took a few reboots to finally register my phone on the network, but from then on, it was smooth sailing. On this trip, total data usage was about 4.7 gigs (due to sharing data with my friend), which is above my normal 3 gig plan, but no overages, I just continued to pay $10/gig. 


Second trip (this past week) I visited London, Ireland (western areas) and Paris. In London and Ireland I was connected to Three (which Project Fi recently added to their network as full native coverage) and was on LTE (labeled as 4G on my signal bar) in London and HSPA/HSPA+ in Ireland.  Coverage was great in London, and generally good in Ireland (some spotty coverage due to the rural areas I was sometimes in). In Paris, I was connected to HSPA/HSPA+ and switched between the Orange and Bouygues Telecom networks, whichever was strongest at any given time. My data is currently at 2.93 gigs and I have two days left on my billing month, so looks like I'll be on target with the 3 gig plan.


Overall, great international experience with no exorbitant fees. It was so nice to turn my phone off of airplane mode and immediately have normal cell service just like in the US (or in the case of the Eurostar, come out of the tunnel into France and have service). I was able to text friends/family back in the states and they were able to text me like normal. I never did a speed test, but speeds were more than fast enough (seemed like normal LTE speeds like here in the states). Great job Google/Project Fi! Happy customer every since I joined from Sprint last October!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So this is weird.  I am latching onto Verizon 3G with Google Fi on my Pixel.


It's not the most consistent experience but it actually works.  I did a speedtest, got standard EVDO speeds.  What's weird is that there are places where Verizon has coverage and it just turns to no signal and other places where it just runs on Verizon.  I dont really get it.


I've been driving around parts of upstate new york where Sprint/T-Mobile/USC have zero coverage.

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Sprint and US Cellular both use Verizon roaming, so it may be related to that.  I wonder if Verizon roaming is turned on for one carrier and not the other, which could explain why you're seeing it inconsistently.


- Trip

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So this is weird. I am latching onto Verizon 3G with Google Fi on my Pixel.


It's not the most consistent experience but it actually works. I did a speedtest, got standard EVDO speeds. What's weird is that there are places where Verizon has coverage and it just turns to no signal and other places where it just runs on Verizon. I dont really get it.


I've been driving around parts of upstate new york where Sprint/T-Mobile/USC have zero coverage.

Roaming on VZW's 3G network has been weird and inconsistent for many Sprint users as well. No one seems to really know what's up with it working sometimes, failing to activate sometimes, failing to even pick up signal sometimes etc.

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So this is weird.  I am latching onto Verizon 3G with Google Fi on my Pixel.


It's not the most consistent experience but it actually works.  I did a speedtest, got standard EVDO speeds.  What's weird is that there are places where Verizon has coverage and it just turns to no signal and other places where it just runs on Verizon.  I dont really get it.


I've been driving around parts of upstate new york where Sprint/T-Mobile/USC have zero coverage.


I roam on Verizon 1x and EVDO all over Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota when I leave ALL other service.  When there is no T-Mobile, no Sprint, no USCC, no regional partner, etc.  Then it latches on to VZW.  However, 1x can be phone only, no usable data.  And EVDO is hit or miss.  VZW EVDO is so overloaded in many places that it can be worthless.



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I roam on Verizon 1x and EVDO all over Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota when I leave ALL other service. When there is no T-Mobile, no Sprint, no USCC, no regional partner, etc. Then it latches on to VZW. However, 1x can be phone only, no usable data. And EVDO is hit or miss. VZW EVDO is so overloaded in many places that it can be worthless.



Ya I agree I'm having the same problem in Los Angeles



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So what happens to Google Fi if Sprint merges with T Mobile?

Better question is what happens with Google and Sprint now that Fi wants to toy with VoLTE. Very unlikely Sprint jumps on VoLTE anytime soon. They could be missing out on potential revenue, depending on where Google intends to take this.
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Better question is what happens with Google and Sprint now that Fi wants to toy with VoLTE. Very unlikely Sprint jumps on VoLTE anytime soon. They could be missing out on potential revenue, depending on where Google intends to take this.

Seems like the technical hurdles could be ironed out. It's already pretty hard to force a handoff between carriers from everything I've read. Though I guess if Fi decides to just dump CDMA then that's something to consider, too. Don't know how likely that might be.


My thoughts were more on the bargaining position or contract negotiations between Fi and a combined Sprint and T-Mobile. I suppose it's possible that this new 'conglomerate' doesn't entertain the idea of leasing bandwidth like that to someone like Google. But who knows. There's probably already something in the current contract that addresses these kinds of issues.


I don't know. Just thinking out loud.

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