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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I see this deal essentially the same as other "free" promotions like getting free HBO for a year when signing up for cable. Just because it doesn't last doesn't mean it's not good. That's money subscribers save, and if they are smart about their device they aren't locked into any service agreement either. It's a way to get people to try the service, if they are happy with it after a year and see the value they will keep paying for it. If they don't they can move on or cancel.


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You might be right about this, though it seems Sprint mostly does these type of deals, leaving out existing customers. I know whenever one is announced, following the notice that its only for new customers, at least a few people here comment in disappointment about it. If anything is guaranteed, no one could say S4GRU's Sprint customers are not among the most loyal of them, as people here with Sprint have shown tremendous loyalty and dedication towards Sprint, and if they feel let down by not be included, well at least in hopes that Sprint does come up with something for existing customers.

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That they are but not using desperate measures which this one reeks of.

Oh, so putting out a plan that is cheaper than everyone else is desperate. And if they put out a plan that's "not desperate", im sure you wont have anything positive to say either.


Cant win with you haters! im glad Sprint is running this aggressive promotion.

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Hey guys. If you want to try Tidal, I saw in the Reddit forum that there is a 180 day trial. You'll have to go the redeem voucher section and put in the code Sprint.



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Oh, so putting out a plan that is cheaper than everyone else is desperate. And if they put out a plan that's "not desperate", im sure you wont have anything positive to say either.


Cant win with you haters! im glad Sprint is running this aggressive promotion.


So am I but I am seeing it as a series of moves trending towards what I think is an end game.

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So am I but I am seeing it as a series of moves trending towards what I think is an end game.

i would agree with you if this was 2 years ago, but things have changed. A company with growing subsribers and improved liquidity would not seek any interest in an "end game".


But I will let your limited knowledge determine your reality.

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i would agree with you if this was 2 years ago, but things have changed. A company with growing subsribers and improved liquidity would not seek any interest in an "end game".


But I will let your limited knowledge determine your reality.

There is no right or wrong answer to the argument.


But I would love to know how successful the "Cut Your Bill In Half" promotion has been after the promotional discount offer ends on subscribers. How many stayed after their prices go up?

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I would love a link for this.

To reddit? If so it was just a regular post but I did go and try it and it worked. I tried to search for a press release about it but didn't find anything. So how they got that promo link idk.


Here's my screenshot of my account. I signed up with the voucher but it didn't ask for a CC but music still plays. 06f327613bea4a32efb7504320f8fc7d.jpg



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There is no right or wrong answer to the argument.


But I would love to know how successful the "Cut Your Bill In Half" promotion has been after the promotional discount offer ends on subscribers. How many stayed after their prices go up?

There is a right or wrong answer. You just have to know where to look.


All you have to do is look at the churn rate in the past 2 years. Spoiler alert: it is significantly lower than 2 years ago.

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Its a bad deal for essentially that it doesn't last, rauses the rates substantially once expired, puts those who chose it in a difficult situation at that time if the price hike isn't worth it to them, let alone once again, Sprint isn't offering another promo to existing customers.


The other carriers have promos that not only are for new and existing customers, they get to keep the same rate so long as they don't switch out of the promo. If Sprint had done this, then it would have been a great deal, imo, even if Sprint kept it at non-premium, although I think it would have been a nice added perk to it anyways.




These 12 month month promos aren't creating customer loyalty.  I still regret not jumping to sprint back when they had the promo that permanently waived line fees on the large data buckets. I seem to recall I could have brought all 4 lines back on a 40GB shared bucket for like $120.   As long as the competition continues to offer buyout costs, 12 month promos just entice the customer to jump carriers rather than face a $100 price increase.   And regardless of the permanent rate being comparable to tmobile's rate plans, we're not apples to apples since Tmobile now includes taxes and fees in the rate.  

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These 12 month month promos aren't creating customer loyalty. I still regret not jumping to sprint back when they had the promo that permanently waived line fees on the large data buckets. I seem to recall I could have brought all 4 lines back on a 40GB shared bucket for like $120. As long as the competition continues to offer buyout costs, 12 month promos just entice the customer to jump carriers rather than face a $100 price increase. And regardless of the permanent rate being comparable to tmobile's rate plans, we're not apples to apples since Tmobile now includes taxes and fees in the rate.

I got the 4 lines with 40 GB for $120 promotion after switching from ED 1500...with my employee discount I pay $96 a month [emoji3]



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These 12 month month promos aren't creating customer loyalty.  I still regret not jumping to sprint back when they had the promo that permanently waived line fees on the large data buckets. I seem to recall I could have brought all 4 lines back on a 40GB shared bucket for like $120.   As long as the competition continues to offer buyout costs, 12 month promos just entice the customer to jump carriers rather than face a $100 price increase.   And regardless of the permanent rate being comparable to tmobile's rate plans, we're not apples to apples since Tmobile now includes taxes and fees in the rate.  


The 40gb for $120 promotion is what Sprint really ought to be offering right now. Just because T-Mobile decides to have a bad unlimited deal and make it "The One Plan", doesn't mean all carriers, or any other carriers need to follow. I like unlimited, given its priced right and offers a good deal, but certainly not under terms such as speed caps on audio/video, forcing customers to log in every day to get good quality video streaming, etc. In many ways, having a data-capped plan is better than a with limits unlimited plan.


Looking back at the 40gb promo though, that is an excellent deal, figuring in 40gb into $120 as only $3 per gb, along with unlimited calling, texting, etc., with no speed caps at all. Again, I only support speed caps when they are equal to all activity, priced correctly, otherwise no. The other issue being that the data-cap promotional pricing is more difficult for Sprint to try passing off as for new customers only. Hence likely why Sprint decided on the 50% off deal for so long. Hopefully Sprint will reverse course and go back to offering good promo deals for all customers again.

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Does sprint usually increase the power level of band 26 if a customer reports through the sprint zone app?  I reported it in december to see if anything would happen and for the past week or two i can actually hold (heck, i can even touch it now) my phone while in my house and hold on to LTE (for the most part).  I also receive band 26 in spots in the house that i did not before.


It has been cold enough lately where the air hurts my face when i go outside so I sort of wonder if that is the cause but does warm versus cold air effect cell signal that much?

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Omg you beat me to it. Man oh man T-Mobile and Sprint better bing their A game. This really interest me since my service has gotten bad in my home.



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Omg you beat me to it. Man oh man T-Mobile and Sprint better bing their A game. This really interest me since my service has gotten bad in my home.

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Agreed. We'll see what the final pricing table is for this when it launches tomorrow.


My initial thoughts:


Sprint had better keep offering those Loyalty Credits for existing customers or there could be increased churn this quarter.


Pricing for Unlimited Freedom needs to be revised. $20/month upgrade to Unlimited Freedom Premium for HD Video/Music/Gaming is a bit of a tougher sell now with Verizon's plan pricing.

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Dang I wish the iPhone 8 was coming out soon so I can go ahead and switch. If it does come out in September then hopefully Sprint shows drastic improvement (densified network and VoLTE) otherwise I'm switching to Vzw.


I always wanted to switch but I never did because they didn't have unlimited.

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Agreed. We'll see what the final pricing table is for this when it launches tomorrow.


My initial thoughts:


Sprint had better keep offering those Loyalty Credits for existing customers or there could be increased churn this quarter.


Pricing for Unlimited Freedom needs to be revised. $20/month upgrade to Unlimited Freedom Premium for HD Video/Music/Gaming is a bit of a tougher sell now with Verizon's plan pricing.

For the outside it is a great deal. This week you'll have new promo plans from Sprint and for sure T-Mobile. I think T-Mobile is shitting their pants the most. They started all of this.



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For the outside it is a great deal. This week you'll have new promo plans from Sprint and for sure T-Mobile. I think T-Mobile is shitting their pants the most. They started all of this.

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Sprint has to take care of its current customers by offering the promo pricing to them. Loyalty Credits only go so far.


This is a major shock to the system, no doubt.

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Abandon ship. Que the violins.

I'm glad to see this competition. Sprint is still in an excellent spectrum position.


However, Marcelo needs to have SoftBank start kicking in major funding for CapEx to accelerate network deployment. This is going to be an interesting few weeks to see what Sprint does.

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Sprint has to take care of its current customers by offering the promo pricing to them. Loyalty Credits only go so far.


This is a major shock to the system, no doubt.

At this point it's important. I think we will hear something tomorrow.


Wait...did Verizon get a new CEO a little ago?



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